I would think Adderall would mask some of Trump's craziness and absent-mindedness better.
But I think it's cocaine because Trump is Old School.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 33 | November 2, 2020 7:38 PM |
It's just him STILL BEING SICK from COVID.
Unreal. 74 year olds don't do cocaine and live long.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | October 21, 2020 3:27 AM |
Honey, take a whiff on me...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 4 | October 21, 2020 3:28 AM |
Adderall is prescribed to treat ADHD and such use is legal in the USA. I'm not aware of any legal use for cocaine in the USA, outside of hospitals. So I think it's Adderall that Trump uses -- he's obviously using something that makes him sniff a lot.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | October 21, 2020 3:38 AM |
Adderall addiction is pretty obvious. Possibly he overdosed on it and that was his fake Covid stint. Who knows? Turnip’s endless lies are exhausting.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | October 21, 2020 3:40 AM |
My first exposure to Adderall was a friend who crushed and snorted it for breakfast. I think that Apprentice whistleblower guy has also mentioned Dump smashing the pills, as well as coke being as common as water amongst the whole Trump clan. Oooh maybe he’ll get a nosebleed live during the next debate.
by Anonymous | reply 7 | October 21, 2020 3:41 AM |
Whether or not you are aware, cocaine is a legal prescription drug in the US.
Good luck getting it filled at the CVS though.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | October 21, 2020 4:02 AM |
No, r3, these videos of sugared boogers flying out of sweaty Donald Trump's nose occurred long before he contracted COVID-19.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 9 | October 21, 2020 4:07 AM |
R8, how do you get prescribed Numbralto?
by Anonymous | reply 10 | October 21, 2020 4:08 AM |
Because Trump has a such unimpeachable reverence for the law, r5.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | October 21, 2020 4:08 AM |
Accusing Biden of being on drugs during the debate because he couldn't possibly not be the handicapped dementia caricature Trump painted was CLASSIC Trump projection.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | October 21, 2020 3:25 PM |
R11, I don't mean that Trump gives a shit about obeying laws. But there's no reason for him to take the risks posed by using illegal drugs when he can get the same effect from legally prescribed medicine.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | October 22, 2020 2:27 AM |
The Noel Casler interviews confirm Adderall AND cocaine!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 14 | October 23, 2020 8:54 PM |
R14, I came here to say that. According to Casler, cocaine is Trump's party drug and Adderall is his day-to-day maintenance drug.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | October 23, 2020 8:56 PM |
R14, I came here to say that. According to Casler, cocaine is Trump's party drug and Adderall is his day-to-day maintenance drug.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | October 23, 2020 8:56 PM |
President Shitty Pants snorts Adderall.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | October 23, 2020 8:56 PM |
Trump’s eyes lit up when he heard ‘cocaine.’
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 18 | October 23, 2020 9:34 PM |
by Anonymous | reply 19 | October 23, 2020 10:33 PM |
Not as much as the cocaine.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | October 24, 2020 2:16 AM |
Why do his teeth sport reverse fangs? Is he some type of kissing gurami or gobe fish, or something??
by Anonymous | reply 21 | October 24, 2020 5:11 AM |
So who brings the cocaine into the White House?
by Anonymous | reply 22 | October 24, 2020 12:00 PM |
The President of the United States 🇺🇸 shits himself frequently in the Oval Office
by Anonymous | reply 23 | October 24, 2020 12:12 PM |
I am sure there are all types of people that go in and out of the White House that the public has no clue about. They no longer publish the visitor logs. Probably some unnamed mule making regular coke deliveries.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | October 24, 2020 12:22 PM |
My guess is all 3: coke, meth and Adderall. Adderall is essentially the same and from a chemical structure almost identical to a methamphetamine. Within a 12 hour period on any given day - he probably consumes them all in vast quantities. Everyone who is not delusional and not selective with memory knows that he was a huge coke fiend from the beginning of his "public persona" and he never made any bones about it (powder cocaine was always the drug of the elite and chic in the 80's and 90's - even now). Anyone who has ever used any of these uppers know the signs and behavior patterns and it is always crystal clear (pun intended) when he is high as a kite during a public speaking event or when he has used downers to slow himself down for whatever reason (likely to be more "Presidential" and not a complete embarrassment). The man only has 2 speeds - high on uppers or coming down off downers. Neither are useful at work. The white rocks filmed flying out of his nose, weird breathing through his teeth during a speech or rant, pupils dilated to the size of dish plates, profuse sweating, loud and aggressive ranting, etc. are just additional evidence of the what most could easily "diagnose" quickly without actually seeing the evidence. When he finally suffers that big one (heart attack/OD), it is what it is.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | October 24, 2020 12:22 PM |
I take adderall and it does not make your nose run or make you sweat. When you have adhd the stimulants don’t make you manic or high, they help your brain relax and focus.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | October 24, 2020 1:57 PM |
Trump and his snot rockets, just like Lady G and her ladybugs :)
by Anonymous | reply 27 | October 24, 2020 2:35 PM |
R26, do you crush your Adderall and snort it? Because that's how Casler says Trump consumes his. The sniffing and sweats aren't a symptom of the drug alone, they are evidence of the method of administration.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | October 24, 2020 3:24 PM |
The cocaine and Adderall cause a laxative effect that makes Trump shit his pants!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 29 | October 24, 2020 11:48 PM |
There's no way Trump is doing 5 rallies per day this weekend without speed.
Trump's accusation of drugs against Biden were PURE projection.
And pure, Columbian coca.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | November 2, 2020 5:00 PM |
Which one makes you shit your pants?
by Anonymous | reply 31 | November 2, 2020 6:45 PM |
Noel Casler says that speed, Adderall, cocaine, alcohol and McDonalds ALL trigger Donald's incontinence.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | November 2, 2020 7:04 PM |
R26 is right in that adderall helps a brain going 100miles an hour calm down to focus and think. But the twitler crushes them and snorts those pills. I've never done it that way! I crushed a xanax once and snorted it...I fell asleep which is what I wanted.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | November 2, 2020 7:38 PM |