Addison Lawhorn Obituary and Funeral, Wake Forest High School Student

Unexpectedly and prematurely, Addison Lawhorn passed away, leaving friends, relatives, and the entire community grieving and in shock.

Well, unfortunately, we do not have any reliable information on his cause of death at this moment. There is no official release from his family on what exactly led to his death.
Our team is trying hard to get some information on his cause of death. Once we do, we will share it with you.

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The funeral will be place at Rolesville Baptist Church on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 11 a.m. The Harris Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery will then host the burial.

The family will be available for visits with friends on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Bright Funeral Home & Cremation Center, 405 S. Main St., Wake Forest, NC 27587. (919-556-5811)

When more details are available, a comprehensive obituary will be posted.

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