Could Ben Affleck be the Reason for Val Kilmers Weight Gain?

Val Kilmer

With less than two weeks to go before he celebrates his 55th birthday, it appears that Val Kilmer has a bit more to celebrate this year; his weight loss. The man who was once Batman is looking more like his old self these days. Just a year ago he was hardly recognizable as he walked around Hollywood weighing significantly more than he ever has in his life. His puffy face and bigger body looked unhealthy, and the stress of his weight gain was apparent on his face.

Thankfully, Val Kilmer has been working out, eating right and getting rid of all that weight gain from the past year so that he’s finally thin and trim, and much more Batman-like now than he was this time last year. While we don’t know when he began putting on the weight, or what happened in his life that made him do it, we do have some interesting guesses that might explain why a man would suddenly pack on the pounds and then lose them just as quickly. Aside from a few projects here and there, and voicing a main character in the hit Disney film Planes in 2013, Kilmer hasn’t really been out and about much in the past few years. That gives him plenty of time to find himself eating, not working out and gaining weight; and we think we know what might have happened.

Val Kilmer became noticeably larger around the time that Ben Affleck was announced as the new Batman. Perhaps Kilmer thought he would make a return to the big screen as the superhero. Or maybe he was just as upset about the casting decision as the rest of the world still seems to be, despite the fact that no one has any indication whether or not he will do the film justice (and we can admit that Affleck rocked his role in Gone Girl).

If you add to that the fact that it’s going to be 20 years next year since he was Batman, the upcoming milestone birthday, the upset everyone is feeling over casting and the fact that he’s done so little in terms of notable roles in so long, it’s possible his weight gain was as simple as a little pity party. We have no idea the real reason, but we like to think that it was a short-lived moment of sadness on his part that thank goodness that seems to have ended. Hey – anything is possible.

Photo by Andy Kropa/Getty Images
