Violeta Marujoz Died: What Was Her Cause Of Death?

The Mexican influencer Violeta Marujoz died at the age of 26 for reasons still unknown, according to various media in Mexico, where her name has gone viral this Friday, August 26 due to the sad news.

Violeta Marujoz, a native of San Luis Potosí, was initially known as Esaú Marujoz, who achieved fame thanks to her comedy videos, especially for the character “Britany’s mom”, on YouTube, where she accumulated more than 715 thousand followers. since she started creating content in 2015.

The newspapers El Universal of San Luis Potosí, AS México and Debate, are some of those that have reported the death of Violeta Marujoz this Friday, but none have managed to confirm the cause of death.

However, friends and followers have already mourned the physical loss of the transsexual influencer, who had more than 1.4 million followers on TikTok, 370 thousand on Instagram and more than 80 thousand on Twitter, a huge community to which she also offered content. LGBT and lifestyle.

Fans mourn the death of Violeta Marujoz

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Although she had been away from the networks for a few months, her last publication shared on Instagram was her birthday cake in May, which has now taken on a sad meaning. In the post, some of her hundreds of messages read: “Fly high, Viole. Thank you so much for the smiles you gave us. A kiss to heaven”, “May she rest in peace, thanks for those smiles you brought me. You are loved very much”, “Beautiful, we are going to miss your crazy things and what a good person you were… You did not deserve this. We all saw your transformation, the courage it required and your experiences.”

On Twitter, the musician and television host Juanjo Herrera wrote: “I am in shock with the death of Violeta Marujoz, that contagious laugh, that good vibes always, it is impossible for me to assimilate it… I hope that her mother finds peace as soon as possible”.

The penultimate publication on Instagram by Violeta Marujoz, where she appears sitting on a motorcycle, was also filled with condolences and her fans have commented: “Only God knows why she does things. We love you, Violet. Always in our hearts”, “Rest in peace, Violeta”.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
