You know that teaching abroad is a thing—but are getting lost in your research because it more and more seems that the only thing you can actually teach abroad is, well, English. And while you can get psyched over beautiful words and complicated grammar structures as well as the next guy, something about teaching English abroad doesn’t really light you up. What does? The idea of teaching art abroad.
Questions swirl: Is it possible? Can YOU do it? Where can you become an art teacher abroad? Is teaching art overseas a viable option? And we answer resoundingly: Yes. Definitely. Lots of places (read on for the five best countries to teach art abroad). Absolutely.
Read on to learn what types of traveling artist jobs are out there, especially if you want to find art teacher jobs abroad.

What to look for in art teacher jobs abroad
As you begin to unfurl the details of potential career paths as a traveling artist, you should pay attention to a few key details. The best ways to teach art overseas will make clear from the get-go…
- Experience Requirements. Do you need years of prior experience before taking this job? How impactful is this in your prospects of getting the job with this company or educational institution? Don’t let this be a guessing game, lest you unintentionally apply for myriad jobs you’re not qualified for.
- Degree Requirements. Are you ineligible for these art teacher jobs abroad if you’re fresh out of high school and don’t have a college degree? Is there a specific type of degree that is required for new hires—like a BFA?
- Your Salary. Is this a volunteer position or will you make a living as you teach art overseas? There are a number of benefits to participating in unpaid work abroad as a volunteer, but you should be aware of your time/cost investment in exchange for the unique learning experience.
- Cost of Living. Another factor of your salary for education-based traveling artist jobs is to think about how the local cost of living will impact your buying power and “life” affordability. If you’re making little money, but it also costs very little to live there, you might still come out in the green. On the flip side, the cost of living might be very high despite your relatively low salary, so you should be prepared to have savings or other income to cover the gap in expenses.
Now that you know the important things to think about before you teach art abroad, let’s jump into those top destinations!
5 inspiring destinations to become an art teacher abroad
1. Japan

Teach art in Japan—we think this wild, yet zen Asian archipelago is the best destination for teaching art abroad. It boasts its own history of dynamic, inspiring art, whose influences stretch far and wide around the world. You want a piece of the action, and we can’t blame you. Just like we can’t blame you for having extra helpings of mochi every day. In order to teach art in Japan, you…
- Need a Bachelor’s Degree and 2+ years of experience
- Will earn around $2000 USD monthly
- Will likely spend around $2000 USD monthly on living expenses
Most opportunities to become an art teacher abroad in Japan involve the Fine Arts (more like super cool and robot-y arts, but I guess “fine arts” works).
Recommended job: SeekTeachers
2. Bolivia

Teaching art abroad isn’t all paintbrushes and sculpting, right?! Let the rhythm and soul of this colorful country move you as a dance teacher in Bolivia! Share your love for the performing arts while teaching choreography, theory, and movement to young learners. 5-6-7-8…
- There are no requirements to participate in this program.
- It is a volunteer program where housing is provided.
Teaching art abroad as a dance instructor will move you and bend you in ways you never thought possible.
Recommended program: Music in Bolivia with Projects Abroad
3. Germany

With the stunning Black Forest, architecture that stands the test of time, gorgeous castles dotting the countryside, loud and profound street art, and larger-than-life pretzels for sale from every street vendor, it’s no wonder that aspiring art teachers abroad flock to Germany—camera in tow—to find photography jobs. Don’t forget your charger and memory card when you teach art abroad here!
- You must have a Bachelor’s degree to work in Germany.
- You will break even as the monthly pay and rough cost of living equal about $2000 USD.
These photography jobs will give your camera a workout. Get trigger happy and don’t miss out!
Recommended job: Nomaden Berlin’s Kickstarter Program
4. Kuwait

Don’t Ku-wait to get your (monkey) paws on incredible opportunities to teach art abroad in the Middle East. Unfold the magic of Islamic art as it extends from the walls of your neighborhood mosque to the stage. You’ll love uncovering the region’s rich history of storytelling and theatrical practices, and maybe even dabbling in the local art of shadow puppetry?! Get front row tickets to contemporary Arab theater making its debut on the world stage!
- You must have a Bachelor’s degree to find art teacher jobs abroad in Kuwait.
- You will make bank. Your salary will exceed $3000 USD monthly while your cost of living will be roughly $1000 USD.
Drama, theater, and performing arts jobs are the easiest to come by in these parts.
Recommended job: Theater Teacher Needed in Kuwait City
5. South Africa

Discover a new palette as you teach art abroad in the Rainbow Nation, a country famed for its contributions to the continent’s political stability, Pinotage wine, and… sick beats. While you’re teaching little ones composition and theory in music class, you’ll also be simultaneously learning South Africa’s tenuous history through the lens of the bass and treble clef. Uncover the background of Marabi, how to dance to a Pennywhistle jive, modern-house music and Kwaito, and how these all interweave into South Africa’s race relations.
- There are no requirements to participate in this program.
- It is a volunteer program where housing is provided.
South African culture’s impact on world music is not unnoticed. Try your luck at the kora as you teach music abroad here!
Recommended program: Music Education in South Africa with Performing Arts Abroad
[Browse All Traveling Artist Jobs Abroad]
You’re ready to teach art abroad
Pack your paints, your brushes, your headphones, your pencils—whatever art supplies you need to make your dream of teaching art abroad become a reality. Teaching English abroad is an admirable mission, but teaching art overseas is equally so (not to mention a wonderful overlap of your skills, passions, and desire + the needs of others). Use your talent to help the world grow a little more colorful. Use your talent to inspire others. Use your talent to find art teacher jobs abroad!
Get Matched with 5 Jobs to Become an Art Teacher Abroad for FREE