Remember Barry Weiss from 'Storage Wars'? Heres the job hes been doing after leaving the show

Barry is a wealthy man who loves antiques: an eccentric guy on his sixties who rides a motorcycle and whose charismatic and extravagant personality made him one of the most popular characters in this reality show. This is why he left 'Storage Wars' after the fourth season to start working on an exciting new project.

If you've ever seen the reality show known as 'Storage Wars,' you'll surely remember Barry Weis: one of the most charismatic and eccentric buyers on the show. But what did this collector do with all the antiques he got at random from storage containers? And where did he go after saying goodbye to the show?

For Barry, buying things is a hobby, but one in which he's an expert. His range of knowledge ranges from classic cars to relics of war, and everything in between. Throughout 'Barry'd Treasure,' his new reality show, the collector/adventurer meets new people and uses his special sense of humor in each of his searches.

In 'Barry'd Treasures,' Weiss shares with the audience his collectibles, his special way of negotiating, and a full list of things to do before he dies. The famous collector stayed away from television for a while after the fourth season of 'Storage Wars.' He also disappeared from social media so rumors about his alleged death started to spread. Contrary to popular belief, Barry is alive and well, enjoying his current life of retirement.

Barry has been a collector since the age of 15 and buying cars has been one of his biggest hobbies. He used to have extraordinary ideas to beat his competitors. He didn't feel ashamed of the bizarre tactics he used to take advantage of his rivals, and that's why his show is quite entertaining.

He's also doing business with agricultural products in the state of California. He started working on this side project with Joey Weiss around 25 years ago, and it seems like they're not planning on stopping anytime soon. This business deals with the import and export of fruits and vegetables. At 58, he's still full of energy and attached to the things he loves.

When he got tired of handling the business, he sold the company for a hefty amount, which is what he had been using to purchase his toys and such.

As of later, Weiss has no projects on television, however, he admitted that it has always been his dream to do a motorsport show or travel the world.
