Smoking hot ABC reporter Matt Gutman suspended

[quote] Lmao so now gays aren't discriminated against. Fuck, I wish you bitches would just go back to LSA, or that Muriel would finally wake the fuck up and handle y'all. It's exhausting dealing with the endless homophobia.

[quote] R339 You got it right with the Iran comparison, it tends to be "there are no black gays".

[quote] I am so fucking sick of the homophobic straight black people flocking to this site.

[quote] Anybody that brings up racial shit in relation to Pete at this point is basically screaming "I'm a homophobe and I'm going to use black people as an excuse to talk about how shitty it would be to have a gay president".

[quote] Black people are homophobes, white people are racist, rinse and repeat. Americans are so fucking boring and childish, our behavior since 2015 has finally made me realize why we're the laughing stock of the world.

[quote] If you wanna be homophobic ghetto trash, be homophobic ghetto trash, it's your prerogative. But don't do it on a gay website, please, it's like handing out pamphlets on Nazism during a Shabbat service.

[quote] R412 And y'all wonder why white gays don't like black people.

[quote] Of course they are. The same thing happened to female journalists were speaking out against R. Kelly all the way up until the documentary series made it cool to think he's a rapist. The race card prevents celebrity rapists and abusers from answering for their crimes until at best the eleventh hour. For further reading see O.J. Simpson.

[quote] R62 I don't agree with that but it is kind of hypocritical for them to complain about being discriminated against only to turn around and say we're all diseased faggots who deserve to burn in hell. It's the pot calling the kettle black, pun intended.

[quote] R64 They weren't being homophobic, they were agreeing that Kobe is a homophobic rapist. Don't tackle your teammates.

[quote] R67 Completely. Let me guess, you're going to say that racism and homophobia aren't comparable and that blacks people have it worse than gays and therefore their homophobia is justified. It's the same tired, old, homophobic argument whose only leg to stand on is the claim that white gay men deserve to be violently assaulted for being gay just because they're white.

[quote] Being black does not excuse your homophobia. Being gay does not excuse your racism. Minorities can discriminate against other minorities. Being oppressed does not mean you get a free pass to be a bigot. This goes for both sides.

[quote] Ugh, can't you all just shut up? Stop being homophobic, stop being racist, and stop making both gay people and black people look like uneducated crazy people. Foaming at the mouth isn't a great look on any of you, girls.

[quote] R93 Because, sweetie, screaming the n-word back at people who are screaming the f-word at us makes us no better than them. Gay men should have higher standards for our behavior than the insane and homophobic ghetto people. Normally I don't advocate for being the bigger man, but this is a time where we're not helping our case by fighting fire with fire... or bigotry with bigotry, in this case.

[quote] R98 White people do have a better track record as far as gay rights goes than black people, but all the Stonewall in the world isn't going to convince me that we should be flinging racist insults in response to having homophobic insults flung at us. If you somebody is screaming at you and you don't respond it makes the screamer look crazy. If you both scream back at each other then it makes both of you look crazy.

[quote] Reporters and Activists Are Being Harassed for Saying Kobe Bryant Was Credibly Accused of Rape I doubt Kobe would be defended and protected like this if he wasn't a black athlete.

Idiotic, bitter nasty cunt or psychotic break?
