I-580 Party Bus Shooting Leaves Two Dead, Several Wounded in Oakland |

A 21st birthday celebration came to a tragic end early Tuesday on an Oakland freeway when a gunman targeted a party bus, riddling it with bullets, leaving two people dead and several celebrants wounded.

The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office said one shooting victim had died at the scene and another died at Highland Hospital in Oakland where other wounded passengers were taken.

California Highway Patrol spokesman Officer Art Montiel said the attack was not random, but did not release a description of the shooter’s vehicle. The motive behind the attack was under investigation and the suspect or suspects in the shooting remained at large.

Authorities said the shooting took place at 12:19 a.m. on Interstate 580 at Seminary Avenue, west of the Highway 13 junction. The bus was reportedly returning to Oakland from San Francisco when the initial shooting occurred.

Oakland Police confirmed that there was a second crime scene being investigated at 67th and Foothill Boulevard where the gunman in the pursuing vehicle opened fire again.

The bus driver, who was apparently not injured, raced from the scene, seeking safe shelter and medical help at the Oakland police substation located at the former Eastmont mall.

People who stopped by to see the crime scene said the driver’s quick thinking likely saved lives.

“So the fact that he was able to keep his wits about him I, I applaud him,” said Oakland resident Joseph Stegner.

When asked what would have happened if he hadn’t gone to the police station Oakland resident Maria Brown said, “Lord knows. Lord knows I pray for the families of everybody that was killed, and those that were not killed. I just pray to God to bring them through. Just having a little party and somebody kills somebody and shoot up the bus like that? I just pray to God that they find a killer.”

The bus stood parked Monday morning in the police lot. At least 24 bullets holes were visible on its rear door. Another 12 or so were along its side and the windows shot out bearing witness to the ferocity of the attack.

A body was loaded into a coroner’s van, possibly a young woman from Stockton. A family member said she was a mother of a 3-year-old child.

Other family members stood nearby, awaiting word on their loved ones. The father of one of the wounded women told reporters those on the bus were celebrating his daughter’s 21st birthday.

The investigation shut down lanes on I-580 until nearly 3 a.m. as CHP officers searched for clues.

The party bus deaths were the 52nd and 53rd homicides of the year in Oakland, which had totaled 24 homicides at this same time last year.

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the CHP’s investigative tip line at (707) 917-4491.

(CBS News)
