Moments From America's Next Top Model No One Will Forget

Not to be confused with the Cycle 6 contestant who took home the winning title, Dani Evans, this particular situation revolves around the Dani from Spring, Texas, who didn't make it to that cycle's final 13.

Dani instantly made an impression on the other girls with her personal views. While sitting in the car with other aspiring models, Dani said when she auditioned for the show, there were "95% Black girls," explaining she "didn't realize it was going to be like that." Her comments definitely rubbed the others the wrong way, resulting in Furonda Brasfield asking what her point was. During her audition tape, Dani stated she was the most "uber-conservative republican, hardcore baptist you can ever imagine." She boldly announced she didn't like gay people, Muslims, abortions, or "anything liberal." "Other than that, I really like to get along with people," Dani claimed.

After continuously rubbing the contestants the wrong way, Dani told Tyra Banks, Jay Manuel, and Jay Alexander that what she said in her tape was to get their attention. Dani boldly told both Manuel and Alexander that she didn't agree with their lifestyles, resulting in Banks telling her the industry she wanted to participate in went against everything she believed in.
