Marc Summers Cheated Death Twice Inside His Life Tragedies Including a Serious Accident

“Double Dare” host Marc Summers has had a very successful career spanning over three decades. Unfortunately, his life has not been a walk in the park.

Summers began his career in the entertainment industry as a magician, radio DJ, and stand-up comedian. His big break came in 1986 when Nickelodeon hired him as the host of “Double Dare.”

One of the most memorable elements of the show was the slime. It mainly covered the teams of children who participated in the competition, but Summers eventually became a target.

Marc Summers in an interview with the Oprah Winfrey Network in November 2014 | Photo: YouTube/OWN

Most people don’t know, though, that Marc Summers has OCD, and getting all messy was awful for him. Summers talked about his condition during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

He explained that he was obsessed with cleaning, which took a toll on his marriage. When he and his wife welcomed children, he couldn’t deal with them doing something as simple as eating a cookie.

It is important to point out that he didn’t know his condition had a name until he hosted a talk show for Lifetime. One of the segments was about OCD, and when he read about it, he identified that as his condition.

If dealing with OCD wasn’t hard enough, Marc Summers was involved in an accident so severe that he was lucky he didn’t end up with brain damage.

It happened in August 2012. He was a passenger in a taxi in Philadelphia, but the vehicle hydroplaned in the middle of a “torrential downpour.”

[Summers] underwent chemotherapy for two years.

Summers was on the phone with his supervising producer and told him, “we’re going to crash!” when he noticed the driver lost control of the vehicle. The left side of his face suffered the most, and he had trouble seeing out of his left eye days after.

That October, Summers showed his face for the first time after the accident and said he needed to have more surgeries as his left eye wasn’t where it’s supposed to be.

In February 2015, Summers announced he had been diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 2010. He decided to keep it under wraps because he was afraid he wouldn’t get hired if people knew about it.

After dealing with a doctor who told him he had six months to live, he underwent chemotherapy for two years and got the “all-clear” sign in December 2014.

It is believed that Marc Summers’ cancer is in remission nowadays, and he is still working as a producer and host on different shows. What a life!
