Logan Morse, a student of Winnacunnet High School from Seabrook, New Hampshire, tragically passed away on September 02, 2023, at 18, duLogan Morese to injuries he sustained in a fatal vehicle accident.

Logan and his younger brother, Kyden, were involved in a devastating car accident six days ago; Logan suffered severe injuries in his body, for which he was admitted to ICU for six days.
Logan underwent brain surgery and survived the first night, but his condition was not stabilized, and doctors were also not hopeful. Unfortunately, he left the world after battling with his significant wounds.
Logan’s brother Tyler Morse released his death news on September 03, 2023, through his Facebook account and stated:
“Logan Daniel Morse, our friendly, kind, caring brother, was born on September 22, 2004. He always made people smile when he entered a room, and he adored the outdoors, spending as much time as possible fishing and simply taking in the scenery. He always stood by those in need because he had such a large heart.
Logan received his angel wings on September 02 at 16:01 and has since been using them to save others by giving the gift of life through organ and tissue donation. Knowing that recipients who are now fortunate enough to carry him with them accepted his huge, beautiful heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys gives our family some measure of consolation. He is fishing with our father now that they have been reconciled. I Love you.”
Thoughts and condolences to his family, friends, and relatives. Logan’s funeral and memorial details have not been made public yet.
Logan’s siblings and friends also posted prayers for his speedy recovery; when doctors were not hopeful, and Logan was fighting for his life after a terrible car accident, Allie Morse asked for prayers for everyone and stated that Mores family also lost their father ten months ago and the family may lose their brother.
GoFundMe Campaign
Hailey Ford, a neighbor of the Mores family, created a GoFundMe page on August 29, 2023, to earn funds for Logan’s treatment on behalf of his family and wrote:
“Hello to everybody. I’m Hailey, the general manager of Backyard Burger and Wings. Two members of the Morse family and I collaborate closely. They are incredibly diligent and generous people who would sacrifice anything for anyone. This family has endured a great deal over the past five years without receiving any relief. I created this GoFundMe page to ensure that they should concentrate solely on their family at this time.”
The campaign raised $22,727 of the intended $40,000, but unfortunately, Logan’s untimely demise lost all hope and left his family in shock and disbelief. However, the page is ongoing; everyone can donate to help the Mores family in this trying time.
Logan was a pure soul with a loving heart; his sweet nature attracted people. The grief of Logan’s departure is unbearable for his family. Prayers for Logan. Rest in peace, Young man.
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