'Heart-throb' pilot Dominic James hailed a hero after dramatic plane landing in shark-infested water



Hero: Dominic James is already listed one of Australia's most eligible bachelors

Dominic James strikes a pose for a photoshoot.  Earlier this year he was listed as one of Australia's top 50 bachelors by a woman's magazine

A pilot is being hailed a hero after performing a landing in shark-infested waters and saving a critically-ill woman and four others on board his plane.

Dominic James' dramatic landing took place in the waters off Norfolk Island, 1,000 miles north-east of Sydney in the Pacific Ocean.

It is being likened to the 'Miracle of the Hudson' when Captain Chesley Sullenberger carried out an emergency ditching of his jet on New York's Hudson River earlier this year.

But the landing of the Westwind jet performed by Dominic was in the dark and into a rough sea prowled by man-eating sharks.

Only three passengers had time to put their life jackets on while the others were forced to cling to them as the plane sank.

They were all left treading the waters for a terrifying hour-and-a-half as rescue boats made their way towards them.

Earlier this year handsome Dominic was listed in Cleo, a leading Australian women's magazine, as one of 2009's top 50 bachelors.

As news of the dramatic landing spreads he is expected to surge up the list of the country's eligible men.

The aircraft, owned by Pel-Air Aviation, had set out from the Pacific island of Samoa with Dominic and a first officer at the controls and four passengers, including a critically ill woman.


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Its destination was Melbourne, with a fuel stop on Norfolk Island.

The weather was fine when the aircraft set off, but a storm developed as the jet approached Norfolk Island - and Dominic, with the plane low on fuel, realised he was in trouble.

An animation provided by 7 News reveals how the plane made its landing during the storm

An animation provided by 7 News reveals how the plane made its landing during the storm

Enlarge   MAP.jpg Dominic was at the controls of a Westwind jet when he ditched the plane in the Pacific Ocean

Dominic was at the controls of a Westwind jet when he ditched the plane

Captain Sullenberger III, otherwise known as Sully, is credited with saving 155 lives

Dominic's bravery has caused him to be likened to Chelsey Sullenberger who carried an emergency landing of a jet in New York's Hudson river

After four unsuccessful approaches to the runway he knew there was no option but to ditch the jet into the sea.

He made an emergency call to Norfolk Island and rescuers were put on stand-by to speed out to wherever the plane ditched.

'They landed at night, approximately we think about 9.30pm local time and as a result of the skill of the pilots the aircraft landed in the water and none of the passengers was injured,' said Pel-Air Aviation chairman John Sharp.

'Their professionalism stood out on the day and made a substantial difference to the outcome.

'They executed what would have to be described as a perfect landing on water. The pilots ensured that the aircraft landed close to the coast, close to rescue.'

Dominic landed the plane about two miles off the coast of Norfolk Island and all six people, including the ill woman, managed to scramble out of the plane before it sank just three minutes later.

As they struggled in the water, one of the crew of a rescue boat noticed the faint glow of a light on one of the life jackets and headed towards the group, who had been able to stay together, despite a 6ft swell.

When the rescue boat reached the six, all were in shock and suffering hypothermia, but no-one had been badly hurt.

Back on Norfolk Island they were treated for minor injuries but were said later to be in 'good condition'. They were due to be transferred to mainland Australia.

The seriously ill patient was being kept in hospital under observation.

Norfolk Island airport manager Glenn Robinson told Melbourne's 3AW radio: 'They were extremely lucky and, believe me, they all know it. They were pretty shaken up.'

In his biography, logged on the internet when he was nominated as a Cleo Bachelor of the Year contestant, Dominic told how he could play the didgeridoo and his first job was delivering pizzas.

His biggest 'turn on' among girls was confidence and an easy-going attitude. His last girlfriend, he said, would describe him as hyperactive, but he would say he was spontaneous  - a spontaneity that perhaps his passengers would say had saved their lives.
