After you finish the first River Raid attack in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, you receive several quests where you can earn legendary pieces of armor. There are two River Raiding locations for you to attack, the River Exe and River Severn. Both of them have two pieces of Saint George’s legendary armor. These armor pieces are hidden in each region. The River Exe features Saint George’s shield and …
The armor pieces are kept at larger military outposts. You can expect heavy resistance, and you won’t find them at small camps.
Location 1 – Saint George’s sheld
The first armor location in the River Exe features Saint George’s shield. We found it inside the Western Fortification. We had to fight our way up to the top of the fortifications and opened the chest. You won’t find it at the same location as we did, so we’re providing the site. We recommend you use your Odin’s vision to find it.

Location 2 – Saint George’s Cape
The second location on the River Exe, you can find Saint George’s cape. This one will also be at one of the military encampments, and it’s on the opposite side of the river. You have to go to the Eastern Fortifications location and raid that area. It will be in one of the large chests there, but the location is not static. It will be in a different spawn at that site.

You can find the other armor pieces in the River Severn.
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Zack Palm
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