Steven Firtel Obituary, Death Cause – Steven M. Firtel, who is also the principal and co-managing partner of Oro Capital Advisors, is the person in charge of the venture capital firm. Mr. Firtel has a plethora of experience in the acquisition, repositioning, and operation of commercial assets, and he has done so in a wide variety of different fields. Retail, commercial, industrial, and multi-family properties with value-added features are all included in this category of properties. Mr. Firtel joined the Oro Capital Advisors team in the fall of 2012, while the company was in its early stages of expansion.
At the moment, he is in charge of the teams responsible for purchase, stabilization, and renovation. In addition, he is responsible for monitoring the day-to-day management and operations of the properties. Mr. Firtel began his career by working for a private equity firm that was associated with Hughes Research Lab. This was the beginning of his professional life. He worked closely with researchers on the process of commercializing their technologies while he was serving in this role. At that point in time, Mr. Firtel became a member of the Bomel Companies team, serving as both the Managing Director and Corporate Counsel.
As part of his responsibilities in this position, he was in charge of managing and administering the commercial real estate portfolio of the company, which had a value approaching more than $500 million. While Mr. Firtel was working with Bomel, he gained knowledge in the operation, entitlement, “greening,” and refurbishment of commercial premises, with a particular emphasis on historic projects. He also gained skills in the field of property management.
In addition to being a Green Associate with the United States Green Building Council and having been awarded a license to practice law by the state of California, he is now serving on a number of boards and volunteering for a wide variety of charitable organizations. It is in the metropolitan area of Los Angeles that Mr. Firtel, his wife, and their two children all make their home.