Who assassinated Nadia Hassade? A woman was stabbed on a street in the Bellevue District, and a 21-year-old guy was arrested: Horrible news has been attracting the attention of users all over the world after a 47-year-old lady was savagely stabbed in an industrial neighborhood on her way to work.
The lady has been confirmed dead, according to official sources. Following her death, the Bellevue Athletique Forme club, like other associations in the vicinity, chose to draw the curtain. There will be no training until Sunday, October 23, 2022. Many people have been attempting to get additional details about the incident and want to know what happened to the woman since it occurred.
Following the violent attack near the southern end of Boulevard Jean-Moulin, Bellevue boxing club expressed its support for one of the victim’s kids, a fighter at the club, on social media. At this time, the club published the following statement: “We respect the period of sorrow.”
Nadia Hassade, 47 ans, a succombé à au moins 23 coups de couteau en pleine rue dimanche dernier à Nantes, alors qu’elle se rendait au travail tôt le matin. Un habitant du quartier de 21 ans, qui a expliqué avoir ressenti un excès de violence monter en lui, a avoué le meurtre. pic.twitter.com/gPXBt7Wca2
— AJ+ français (@ajplusfrancais) October 20, 2022
To be sensitive to the grief of the family.” According to sources, an arrest was made in this incident, and a 21-year-old young man was arrested by Nantes judicial police on Monday, accused of stabbing to death Nadia Hassade, 47, the day before. The suspect has now been apprehended.
Who Killed Nadia Hassade?
Nantes Judicial police have been holding a 21-year-old male in custody since Monday, October 17, 2022, at 10:20 a.m. He is now being investigated for the murder of Nadia Hassade, a 47-year-old carer who was stabbed and died on Sunday, October 16 at dawn on boulevard Jean-Moulin in Nantes.
In addition, the identity of the person has not yet been revealed, but sources are working to gather further information about the incident. He lives in the Bellevue district, where he completed his education, and is particularly close to the victim’s family.
“We don’t even dare to think it’s him,” Nadia’s brother stated. On October 17, the prosecutor confirmed the young man’s custody. He further stated that the autopsy revealed: “23 wounds counted by the medical examiner, some of which were deadly, particularly that having penetrated the jugular vein.” The entire Hassade family is suffering as a result of the death of a cherished member.
When the inquiry began, she continued to look for the knife that was used to kill Nadia, particularly near the scene of the crime. The culprit was apprehended due to the presence of dozens of Nadia’s family members, including eleven brothers and sisters. All civilians initiated their own inquiry in this matter, viewing CCTV footage of the company in which they discovered a vehicle with a broken hubcap parked in a nearby street.