Mia Schem's mother is doing everything she can to humanize the 21-year-old captured by Hamas -- sharing video of her daughter happy and dancing moments before she was taken.
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Keren Schem -- who calls her daughter a "warrior" -- released videos Mia's family has gathered since that horrific day.
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It shows Mia smiling, partying with friends and dancing at the Supernova Festival. Keren says Mia "only went to a party, to a festival party to have some fun, and now she's in Gaza."

Hamas released a disturbing video on Monday of Mia getting medical treatment for what looks like very serious injuries, and speaking on camera ... claiming she's fine and pleading with the Israeli government to get her out of Gaza ASAP.
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On Tuesday, Keren held a news conference where she begged "the world to bring my baby back home." She called out Hamas for committing a "crime against humanity.

She says she called her daughter's phone for hours on end after Hamas terrorists stormed the festival and killed at least 260 innocent concertgoers and took about another 200 people hostage.

Since the attack, Israel has responded to the attack by bombing Hamas hideouts in Gaza. The fear for the families of the hostages is that Hamas will use their loved ones as shields when and if Israel launches a ground offensive to eradicate the terrorists ... as it's vowed to do.
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