Who Is Emergency NYC Kristina McKoy? Where Is She Today?

Kristina McKoy has been saving lives for years as a paramedic. But now, she’ll be doing so while cameras are following her around to film Netflix’s Emergency: NYC.

This Kristina McKoy Bio explores her life.

Meet Kristina McKoy, Paramedic On Netflix’s Emergency: NYC

Paramedics and EMTs are the first responders during a medical emergency. So, everyone knows exactly how crucial their jobs are to avoid tragedies. But have you ever seen them work closely and know about the complications they face? This was exactly why Netflix’s Emergency: NYC was born. The show follows trauma doctors and first responders including paramedic Kristina McKoy as they care for patients with life-threatening conditions

“It’s important for the world to get an inside look at some of our toughest pediatric cases — especially the treatment of gun violence victims — that we as physicians see too often,” pediatric surgery director Dr. Jose Prince said. “This docuseries serves as an important window into this growing health care crisis in our country, but more importantly shows the amazing work health care workers are doing every day in New York City to save the lives of our children.” 

Emergency: NYC captures the first responders as they transport, care for, and operate on patients across Manhattan, Queens, and Long Island. It accurately depicts the heroism of the healthcare workers as they selflessly handle the challenges of their professions while managing their own personal struggles.

In addition to Kristina, the show featured medical workers such as Dr. Mirtha Macri, Dr. David Langer, Dr. John Boockvar,  Dr. Jose Prince, flight nurse Mackenzie Labonte, EMT Vicky Ulloa, trauma transport nurse Donald Darby, neurosurgery vice chair Dr. John Boockvar, paramedic Kristina McKoy, hospital chaplain Mark Daniels, ER physician Dr. Mirtha Macri, transplant surgeon Dr. Elliot Grodstein, transplant surgeon Dr. Ahmed Fahmy, pediatric trauma surgeon Dr. Chethan Sathya and transplant surgeon Dr. Lewis Teperman.

Where Is Kristina McKoy Today?

Today, as of 2023, Kristina McKoy still works as a paramedic at Northwell’s Center for Emergency Medical Services. This also means that she often frequents places like North Shore University Hospital, Cohen Children’s Medical Center, and Lenox Hill Hospital.

However, despite her years of work, Kristina still hasn’t gotten used to the deaths. Infact, post the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health of Kristina and her fellow workers has only worsened.

But despite the hardships, Kristina soldiers on and is determined to help as many people as possible. “Being there for people while they are at their most vulnerable is the most rewarding part of this job,” Kristina said. “Sometimes all it takes is putting your hand on their shoulder and telling them it’s going to be okay. I’m here for you. You’re not alone and that’s what makes me get up and do this job every day.”

Recalling one her of memorable jobs, Kristina said, “A woman was in labor in her home. She was getting ready to push and she needed us there at that moment because we couldn’t make it to the hospital. Comforting her, delivering her, holding her baby, and helping the family cut the umbilical cord is very memorable and emotional to me.”

Now, for those of you confused, Kristina’s a paramedic. Not an EMT. Meaning, her job is to make preparations based on what the patient needs and provide them as soon as the EMT is done with the initial steps to stabilize them. “The EMT crew would perform CPR and ventilations while the paramedic crew would prepare the more advanced treatment like medications, intubation, etc.,” Kristina explained.

The last we checked, Kristina, as a paramedic, reportedly made around $56 thousand per annum.

Kristina McKoy Age

Kristina McKoy was 33 years of age when she appeared on Emergency: NYC in 2023.

Did you know: Emergency: NYC was Kristina’s first time on TV.

Kristina McKoy Family

Kristina McKoy comes from a family of at least five.

Her father, Alrick Mckoy is originally from Ewarton, Jamaica. After graduating from Ewarton High School, he then moved to the US to live the American dream. Now, as of 2023, he’s 61 years old and lives in  New York, New York.

As for her siblings, one of Kristina’s sisters is named Kim. She received her birthday wishes on October 4.

Besides them, Kristina seemed on good terms with her uncle Richard Powe. He lived in  Kingston, Jamaica, and is an Edna Manley College and Jamaica College graduate.

Is Kristina McKoy Married?

Kristina McKoy didn’t reveal her relationship status. So, we don’t know if she has a husband, boyfriend, or no one waiting for her at home when she’s out helping people.

Related FAQs

  • When Is Kristina McKoy Birthday?

Kristina receives her birthday wishes on November 30 and is of the Sagittarius zodiac.

  • Where Does Kristina McKoy Reside?

Kristina didn’t reveal her hometown. But in 2023, she resided in Elmont, NY.

  • Is Kristina McKoy On Instagram And Facebook?

As of April 2023, find Kristina on Instagram @prettiekrissie with 416 followers.
