Who is Jason David Franks son Jacob Frank? Wiki, age, Power Rangers, IMDb, movies, Instagram

Jason David Frank (September 4, 1973 – November 19, 2022) was an American actor and mixedmartialartist.

As an actor, he was known for his role as TommyOliver in MightyMorphinPowerRangers and other PowerRangers shows.

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Power Rangers

Frank was cast in the role of TommyOliver, the Green Ranger. The role was set for 14 episodes. Due to the pop­u­lar­ity of the char­ac­ter, he was brought back as the White Ranger and the new leader of the team.

Frank was sup­posed to be the lead char­ac­ter, Adam Steele, in VRTroop­ers (orig­i­nally called “Cy­bertron”) and shot a pilot episode be­fore being called back to PowerRangers. Ac­cord­ing to both Frank and BradHawkins, Hawkins’ char­ac­ter was to re­place Tommy Oliver orig­i­nally as the White Ranger on Power Rangers.

How­ever, due to Tommy Oliver’s pop­u­lar­ity with Ranger fans, Frank was brought back, with Tommy Oliver be­com­ing the White Ranger. Hawkins would take over on VR Troopers. The char­ac­ter Adam Steele was re­named Ryan Steele.

After three sea­sons, Mighty Mor­phin Power Rangers tran­si­tioned into PowerRangersZeo. The tran­si­tion is part of the an­nual Ranger suit change to match the an­nual change of the SuperSen­tai se­ries. Frank’s char­ac­ter be­came the Red Zeo Ranger (also called Zeo Ranger V).

Who is Jason David Frank’s son Jacob Frank?

Jason David Frank has four children. Jenna, Jacob, Skye, and Hunter are the children of Jason David Frank.

Jason David married Shawna Frank in 1994 but they divorced in 2001. They had three children together; Skye, Hunter, and Jacob.

He later married Tammie Frank in 2003. Their union is blessed with a child called Jenna Frank.

Jason David Frank’s Age

Frank died in Texas on November 19, 2022, at 49.


Jason David Frank (@jdfffn) Instagram photos

Source: Ghanafuo.com
