When most people hear the animal herders who tend cattle on ranches in North America, they envision a man riding a horse while wearing a hat, but a rancher is more than that. They are very funny. Are you fascinated with cowboy jokes? These cattlemen certainly have a great sense of humour.

Although the western way of life is fascinating, and they are considered bad boys, this isn't always the case. Being a westerner is enjoyable because they enjoy infusing humour into everything. There are so many jokes about cowboys; check out this list.
Wild west jokes
Sometimes you need to chuckle quickly, and what better way to accomplish it than with one of these quick jokes? When you need something hilarious immediately, try Infusing one of these western U.S. jokes.
1. What do you call a contented cowboy? A cheerful rancher.
2. Why do cowboys ride horses all the time? Because they are far too hefty to transport!
3. What made everyone believe the rider was so amusing? Because he was constantly horsing around.
4. What do you call a frog who has always wanted to be a ranchman? You call him Hopalong Cassidy!
5. How did the horseman make such large savings? Every day, his horse handed him some of the dollars.
6. Where do cowboys get their beans cooked? On the firing line.

Funny cowboy jokes
Regardless of the moment, there are a set of punchlines appropriate for different occasions. Try these.
7. There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither one works. – Will Rogers
8. Bravery is being scared to death and saddling up away. – John Wayne.
9. A horse is a mirror to your soul; sometimes, you might not be pleased with what you see in the mirror. –Buck Brannaman.
10. Any cowboy can carry a tune, but a challenge comes when he tries to unload it. – Anonymous
11. A cowboy is a person who would rather throw a bull than eat beans with his knife. – Charles Dorian
12. No hour of life is wasted in the saddle. – Winston Churchill.
13. No man should have cowboy boots in his wardrobe. That's fair enough. Unless you're a cowboy, of course. – Paul Weller
14. Cowboys appear in many different shapes and sizes. However, all cowboys must be able to ride horses. – Meg Clibbon
15. A decent cowboy does not take what does not belong to him. If he does, he should be strung up and left for the flies and coyotes. – Judge Roy Bean
16. A real cowboy knows about pain, love, and shame but never cares about being famous. – Anonymous
17. The more secure way to double your money is by folding it and putting it back into your pocket. – Will Rogers
18. Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco. – Will Rogers

Cowboy jokes for adults
How do cowboys joke? They use wise words and sometimes combine them with romantic words. Here are romantic quotes.
19. Cowboys don't go around breaking hearts. – Missy Lyons
20. In the entire world, you'll never find a love as natural as mine. – George Strait
21. Cowboys work hard, play well, love soft, and are much better than any other boy I've seen. – Olivia Flannery
22. I will be with the cowboys for the rest of my career. I love it. – Tony Romo
23. Inside every cowboy, a lady would love to slip out. – Willie Nelson
24. Every woman wants a cowboy. – B.J Daniels
25. Find her, protect her, spoil her, dance with her, and never stop loving her, or someone else will. – The Cowboy Way

26. In every cowboy's life, he gets himself a good horse, woman, and loop! - Kim
27. There is no better place to cure a broken heart than on the back of a horse. – Missy Lyons
Corny cowboy jokes
Cowboys are much more than just boots and spurs, though. Now mount your horse, pardner, and get ready to laugh! Discover some humorous sayings that these cattlemen use.
28. What do cowboys put on their salads? Ranch dressing.
29. What zen life lesson do cowboys teach their cows? Turn the udder cheek and moooove on.
30. Why don't cowboys swat the flies that fly about them? It's easier to let them go barefoot.
Dirty cowboy jokes
Some punchlines are offensive or morally dubious. Some have repulsive innuendo, and others have unpleasant components. Some people might find them offensive, so it helps to know your audience.
31. You know horses are more intelligent than human beings. You have never heard of a horse going broke betting on people. – Will Rogers
32. I'm not the sort to back away from a fight. I don't believe in shrinking from anything. It's not my speed; I'm a guy who meets adversities head-on. – John Wayne
33. I've got two guns. One for each of you. – Doc Holliday
34. Ride them, cowboy, don't let them throw you down. You can't make any money if you hit the ground. Ride them, cowboy, don't let them throw you down. You're the toughest cowboy in town. – Juice Newton
35. I won't be wronged, I won't be abused, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to others and require the same from them. – J.B. Books
36. Whoever said a horse was silly was dumb. – Will Rogers
37. When my time comes, skin me and put me on the trigger as if nothing had ever changed. – Roy Rogers
38. Now, you are thinking like a thief: fewer guns and more exits. We will cure your cowboy ways yet. – Richard Kadrey
39. You must go all the way if you wear a cowboy hat. You should have livestock around you, settle disputes with a pistol, and ride a horse everywhere. – Tom Segura
40. When I was a kid, I wondered who got the horse of a guy killed in a western movie. – George Carlin

One-liner jokes
41. I'm your huckleberry. – Doc Holliday
42. I think I was probably a cowboy in a past life. – Gin Wigmore
43. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy. – Arthur Baer.
44. I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow. – Johnny Mercer
45. I couldn't bear it if I thought you weren't my friend. – Doc Holliday
46. The great cowboys are the ones with the biggest hearts. – Ty Murray
47. I'm a-howling! – Jack Schaefer
48. Champions emerge from luck, hard work, and heartache. – Carly Kade
49. You can't cover up the swagger of a cowboy. – Jaycee Ford
50. To sit on a ranch horse that's been broken in it's like getting in a Porsche. – Sam Shepard
51. A man has to do what a man must do. – John Wayne
52. Horses and life are all the same to me. – Buck Brannaman
53. What do you name a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat? T-Tex
What do cowboys do?
They herd livestock while mounted on horseback. These days, in addition to branding and fencing, they produce hay and operate machines.
Can you be a cowboy without a horse?
You don't need a horse to be a cowboy or care for cattle on a ranch in North America. Some people might bring their horses, but it is not a requirement.
What greeting do cowboys use consistently?
When welcoming someone, they say 'howdy,' which translates to 'hello.' When overjoyed over anything, they exclaim 'yeehaw' to convey eagerness or happiness.
Sharing cowboy jokes with your friends and family will ensure you all have a good time. Some are instantly relevant, and their wit will liven up your discussions.
READ ALSO: 100+ funny jokes about getting old that will put a smile on your face
We recently published an article highlighting that growing older is a blessing that few people experience but also comes with obstacles. Because you only live once, why not amuse yourself and your loved ones with age-related jokes? Here are a hundred of them to make you laugh!