Weren't there gay rumors? I once had the always reliable friend of a friend of a friend who said they hooked up with him back in the day.
He seems to have been married though for a real long time.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | February 12, 2018 11:42 PM |
Don't you know Bi's don't exist on DL, if he hooked up with a guy once he's gay, or even was rumored to have. Case closed.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | August 23, 2017 6:36 AM |
He's straight, OP, sorry!
by Anonymous | reply 2 | August 23, 2017 6:37 AM |
I can attest to the accuracy of his first name.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | August 23, 2017 6:38 AM |
Would be so hot if he swung both ways. Very nice looking guy.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | August 23, 2017 9:35 AM |
I'd like to think he and Gregory Smith hooked up during - that show they did (can't remember the name. Evergreen? Something like that)
by Anonymous | reply 6 | August 23, 2017 10:01 AM |
He dated Dana Delaney so......
by Anonymous | reply 7 | August 23, 2017 10:03 AM |
He was bitcher than that other bitch, and that's saying something
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 8 | August 23, 2017 10:17 AM |
Spam is better than Treat
by Anonymous | reply 9 | August 23, 2017 3:43 PM |
Wasn't he in The Ritz, modelling a skimpy towel?
by Anonymous | reply 10 | August 23, 2017 9:24 PM |
I actually know him through a friend of mine that he is close to. Straight straight straight - sadly.
Totally cool with teh ghey...but not one himself.
by Anonymous | reply 11 | August 23, 2017 9:36 PM |
Someone on another thread claims they fucked him in a bathhouse.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | October 2, 2017 7:44 PM |
Those bathhouses were dark with weird lighting. I swear I had sex with Emilio Estevez at a bathhouse...honest. But who knows, people often have "doubles". Treat Williams has a face that's not all that unusual.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | October 2, 2017 7:51 PM |
Lots more in this thread (pictures, too).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 15 | October 3, 2017 1:47 AM |
I saw "Hair" again for the first time in decades, and was astonished to realize it's basically a male-male romance!
Treat's hippie character is the one guy in the group who hasn't fucked the pregnant hippie girl, but when he meets an attractive twink on his way to enlist he does this. And spends the rest of the film obsessed with him.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 18 | October 13, 2017 11:48 PM |
John Savage was a hottie.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | October 14, 2017 12:08 AM |
He was besties with John Travolta.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | October 14, 2017 12:30 AM |
Yep, they were both in that musical with the Andrew Sisters can't remember the name.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | October 14, 2017 12:33 AM |
I like those burly types. He looked like he had a nice hairy hole.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | October 14, 2017 12:35 AM |
[quote]Yep, they were both in that musical with the Andrew Sisters can't remember the name.
It was called "Over Here!" with a score by popular Disney songwriters Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | October 14, 2017 12:40 AM |
Very gay friendly. Wouldn't surprise me if he dabbled back in the day.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | October 14, 2017 12:54 AM |
R18, that's some world-class manhandling.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | October 14, 2017 9:57 PM |
I saw him in The Pirates of Penzance on Broadway (he replaced Kevin Kline) the problem is I was too young to remember it!!
I found a Playbill in a box of childhood stuff at my parent's house. I remember vagely seeing the show but didn't know who Treat was at the time. Robby Benson was in it too. Youth really is wasted on the young. If only I'd been thru puberty I bet this would have made a bigger impression.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | October 19, 2017 2:42 AM |
Someone another on another thread met him backstage. They said he was very nice and they were mesmerized by his bulge.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | October 20, 2017 11:47 PM |
Treat deserves an Emmy for having to be on a show with those two legendary cunts Teri Garr and Shelley Long. The man must have the patience of a saint.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | October 21, 2017 12:00 AM |
Sheesh, R30, just because one casting agent's flunkee felt that Teri wasn't deferent enough to him,one time twenty five years ago, does not make her a cunt.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | October 21, 2017 12:15 AM |
At least he hasn't become a deplorable like some other actors his age.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | October 21, 2017 12:25 AM |
OP, there were never, ever any gay rumors about Treat Williams. Why do you make up such stuff?
by Anonymous | reply 33 | October 21, 2017 1:37 AM |
OP is referring to rumors that he dabbled in the homosex back in the '70s.
by Anonymous | reply 34 | October 21, 2017 1:46 AM |
I wish the poster who allegedly fucked him in a bathhouse would come back and tell all.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | October 21, 2017 1:47 AM |
Williams was one of those actors who was supposed to be the next big thing... but wasn't
by Anonymous | reply 36 | October 21, 2017 1:51 AM |
His film, Prince of the City, was supposed to be THE big movie event the summer it came out. It fizzled and so did his career after that.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | October 21, 2017 1:54 AM |
He dated Dana Delaney for a while so.............
by Anonymous | reply 38 | October 21, 2017 1:58 AM |
So what? Is Dana a beard?
by Anonymous | reply 39 | October 21, 2017 3:41 AM |
[quote] OP, there were never, ever any gay rumors about Treat Williams. Why do you make up such stuff?
To agitate you 'phobes
by Anonymous | reply 40 | October 21, 2017 3:46 AM |
He's had a very long career for someone who fizzled
by Anonymous | reply 42 | October 26, 2017 5:44 AM |
He's been working steadily for the last 40 years.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | October 26, 2017 7:57 PM |
Great bit of casting on Chicago Fire playing Taylor Kinney's dad.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | November 12, 2017 11:58 PM |
He's in a Hallmark Holiday movie this year.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | December 25, 2017 5:22 PM |
He was supposed to be an A lister after Prince of the City which is why people say his career fizzled.
He's had a career as a working actor so he is one of the very few who have made it without getting into that celestial stratosphere.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | December 25, 2017 5:36 PM |
Cocaine is why his career fizzled.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | December 25, 2017 5:39 PM |
There is not one single good-looking celebrity in history who hasn't been accused of being gay at some point. Not a single one.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | January 6, 2018 1:28 AM |
He is not gay. A friend's father has known him since his teen years and went to college with him. Never was gay. But he was hot. Like him on Chicago.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | January 6, 2018 1:32 AM |
There was another similar character type actor in the 80s, who Treat may have replaced in a show. Can't remember his name, but in a later iinterview he made a point of saying one reason he left the show was they wanted him to do love scenes and he was not comfortable with it. It didn't click with me at the time, but Patrick MacGoohan said the same thing about liking Special Agent and The Prisoner for the same reasson--it didn't include love scenes.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | January 6, 2018 2:11 AM |
Maybe I'm just a cynic but I don't think any good looking person gets far in show business without sucking dick.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | January 6, 2018 5:52 PM |
Maybe he's just straight, you jealous fuckers.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | January 17, 2018 5:41 PM |