[quote] Kidnapped, tortured, and murdered a gay man and now a leader in the feminist is movement.
[quote] Are gay men so politically neutered In 2017 that high profile gay people are too scared to call attention to this? What a difference a few years makes.
[quote] Why haven't gay groups shamed the March into removing her name from their website? They are really slacking. They wouldn't be sitting by quietly if a murderer of a trans woman was on there.
[quote] R11, source? She told the police when it happened, "he was a homo anyways".
[quote] R13, she was a keynote speaker not just a marcher. And her crime is horrific. But leave it to the regressives to make excuses for her.
[quote] R20, I'm calling bullshit on her whole story. This woman still won't take any responsibility for what she did and why should she? She has idiot ts like you defending her and excusing her murderous homophobic actions. R22, stop telling her revised tale.
[quote] Regressives also swore on their lives that Omar Mateen was a homosexual AND aNon practicing muslim therefore he could not have been a terrorist. Defending monsters seems to be their favorite pastime right, r38. Your are sickening.
[quote] If the media has the story wrong Donna would defend herself. Instead she ignores and blocks people on twitter who expose the truth!
[quote] R45 hey its not my fault the media that you read is too chickens shit to post it.
[quote] Nope, r48. The only women who's names have been brought up have been Donna Hylton and Linda Sarsour both keynote speakers at the march.
[quote] Both were at the center of the march and both are relevant to the thread. You're free to leave if you don't like it, r50.
[quote] What Linda has said pales in comparison to what Donna did but Donna actions do reflect on the the march because the organizers CHOSE her as a keynote speaker.
[quote] R55, nah, these women were front and center. No cherry picking out of a crowd necessary. But your posts always reinforce the meaning of "regressive" so keep em coming !
[quote] R59, she was one of the keynote speakers at the march , so yes she was front and center. She stood on the podium and spoke to the thousands at the march directly. She also appeared on tv before the march promoting it and appeared on tv afterwards discussing it.
[quote] She wasn't in the crowd, she was On the podium speaking to millions and they invited that "bad lady" to speak and made no efforts to distance themselves from her afterwards. All that needs to be said but beating that dead horse r61.
[quote] I personally hated Laura Bush and I hate Donna Hylton too. Donna tortured a gay man to death!
Are you finished, or are you going to continue to repeat the same lies. Despite it already having been established that the man was not gay and Hylton never referred to him as gay.
And so the misinformation and disinformation campaign to discredit and destroy the anti Trump movement has begun. Divide and conquer. Don't fall for this bullshit. It put that orange buffoon (and his Slovenian hooker) in the White House.