These kids are getting out of hand
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 328 | January 13, 2018 10:37 AM |
I mean....what can you do? You know they're gonna come back and shoot up the place if you discipline them.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | May 27, 2017 5:46 PM |
seems stressed out, he probably just needs a dicking.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | May 27, 2017 5:49 PM |
Why is the teacher's race relevant? Enough race baiting.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | May 27, 2017 5:50 PM |
He's adorable! Do you supposed he learns his good manners at home?
by Anonymous | reply 4 | May 27, 2017 5:55 PM |
Probably just needs to be in the White House...doing his thing.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | May 27, 2017 5:55 PM |
Trump just hired him as his new communications director.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | May 27, 2017 5:55 PM |
It happened in Lancaster California which is one of the trashy desert cities in the ass end of Los Angeles County.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 7 | May 27, 2017 5:57 PM |
Someone should step on him, he is nothing more than a cock roach.
by Anonymous | reply 8 | May 27, 2017 5:59 PM |
This is nothing new which is pretty pathetic
by Anonymous | reply 9 | May 27, 2017 6:00 PM |
r7 so are we thinking meth is to blame?
by Anonymous | reply 10 | May 27, 2017 6:05 PM |
He has a tight little body, I'm thinking roid rage
by Anonymous | reply 12 | May 27, 2017 6:09 PM |
Bring back corporal punishment. Five hard ones with a paddle sounds about right. THough they would have to have started years earlier with that asshole brat.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | May 27, 2017 6:11 PM |
I have a feeling that boy looks better naked.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | May 27, 2017 6:12 PM |
Our Era of Emboldened Racism.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | May 27, 2017 6:15 PM |
"Watch the full video below. But be warned, the student uses a lot of profanity."
Also: 'The video was posted to Twitter by user Morgan Harvill with the caption: “Disrespect like this is wrong no matter what. I hate disrespectful ass people.”'
I too, hate disrespectful ass people. Also disrespectful legs and tits people.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | May 27, 2017 6:18 PM |
Xy=anger management issues
by Anonymous | reply 17 | May 27, 2017 6:18 PM |
What can you expect when you grow up in a racist society?
by Anonymous | reply 18 | May 27, 2017 6:18 PM |
R15 How is this racism? Because the teacher was Asian? Give me a break.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | May 27, 2017 6:18 PM |
When did DL turn into SJW central? Funny how no one says anything about the rise in anti-white racism on here.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | May 27, 2017 6:19 PM |
Was stationed in a Navy ship in Japan with two white guys from Lancaster California.
Deplorables, with sunkissed hair. One of them boasted of sleeping with a black woman, only to call her the n word while regaling us with his tale. The other one - don't know how he got past the recruiter - he had scoliosis! And unibrow and would threaden to fuck people in the ass when they disagreed with him. Both received dishonorable discharges - big surprise - NOT. Stinking white trash if there ever was.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | May 27, 2017 6:19 PM |
Was the white kid yelling, "N*gga!" at the teacher?
by Anonymous | reply 23 | May 27, 2017 6:24 PM |
I hope that little retarded cock knocker was expelled.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | May 27, 2017 6:27 PM |
Exactly, it is the racist, ignorant society that he grew up in and a president that tells him it is fine to disrespect people who are better than you.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | May 27, 2017 6:28 PM |
Teaching is a noble profession. I hope that kid got expelled.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | May 27, 2017 6:30 PM |
R26 How is he better? Enough with the anti white nonsense.
by Anonymous | reply 29 | May 27, 2017 6:30 PM |
How did I end up on Tumblr? Why do you SJWs even come here?
by Anonymous | reply 30 | May 27, 2017 6:31 PM |
This reminds me of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, when that white trash boy confronts Jim Williams.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | May 27, 2017 6:32 PM |
"The unnamed student at Eastside High in Lancaster, California, strangely adopted the accent and lingo of black gangsters, despite being a white teen with skinny jeans and a 2011-era Justin Bieber bowlcut."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 32 | May 27, 2017 6:33 PM |
Why is this even a news story?
by Anonymous | reply 33 | May 27, 2017 6:38 PM |
Non-story made into a story to force a racial angle. The kid's a little shit, like so many little shits of all colors in schools across the country who go off on their teachers. P.s. He's got a nice little set of pecs.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | May 27, 2017 6:42 PM |
[quote]When did DL turn into SJW central? Funny how no one says anything about the rise in anti-white racism on here.
Nobody cares. white boy. Go cry your privileged tears elsewhere.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | May 27, 2017 6:45 PM |
That was hilarious to watch although probably scary to live through in this day of nutbag school shootings.
I love when he grabbed the nozzle on the faucet and tried to throw it.
It was like some strange Will Farrell movie tantrum played for laughs.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | May 27, 2017 6:46 PM |
[quote]Why is this even a news story?
Oh, I don't know...maybe because schools are becoming shooting ranges and this could have gone that way?
by Anonymous | reply 38 | May 27, 2017 6:49 PM |
I hate people who are disrespectful towards Asians. That student needs to drawn and quartered.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | May 27, 2017 6:51 PM |
He's a senior. He won't be walking, but he is graduating.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | May 27, 2017 6:51 PM |
What if he had tossed two chemicals together and filled the room with toxic gas?? What then?!@#$$
by Anonymous | reply 41 | May 27, 2017 6:51 PM |
WEHT the drunk college kid who got expelled after a heated tirade in the school cafeteria?
by Anonymous | reply 42 | May 27, 2017 6:53 PM |
[quote]What if he had tossed two chemicals together and filled the room with toxic gas?? What then?!@#$$
Then my mussy would be deluged!
by Anonymous | reply 43 | May 27, 2017 6:54 PM |
I think what we witnessed is a trend by young men and young women to threaten, harass, or cause bodily harm to anyone that they perceive to be weak: the handicapped, the elderly, or middle aged teachers. I say this because I just was recently threatened by a guy at my gym. He said he was going to "kick my ass" because I told not to have a"fucking heart attack" over the use of equipment. I'm 62yo, he was about 30. I basically said"oh yeah, well fuck it., " as this guy made his move. Before we came to blows gym management pushed me away . Nothing happened
by Anonymous | reply 44 | May 27, 2017 6:55 PM |
[quote]WEHT the drunk college kid who got expelled after a heated tirade in the school cafeteria?
Luke Gatti? Last I heard he was arrested for fighting cops in Florida.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 45 | May 27, 2017 6:56 PM |
Does anyone think it's wrong for Instagram to terminate his account for harassment and bullying? Instagram thought he was harrassing other people's accounts; not that he was a bully in real life.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 46 | May 27, 2017 7:20 PM |
I tried finding his IG after his name was plastered all over twitter, but it never appeared. No wonder.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | May 27, 2017 7:22 PM |
Has that teacher ever flown United Airlines?
by Anonymous | reply 48 | May 27, 2017 7:23 PM |
That disrespectful kid would make a perfect pass-around bottom in the porn industry.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | May 27, 2017 7:30 PM |
Typical. White boy is destroying school property, is being very aggressive, assaults teacher by throwing objects at him, yells obscenities, disturbing the peace, but it's minimized to only being disrespectful. This is so much more than being disrespectful. The least that should happen is that this boy should be expelled, but actually he should go to jail. But of course his assault is just going to be swept under the table and labeled "disrespectful"
by Anonymous | reply 50 | May 27, 2017 8:01 PM |
Ok, that kids behavior seemed a bit off. Are we sure this wasn't a "special class." Even the other students don't have much of a reaction to the outburst.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | May 27, 2017 8:08 PM |
The parents let her out without her bra on. For shame.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | May 27, 2017 8:08 PM |
I bet he spits after you cum in his mouth.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | May 27, 2017 8:12 PM |
At the exclusive and expensive college-prep high school we attended such behavior would result in instant expulsia, if the attire did not already do it. We were required to wear jackets and ties at all times, except for compulsory nude swimming class.
by Anonymous | reply 54 | May 27, 2017 8:14 PM |
Did you keep a backup tie in your locker in case of fudge dribblings?
by Anonymous | reply 55 | May 27, 2017 8:18 PM |
You got it, R50.
[quote]WEHT the drunk college kid who got expelled after a heated tirade in the school cafeteria?
The white POS who called the cafeteria worker "faggot" and other similar slurs, and whom many apologist DLers wanted to do because they thought he was hot? Daddy came to the rescue, which will likely happen with this POS.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | May 27, 2017 8:19 PM |
r53 No, after he cums in YOUR mouth.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | May 27, 2017 8:20 PM |
His name is Gideon Yapp? No wonder he's angry.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | May 27, 2017 8:22 PM |
Gideon Yapp's brother apparently pleaded with someone to take the video down: "This has the potential to ruin my brothers life."
Then someone found his parents' Facebook posts. Surprise! They're Deplorables. See 8:39 at video below.
[quote]For all the immature, ignorant, unclassy and hypocritical liberals who want to blame "Pesident Trump" for just about everything as they literally smash up businesses, burn vehicles and initiate violence all in the name of "love & diversity" ...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 59 | May 27, 2017 8:33 PM |
The fact that his parents are trump supporters does not surprise me at all. Obviously this type of aggression and hate is taught and modeled at home. They brought up this little monster and unleashed him unto society. I hope he's expelled and charges are brought up against him.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | May 27, 2017 8:52 PM |
Tee hee... "Gideon Yapp" now gets autopopulated by Google when you type Gid
His life is ruined.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | May 27, 2017 8:58 PM |
Race baiting here. Don't know what went on before the argument. The young man needs to learn how to express himself in a socially acceptable manner.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | May 27, 2017 9:00 PM |
Poor kid needs a bra. Why doesn't his mother buy him one?
by Anonymous | reply 63 | May 27, 2017 9:06 PM |
It's times like these that I want to dig up my teachers and apologize and thank them.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | May 27, 2017 9:11 PM |
I see some trolls are on Datalounge trying to turn the phrase "anti-abortion racism" into some sort of meme here. Not gonna let that happen.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | May 27, 2017 9:17 PM |
He is very cute and will be most popular on the Hershey Highway!
by Anonymous | reply 66 | May 27, 2017 9:18 PM |
Somehow his parents turned his tirade into an anti-Obama statement. The fuck? Maybe the guy shouting about anti-White racism is related to the family.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | May 27, 2017 10:01 PM |
He would have been expelled from my school. It was a private, Catholic school in the late 1970s.
by Anonymous | reply 68 | May 27, 2017 10:06 PM |
[quote] Nobody cares. white boy. Go cry your privileged tears elsewhere.
These DLarfur Orphans are gettin' mighty uppity.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | May 27, 2017 10:12 PM |
That teacher should have stood his ground -- and shot the little bastard right between the eyes.
And, as the little fucker slumping onto the floor, the teacher should have said, without missing a beat: "Now, class, today we will be reviewing how . . . "
by Anonymous | reply 70 | May 27, 2017 10:26 PM |
The guy in the video at R59 needs an editor. 11 minute it took him to explain what should have taken 90 seconds. I thought it would never end.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | May 27, 2017 10:29 PM |
Do we know what his brother looks like?
by Anonymous | reply 73 | May 27, 2017 11:01 PM |
R72 Well we can see where the temper comes from.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | May 27, 2017 11:02 PM |
"I'll never have another one."
by Anonymous | reply 76 | May 27, 2017 11:05 PM |
He should be expelled! Then, to console him, I'd drink every drop of his hot angry white trash cum.
by Anonymous | reply 77 | May 27, 2017 11:06 PM |
He probably gets at least part of the anger from the same place he got his tits...steroids.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | May 27, 2017 11:08 PM |
His behavior goes beyond "disrespectful", it was racist, violent and threatening. If it had been a black kid, the police would have been called, and who knows how far things would have escalated. This is a perfect example of white privilege, which some people prefer to believe doesn't exist. (And yes, I'm white).
by Anonymous | reply 79 | May 27, 2017 11:36 PM |
Expelling this kid would be tantamount to White Genocide!!!
by Anonymous | reply 80 | May 27, 2017 11:39 PM |
He seemed like he was on drugs.
by Anonymous | reply 81 | May 28, 2017 12:09 AM |
Most teens in CA are on something
by Anonymous | reply 82 | May 28, 2017 12:12 AM |
This is what happens when you let your daughter transition.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | May 28, 2017 12:41 AM |
I wonder what happened that caused him to do this.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | May 28, 2017 12:54 AM |
So what kind of shit did his coach give him to inject/take?
by Anonymous | reply 85 | May 28, 2017 1:00 AM |
Too bad he didn't beat up dr. Chu
by Anonymous | reply 87 | May 28, 2017 1:10 AM |
The same horribly oppressed victims, who are crying about the "anti white racism"; are no doubt the same people who fill any thread, about a poorly behaved racial minority, with 100's of racially derisive comments. Any thread about a white male who behaved poorly or committed a crime is largely ignored (minus the commentary about how hot the perpetrator is). And it's certainly never suggested that his behavior was caused by the color of his skin. Whites who behave poorly are deemed the exception to rule. While racial minorities who behave poorly are deemed the standard. And most of the people who post here have little to no contact with racial minorities, and they never have. They take shit from people who look just like them all day everyday. Any pain misery or suffering they've experienced has and is most likely at the hands of someone who looks just like them. Yet they can wait to get to datalounge and complain about "the blacks" or "the Asians" or "the Latinos". Then they have the nerve to accuse others of "anti white racism".
by Anonymous | reply 89 | May 28, 2017 1:22 AM |
I wouldn't have put it past the Chinaman to have done something sneaky before the recording started setting the hot student up for this confrontation. They can't be trusted really. Ask anyone who fought in WWII.
by Anonymous | reply 90 | May 28, 2017 1:31 AM |
R90, clearly you know nothing about WW2, as the allied forces were fighting for the Chinese. Clearly someone didn't get their GED lol. Go back to school and try again.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | May 28, 2017 1:39 AM |
"Chinaman"? Don't you have better things to do, like dip snuff, cousin-fuck, and masturbate?
by Anonymous | reply 92 | May 28, 2017 1:41 AM |
I gotta think the "Chinaman" thing was an attempted joke.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | May 28, 2017 1:46 AM |
[quote]His behavior goes beyond "disrespectful", it was racist, violent and threatening. If it had been a black kid, the police would have been called, and who knows how far things would have escalated. This is a perfect example of white privilege, which some people prefer to believe doesn't exist. (And yes, I'm white).
And, before I get called out as a SJW, I'm not only white, but I'm 56, and working class . I grew up watching the brutality protesters faced in the South back in the 60s, and had my Mom try to explain the hatred people felt for other people. I really despise bigotry of any sort. I'm not wanting something horrible to happen to this student, but something needs to force him to see what his behavior really is, so he might see himself for how others see him.
by Anonymous | reply 94 | May 28, 2017 1:50 AM |
Nasty ass, DERP-faced Okie. California is infested with them.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | May 28, 2017 1:51 AM |
r91 and r92 - It was clearly a joke. The OP was going for an ironic piss-take of what an older racist gay man would say, hence the transparent racism and taking of the young kids side. Not saying it's a good one.
by Anonymous | reply 96 | May 28, 2017 1:52 AM |
So THIS is the new datalounge...
by Anonymous | reply 97 | May 28, 2017 2:11 AM |
R96, then he should at least get his facts straight.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | May 28, 2017 2:16 AM |
No matter how much some of us try and escape it, we always end being the person that our parents made us.
by Anonymous | reply 100 | May 28, 2017 2:27 AM |
I wonder why he was so angry in the first place.
And I didn't hear him use any racial epithets. Of course I'm not excusing the little douchebag's behavior, but he didn't say anything racial.
by Anonymous | reply 101 | May 28, 2017 2:56 AM |
He didn't use any anti-gay stuff either.
by Anonymous | reply 102 | May 28, 2017 2:57 AM |
So the n word isn't racist now, r101?
I guess it's casual speech for someone like you.
by Anonymous | reply 103 | May 28, 2017 2:57 AM |
I think it's a combo of parent-endorsed bigotry and steroids and raging hormones. Whatever the cause, it's a stomach-turning performance.
by Anonymous | reply 105 | May 28, 2017 3:32 AM |
[quote]Whatever the cause, it's a stomach-turning performance.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | May 28, 2017 4:00 AM |
A sampling of the dad's tweets from the link to his Twitter feed at R72:
@MaxineWaters Hey Maxipad, "Shut your mouth FAT FACE!"
@NancyPelosi Hey PinoccioLosi, "shut your mouth FAT FACE!" YOU are the one who is not fit to serve the people. You quiche eating freakjob!
Hey#CedrickRichmond,"shut your mouth FAT FACE!" Don't sterotype successful women like Conway with sexual jokes because your broad lost!
@Kaepernick7 Mr. K. the country is not the problem. The Constitution guarantees equal rights to everyone. Blame the liberal demaCraps
Re: @tanyafray58: As far as I am concerned, Obama is technically an antichrist but probably not the antichrist. lol...
by Anonymous | reply 107 | May 28, 2017 4:13 AM |
Keen social commentator that father is.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | May 28, 2017 4:36 AM |
Get downstairs quickly, R89
You forgot to set the Simply Safe.
by Anonymous | reply 109 | May 28, 2017 5:10 AM |
Are those nice pecs or bitch tits?
by Anonymous | reply 110 | May 28, 2017 5:17 AM |
I agree with R12, the kid is probably roids. He's also a dumb shit.
by Anonymous | reply 111 | May 28, 2017 5:30 AM |
Although drugs may have been involved, as well as personal issues, I don't think it's a coincidence that his parents are rabid Trump supporters who hate liberals. Trump and the Rethugs have been trying to convince us that science is not to be believed, that public education is crap, and that all foreigners and immigrants are the enemy. So it's hardly surprising when one of their kids thinks it's OK for him to treat his Asian science teacher like shit.
by Anonymous | reply 112 | May 28, 2017 5:43 AM |
r112, And why not, Trump was rewarded by the right voters and got into the white house. It pays to be a nonsensical asshole.
by Anonymous | reply 113 | May 28, 2017 5:48 AM |
[quote] And why not, Trump was rewarded by the right voters and got into the white house. It pays to be a nonsensical asshole.
You're right. And further proof of this is Greg Gianforte, the Montana Republican who assaulted the Guardian reporter for simply asking an innocent question. Gianforte was rewarded by being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. This kid's rage reminded me a lot of Gianforte's rage. I expect we'll see a lot more emboldened "deplorables" verbally and physically assaulting journalists, teachers, scientists, and other voices of truth and reason in the months to come.
by Anonymous | reply 114 | May 28, 2017 6:06 AM |
But that reporter PROVOKED Gianforte. It was his fault.
I really wonder if that incident had happened before one third of the electorate had already voted, what the outcome might have been. Maybe the same.
by Anonymous | reply 115 | May 28, 2017 6:14 AM |
[quote]Don't know what went on before the argument.
Doesn't really matter tho'. I seriously doubt that teacher did anything to deserve that.
[quote]These DLarfur Orphans are gettin' mighty uppity.
[quote]—Here's a bucket of KFC and a grape soda..now scram!
How long you been waiting to post THESE gems?
by Anonymous | reply 116 | May 28, 2017 5:04 PM |
Jesus. I live in Lancaster California.
That screaming kid's behavior makes me sick.
by Anonymous | reply 117 | May 28, 2017 5:28 PM |
Yes, r68, we know what you mean ....our high school, also private Catholic, and it would not have had Ornamental teachers either - only Dominican priests.
by Anonymous | reply 118 | May 28, 2017 6:06 PM |
Those Dominican priests make the best fudge!
by Anonymous | reply 119 | May 28, 2017 6:07 PM |
R118 Chinks are terrible teachers.
by Anonymous | reply 120 | May 28, 2017 6:07 PM |
I had two Chinese professors in college - they had very thick accents that were hard to understand and they did not have a good grasp of the English language. To this day I have no idea why they were hired in the first place.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | May 28, 2017 6:15 PM |
The mystery deepens:
Eastside High student Ashley Figgers says she doesn’t know what happened to him.
“He’s just, like, so sweet,” she tells CBS2 News. “You would never think of him doing anything, and then to hear this, it’s like, ‘Him? No!'”
Likewise, a watch commander with the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station familiar with the student tells CBS2 News he was stunned at the news, claiming the boy is normally an upstanding student.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 122 | May 28, 2017 6:20 PM |
Not really a mystery R122. I mean...he's clearly in a 'roid rage in that video.
by Anonymous | reply 123 | May 28, 2017 6:22 PM |
I'm familiar with roid rage (not from personal experience, I've never used them, but from seeing others go off on a tirade) and that's what this looks like to me. That shit does awful things to people.
by Anonymous | reply 125 | May 28, 2017 6:24 PM |
Ahh, another dindu.
Anyway, someone on Reddit claimed to have gone to the school and said that Yapp was enraged because he was accused for cheating on a test and got a zero for it, when in reality another kid cheated off of him? Unsure.
by Anonymous | reply 126 | May 28, 2017 8:28 PM |
Ok, so apparently this kid got accused of cheating on a test and failed, when he says he was innocent. I'm not excusing his behavior, but that is a serious charge against the teacher and the kid has a right to be furious, if that's true. Again, his behavior was out of line but at least there's an answer as to why he was so angry.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | May 28, 2017 8:53 PM |
You see peeps? There are 2 sides to every story, it just took a little while to come out. And not to excuse the cute kid's behavior - but actually really to excuse it - if I was unfairly accused of cheating which could ultimately jeopardize my admission to an Ivy League college, damn straight I would have gone off on the Oriental teacher. I actually respect him for standing up for himself, however angrily he might have done it.
by Anonymous | reply 128 | May 28, 2017 9:05 PM |
People were so quick to put a racial narrative on this story when that isn't the case at all.
by Anonymous | reply 129 | May 28, 2017 9:08 PM |
I don't care if a teacher kicked me in the vagina bone in class. You don't rage like that almost to the point of violence.
If you're that angry, you get up, walk out, and take it to the office.
Zero excuses for this.
by Anonymous | reply 130 | May 28, 2017 9:18 PM |
I'm glad his life is ruined.
Asshole, should have thought about that before he went off.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 131 | May 28, 2017 9:18 PM |
r84, someone made a comment that before this the teacher held his fists towards him. Might be hard to believe because he is so calm here. But then said it he lost it and hit happens. The person added he had frustration over breaking up with his girlfriend.
You know she is like, dodged a bullet right there.
by Anonymous | reply 132 | May 28, 2017 9:22 PM |
[quote] People were so quick to put a racial narrative on this story when that isn't the case at all.
Yeah, why would anyone put a racial narrative on this story? I mean, just because the kid uses the word "nigger" is no evidence of any racial bias.
by Anonymous | reply 133 | May 28, 2017 9:30 PM |
[quote] People were so quick to put a racial narrative on this story when that isn't the case at all.
Right accept for him calling the teacher a "ni**er".
But yeah because someone said something on Reddit. His behavior is completely justified. As a matter of fact anytime anyone says or does something that we dislike. Making threats, screaming and yelling racial epithets are both completely justified.
And if this kid is a senior a test score from the last 2 weeks of school is not going to affect his admission to college one way or the other.
This jackass will no doubt be someone or several someone's boss one day. And if those people are anything like the average datalounger. After being abused by him all day. They will rush home to the internet to complain about racial minorities and to talk about how hot straight white guys (who abuse them) are.
by Anonymous | reply 134 | May 28, 2017 9:31 PM |
[quote] if I was unfairly accused of cheating which could ultimately jeopardize my admission to an Ivy League college, damn straight I would have gone off on the Oriental teacher
Somehow, I doubt that this little shit is Ivy League material. Community college, perhaps. His parents certainly don't seem to be Rhodes scholars.
by Anonymous | reply 135 | May 28, 2017 9:32 PM |
Dr Chu should go back to China! Ruining his students english with his chinchong accent
by Anonymous | reply 136 | May 28, 2017 9:35 PM |
[quote] Ok, so apparently this kid got accused of cheating on a test and failed, when he says he was innocent. I'm not excusing his behavior, but that is a serious charge against the teacher and the kid has a right to be furious, if that's true.
Why should we accept the kid's version of the story? If the teacher accused him of cheating, it's probably because he was cheating.
And if he feels he was unfairly accused, he should speak to the teacher one on one, and if that doesn't work, he should complain to the principal or superintendent. But nothing can justify going on an insane tirade in front of the rest of the class.
by Anonymous | reply 137 | May 28, 2017 9:38 PM |
I'm not defending the kid, but his use of the n word was hip hop speak. He wasn't calling the teacher the n word per se, it's just the vocabulary. In case you guys haven't noticed most white suburban kids are heavily into hip hop and hip hop culture. You hear white kids calling each other the n word now. And to clarify it's the n-word ending with an 'a' not an 'er'.
And these kids aren't necessarily racist, it's just what they hear in their music. It's kind of like new wave, back when we were kids and every one was all of a suddenly from the valley.
The kid clearly lost it, but that was no way to behave and shouldn't get a pass.
by Anonymous | reply 138 | May 28, 2017 9:38 PM |
He actually said 'nigga' and since when does that mean East Asian?
by Anonymous | reply 139 | May 28, 2017 9:40 PM |
r137 did you read my entire post? I said there was no excuse for his behavior, but he had a right to be angry.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | May 28, 2017 9:41 PM |
I hope someone beats that kid to a bloody pulp.
by Anonymous | reply 141 | May 28, 2017 9:45 PM |
[quote] You hear white kids calling each other the n word now.
Kids may call each other "niggas" in private as much as they want. But you don't hear them calling their teachers, parents or other adults "niggas" in front of others. In what crazy-ass universe could that be seen as any other than disrespectful and -- yes -- racist? Are you honestly suggesting that it's OK for kids to call their teachers "niggas" to their face, just because that's "hip hop speak"? ... "Hey, nigga. What's the assignment for next week's class?" "Hey, nigga. What's my grade in this class?" Since when do hip-hop artists get to set the boundaries for what is and is not acceptable language in a public classroom setting?
by Anonymous | reply 142 | May 28, 2017 9:51 PM |
Won't there be disciplinary actions against the student? If I had acted like that towards a teacher I would have been at the very least suspended.
by Anonymous | reply 143 | May 28, 2017 9:53 PM |
Correction, DL elder gay niggas! 👹
by Anonymous | reply 145 | May 28, 2017 9:56 PM |
[quote] I said there was no excuse for his behavior, but he had a right to be angry.
He had a right to be angry IF his version of the story is correct and he didn't cheat.
But if I'm forced to choose sides between an obnoxious, disrespectful little asshole whose parents are deplorables and a mild-mannered Asian physics teacher, I think I'll choose the latter.
by Anonymous | reply 146 | May 28, 2017 9:58 PM |
And this is why I go to lipstick alley.
by Anonymous | reply 147 | May 28, 2017 9:58 PM |
[quote]Kids may call each other "niggas" in private as much as they want.
You really haven't been around any white teenagers lately, have you?
[quote]Are you honestly suggesting that it's OK for kids to call their teachers "niggas" to their face, just because that's "hip hop speak"? ...
No, I'm not. But this was clearly a heightened situation and out of the norm.
by Anonymous | reply 148 | May 28, 2017 10:00 PM |
Is the lipstick alley a discount pharmacy?
by Anonymous | reply 149 | May 28, 2017 10:04 PM |
[quote] You really haven't been around any white teenagers lately, have you?
Yes, I have. Of course I'm aware that the word "nigga" is used causally by white teens all the time. But just because it's acceptable in private conversation doesn't make it acceptable in a public setting when speaking to someone who is older and worthy of respect. And yes, when used in a public setting, the word still carries a racial connotation, regardless of whether it ends with an "a" or an "er." The fact that hip hop artists use it all the time doesn't make it acceptable. It's kind of like kids saying "That's so gay." It may be fine for them to say that among themselves in private, but to say that in public is unacceptable and homophobic. Similarly, it may be fine for a group of girls to call themselves "bitches" among themselves, but that doesn't make it right for them to address a female teacher as "Bitch."
[quote] But this was clearly a heightened situation and out of the norm.
"Heightened situation out of the norm" is just a fancy way of saying "unacceptable behavior that should be punished."
by Anonymous | reply 150 | May 28, 2017 10:08 PM |
No, Lipstick Alley is Jessica Chastain's code for Megan Ellison's snatch.
by Anonymous | reply 151 | May 28, 2017 10:08 PM |
Um, r146? You're also making assumptions, FYI.
by Anonymous | reply 152 | May 28, 2017 10:11 PM |
I just love how this kid, because he's "cute" to R128, gets a free pass for his behavior and was an "Ivy League" student in the making.
by Anonymous | reply 153 | May 28, 2017 10:14 PM |
Maybe the kid isn't a racist. But given that his dad has called Obama an "antichrist" and calls Maxine Waters "Maxipad," I'm guessing that he's not exactly a crusader for racial equality, The suggestion that the kid is upset because he's applying to Ivy League colleges is laughable. His parents are the type who would never let their son apply to some "commie, liberal, faggoty East Coast school."
by Anonymous | reply 154 | May 28, 2017 10:21 PM |
If you let someone cheat, you're cheating as well...
by Anonymous | reply 156 | May 28, 2017 10:29 PM |
[quote]His parents are the type who would never let their son apply to some "commie, liberal, faggoty East Coast school."
But, I can't find homophobia anywhere from the kid or parent...so why the f-word? Enough.
by Anonymous | reply 157 | May 28, 2017 10:35 PM |
[quote] But, I can't find homophobia anywhere from the kid or parent.
Here you go. A letter to the editor from the parent.
[quote] Tolerance stuff has gone too far
[quote] To the Editor:
[quote] There’s nothing to debate about "gay marriage" because marriage is between a man and woman, period! The homosexual movement is trying to purposely offend the majority. Homosexuals and others already have civil unions and domestic partnerships that are the legal equivalent to "marriage." Homosexuals know the term "marriage" is traditionally defined and accepted as "man and woman." Rather than come up with their own unique definition for their homosexual relationships, they try to commandeer another societal norm attempting to redefine marriage to include themselves under the false and so heavily abused doctrine of "tolerance" and "equality."
[quote] What if former President George W. Bush all of a sudden one day decided to redefine himself as an African American then publicly announce this on national television? All Americans, especially black civil rights leaders, would refuse and decry such an atrocious statement. However, for spite, let’s say Bush retaliated against America, especially against the black community by stating he is now going to enact legislation to force everyone to refer to and include himself as an African American even though he is not. This would be the equivalent of homosexuals "redefining" marriage, something we will never tolerate. This "tolerance" stuff has gone too far.
[quote] Robert Yapp
[quote] Lancaster, Calif.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 158 | May 28, 2017 10:42 PM |
Man, sometimes you DL detectives amaze me at the stuff you can dig up. I'm almost tempted to ask you guys to help me find my first boyfriend from 1994.
by Anonymous | reply 159 | May 28, 2017 10:45 PM |
[quote]But that reporter PROVOKED Gianforte. It was his fault.
[quote]I really wonder if that incident had happened before one third of the electorate had already voted, what the outcome might have been. Maybe the same.
And how did he provoke Gianforte: by doing what reporters do, asking questions?
You are full of shit.
by Anonymous | reply 161 | May 28, 2017 10:48 PM |
[quote] And how did he provoke Gianforte: by doing what reporters do, asking questions?
I'm not the person who wrote that post, but I think the poster was being sarcastic.
Then again, on a thread where some DL'ers seem to be seriously suggesting that this asshole kid is Ivy League material and was just using hip-hop lingo, who knows?
by Anonymous | reply 162 | May 28, 2017 10:52 PM |
Can someone dig up a photo of the father? Oh you sleuths, try it and get lots of WWs!
by Anonymous | reply 163 | May 28, 2017 10:55 PM |
I hope so, R162.
I have not read one account of the altercation that points at the reporter as the instigator.
by Anonymous | reply 164 | May 28, 2017 10:56 PM |
Giddion? Some Mormon probably birthed him.
by Anonymous | reply 165 | May 28, 2017 10:57 PM |
Robert Yapp, the father, in Lancaster, CA
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 166 | May 28, 2017 10:57 PM |
Just coz u old does not mean u deserve respect. Ewwww.
by Anonymous | reply 167 | May 28, 2017 11:09 PM |
[quote]People were so quick to put a racial narrative on this story when that isn't the case at all.
I love the people going out of their way to make this kid, who called his teacher the N-Word and whose father wrote a screed against homosexuality, a victim. For fuck's sake, is it because he's young, white, and not hideous? These are the types of people who actively vote to remove our rights, but by all means, bend over and present hole.
by Anonymous | reply 168 | May 28, 2017 11:37 PM |
"I love the people going out of their way to make this kid, who called his teacher the N-Word and whose father wrote a screed against homosexuality, a victim."
It's all the Trumpty Dumpties. They all want to do what this kid did, but they sure as hell don't want the internet to know about it.
Meanwhile, not everyone defending this kid on this thread is gay. And the ones that are gay are the lunatic fringe trolls who aside from being racist are self-loathing narcissists.
Welcome to Datalounge!
by Anonymous | reply 170 | May 28, 2017 11:52 PM |
Get another record, R170, yours is played out.
by Anonymous | reply 171 | May 29, 2017 12:03 AM |
I'm just cracking up that r157 thought the bigoted xtian racist family wouldn't be against the gays. "Nope, that's the one issue we are tolerant on!"
by Anonymous | reply 172 | May 29, 2017 12:11 AM |
[quote]His parents are the type who would never let their son apply to some "commie, liberal, faggoty East Coast school."
Are you kidding? The Ivy League is the Ivy League. Lots of students there have conservative assholes for parents.
by Anonymous | reply 173 | May 29, 2017 12:12 AM |
Holding a relative's political rants against a minor is appalling
by Anonymous | reply 174 | May 29, 2017 12:37 AM |
The little cunt looks like Christopher Rice.
by Anonymous | reply 175 | May 29, 2017 12:39 AM |
Appalling? No need to hold his father's political rants against him. His use of the N-word is enough, but the parents' comments no doubt shape their child's worldview.
by Anonymous | reply 176 | May 29, 2017 12:50 AM |
r126, you cannot believe that because I read another with a different story.
It's all bullshit, none of those posters were in the class or knew him. He is just a complete asshole.
by Anonymous | reply 177 | May 29, 2017 1:52 AM |
I'm leaning toward this kid having a mental illness. He is just comin into the age that the schizo-affective disorders to start. Couple that with probable alcohol and drug use and it would explain a lot of this behavior. It's really interesting that through our the tirade he continues to refer to the teacher as "Doctor", normally an honorific.
I agree that this kid's life, professionally at least, is over. He doesn't come across as someone who was going to cross over horizons very far from Lancaster, CA anyway. I predict a devolution into drug abuse, several bastard children, and a nice juicy neck tattoo.
by Anonymous | reply 178 | May 29, 2017 2:05 AM |
Now, I'm not saying that what this kid did was justified and I am certainly not defending him, but (proceeds to defend his actions anyway).
by Anonymous | reply 179 | May 29, 2017 2:09 AM |
What no one mentioned was that the family are evangelicals. Surprise!
by Anonymous | reply 180 | May 29, 2017 2:25 AM |
"Evangelical" was clearly implied in my "Okie" description.
by Anonymous | reply 181 | May 29, 2017 2:59 AM |
I'd have turned that shower on over his head and cooled him off.
by Anonymous | reply 182 | May 29, 2017 3:06 AM |
"The reporter PROVOKED. ."
Of course I was being sarcastic when I posted that. And it's essentially what Gianforte's people came up with.
As for the Yapper, just look at the schmuck in the WH. If, a few decades ago, a candidate had said any of hundreds of things that guy said, he would have been considered ineligible to run.
A fish stinks from the head down (not being metaphorical here, it's an old saying ).
by Anonymous | reply 183 | May 29, 2017 3:16 AM |
With his lack of impulse control, he will meet an early demise
by Anonymous | reply 184 | May 29, 2017 3:49 AM |
The parents have both of their names on one Facebook account, rather than individual accounts, which indicates that they're probably Christian Fundamentalists. Wife shouldn't have her own individual page. It's a Fundie thing.
by Anonymous | reply 185 | May 29, 2017 3:54 AM |
R185 Not really. I've seen plenty of non-Fundie couples do this. It's just an annoying couple thing like those who gush online about how perfect their spouse supposedly is (when you know in reality that they're both fucking around).
by Anonymous | reply 186 | May 29, 2017 4:03 AM |
His professional life is not over. He could go on to a community college, and then from there to a 4-year college/university. This will be forgotten in a few months. Years from now, nobody will even know about this.
by Anonymous | reply 187 | May 29, 2017 7:23 AM |
But The Shadow knows. And The Shadow never forgets.
by Anonymous | reply 188 | May 29, 2017 9:28 AM |
Well, the father is a complete sexist tool.
[quote]@MaxineWaters Hey Maxipad, "Shut your mouth FAT FACE!"
I'm going to tweet Maxine about this tool .
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 189 | May 29, 2017 10:29 AM |
So all it takes is for a boy to have a pretty face and have a decent body and his actions are justified? You queens are pathetic
by Anonymous | reply 190 | May 29, 2017 11:36 AM |
[quote]So all it takes is for a boy to have a pretty face and have a decent body and his actions are justified? You queens are pathetic
Uh....you forgot the biggest mitigating factor here
by Anonymous | reply 191 | May 29, 2017 11:45 AM |
I've lived all over the US, and the worst white trash by far was in California.
by Anonymous | reply 193 | May 29, 2017 11:50 AM |
R187, I might agree with you if this kid's name was John Smith, but with a name like Gideon Yapp anytime his name is Googled this will be at the top of the page. He's probably one of the only Gideon Yapps in the world.
Every employer and landlord with half an ounce of common sense does a web search of prospective hires and tenants. This kid is toast. If his father doesn't own a business, he's unemployable.
by Anonymous | reply 194 | May 29, 2017 12:00 PM |
NOTE to self when commiting unspeakable acts don't have a name you don't here everyday
by Anonymous | reply 195 | May 29, 2017 12:27 PM |
The other students can be heard laughing and then seen in the back getting a good chuckle out of this. Great school.
by Anonymous | reply 196 | May 29, 2017 12:42 PM |
Before today's technological age this sort of deplorable act towards a teacher would remain hearsay, although here it was witnessed by class. The fact that it was videoed and put on the internet makes a permanent record of it. His brother is asking that people remove it because it would hurt his future. This displays his deplorable character for all to see. Don't do shit like this in public if you're you're going to be ashamed of it.
by Anonymous | reply 197 | May 29, 2017 1:43 PM |
Yeah, I noticed that too R196. Instead of giggling like a teenage girl, I would've been scared shitless that this little prick had a gun!
by Anonymous | reply 198 | May 29, 2017 1:46 PM |
R193, why is it that the worst white trash are from California?
by Anonymous | reply 199 | May 29, 2017 2:20 PM |
[quote] I might agree with you if this kid's name was John Smith, but with a name like Gideon Yapp anytime his name is Googled this will be at the top of the page. He's probably one of the only Gideon Yapps in the world.
Exactly. This incident will always be his defining moment in Google search results. He will always be Gideon Yapp, the crazy student who went on a tirade against his Asian teacher. The only way he can overcome this is (1) to do something so spectacular that it becomes his new defining moment, pushing all of the articles about the tirade off the front page of Google results (not likely to happen), (2) hope that every website that mentions the tirade eventually removes it from their site (not likely to happen), or (3) change his name.
by Anonymous | reply 200 | May 29, 2017 2:28 PM |
A name change is found in a background check and then he's screwed.
by Anonymous | reply 201 | May 29, 2017 3:05 PM |
Does his dad work at the prison? Lancaster has two things: a prison and poppies.
by Anonymous | reply 202 | May 29, 2017 3:12 PM |
I'd love to know what action the school took against this kid.....and what prompted his outrageous/unacceptable behavior
by Anonymous | reply 203 | May 29, 2017 3:20 PM |
[quote]Every employer and landlord with half an ounce of common sense does a web search of prospective hires and tenants. This kid is toast. If his father doesn't own a business, he's unemployable.
All he'll have to do is say he was "young" and he has "learned" from his mistake and has "grown" as a person. Someone will eventually hire him, especially if he changes his name. As long as he doesn't lie about it to his employer he'll be okay eventually.
Even Justine Sacco worked again.
by Anonymous | reply 204 | May 29, 2017 3:21 PM |
Where is this screaming in people's faces coming from? Screaming in teacher's faces up close and loud. This was how it was done in the Yale and other insane student videos. It is beyond arguing or being angry. Who does this? Have they watched too many of the movies where the sergeant yells at the new recruits? Is this routine behavior now? Please explain.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 205 | May 29, 2017 3:21 PM |
This Asian girl looks like she is keeping her cool, but she may feel different inside.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 206 | May 29, 2017 3:24 PM |
[quote] All he'll have to do is say he was "young" and he has "learned" from his mistake and has "grown" as a person. Someone will eventually hire him,
I agree that by the time he turns 30, employers will be willing to chalk this up as an "unfortunate childhood incident" and hire him. But the problem is going to be getting through the next 10 years or so. By the time he becomes employable again, he won't even be in the running for any of the decent jobs.
by Anonymous | reply 208 | May 29, 2017 4:06 PM |
Oh who knows what the world will be like in 10 years.
by Anonymous | reply 209 | May 29, 2017 4:10 PM |
[quote]Even Justine Sacco worked again.
by Anonymous | reply 210 | May 29, 2017 4:13 PM |
R205 - Watch any episode of The Maury Povich Show. The black women he has on his show ALWAYS do this to the men. Get up in their faces as Obama urged his supporters in 2012.
by Anonymous | reply 211 | May 29, 2017 6:08 PM |
I think this will blow over sooner than we think. What about all those really big stories from just a few years or even months ago that no one even knows about any more. Yes, he will always be known for this. However, the media is ALWAYS looking for the next big story, the next one that is just over the top. So, although his name may always be connected to this, how many will know or care enough to search for it. An employer might, a land lord, but in time, it will be buried. It will be buried faster if he goes to a community college and buckles down and achieves good..no, excellent, grades.
by Anonymous | reply 212 | May 29, 2017 6:52 PM |
Reminds me a lot of the Mac and Cheese incident from a couple of years ago.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 213 | May 29, 2017 7:03 PM |
r213, "Luke Gatti, Millennial Asswipe" is one of my favorite DL thread titles ever. God what a little bitch he was.
by Anonymous | reply 214 | May 29, 2017 7:09 PM |
David Cash, Jr.
It's been 20 years. People still keep up with his whereabouts.
by Anonymous | reply 215 | May 29, 2017 7:36 PM |
The drill sergeant article was appropriate because Yapp wanted to join the military. I'm sure his father yells at him like that, or he's seen his father yell at others like that.
by Anonymous | reply 216 | May 29, 2017 7:43 PM |
Ah, so is that where it comes from, R211?
by Anonymous | reply 217 | May 29, 2017 7:46 PM |
Yes, he might be influenced by that, R216. He looks like he wants to join army or marines or something. Or pretends to.
by Anonymous | reply 218 | May 29, 2017 7:47 PM |
Oh, yeah, it is like the mac and cheese thing. Looks like the same kind of kid , with the over the top rudeness and yelling.
Ugh, it is really gross. I think they should be severely punished.
by Anonymous | reply 219 | May 29, 2017 7:49 PM |
Cash? Mac and cheese kid? Already forgotten by most.
by Anonymous | reply 220 | May 29, 2017 7:55 PM |
Oh, THAT David Cash! How could anyone forget that.
by Anonymous | reply 221 | May 29, 2017 7:57 PM |
It's interesting that the person who originally posted the video on Twitter has now removed the video and all of his tweets.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 222 | May 29, 2017 8:16 PM |
R222 Yeah, I noticed that last night... well, I noticed that the video was removed... didn't know his entire twitter was. Wonder if he was reported for invasion of privacy or something? I know Doxxing is a big deal, and this kid's information was plastered all throughout twitter. Wouldn't be surprised if the site took action and removed everything altogether.
by Anonymous | reply 223 | May 29, 2017 8:24 PM |
At R72, no wonder the kid is so disturbed, his father is a Deplorable.
Lancaster is in the outskirts of LA and there are white supremacists in the rural areas. I hope this kid gets disciplined. I can see his father coming to the school and making a similar tirade. The only way to deal with these people is to stand up to them.
by Anonymous | reply 224 | May 29, 2017 8:34 PM |
[post redacted because linking to dailymail.co.uk clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 225 | May 29, 2017 8:35 PM |
And they said black people are uncontrollable and a danger to society....
by Anonymous | reply 226 | May 29, 2017 9:02 PM |
Well r226 just to play devil's advocate here, this kid WAS in school......
by Anonymous | reply 227 | May 29, 2017 9:11 PM |
Another example of the father's social commentary:
[quote] Oh, let me guess. We are being "diverse," since we let all the Latino countries do it, so now we have to open up to the Chinese too, right? [quote] Well, since the Chinese basically own our asses financially due to the huge debt we owe them, I guess the least we could do is let them pump out babies on our ("their") turf. Let's just make sure we send them home with American baby formula so they won't have any lead exposure from theirs. [quote] Robert Yapp [quote] Lancaster
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 228 | May 29, 2017 9:18 PM |
R225 Even his haircut screams Trump-in-training.
by Anonymous | reply 229 | May 29, 2017 9:19 PM |
[quote]Let's just make sure we send them home with American baby formula so they won't have any lead exposure from theirs.
Ok I'm sorry but that was fucking funny.
by Anonymous | reply 230 | May 29, 2017 9:21 PM |
God, the father's a real piece of work.
by Anonymous | reply 231 | May 29, 2017 9:22 PM |
Ironically he isn't the only student getting heat over something posted on twitter
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 232 | May 29, 2017 9:27 PM |
r232 I am now going directly to hell in a handbasket for laughing at that. Thanks a lot!
by Anonymous | reply 233 | May 29, 2017 9:30 PM |
this will be an interesting test case. if anyone says a minority kid is troubled or may have had a shitty upbringing, they are being a typical lefty defending a special snowflake who should be in jail.
will the same thing apply to this very white kid with his very racist father? we shall see.
by Anonymous | reply 234 | May 29, 2017 9:46 PM |
Well so far, those who are criticizing the kid are being called anti-White, so...
by Anonymous | reply 235 | May 29, 2017 9:49 PM |
I'm just glad this wasn't dubbed as a " millennial" since DL loves to group a whole generation together like every teen is exactly the same
by Anonymous | reply 236 | May 29, 2017 9:51 PM |
Every time DLers complain about millennials it just makes them seem older.
by Anonymous | reply 238 | May 29, 2017 9:52 PM |
I don't hate millennials but I don't hate being older. age happens. it's not some mystery or some curse.
by Anonymous | reply 239 | May 29, 2017 9:55 PM |
The millennials are going to have a hard time getting older.
by Anonymous | reply 240 | May 29, 2017 9:56 PM |
That's a healthy perspective to have.
by Anonymous | reply 241 | May 29, 2017 9:56 PM |
It isn't a curse it just makes you (not you in particular) look sad constantly bashing a generation that's a still learning and finding their way (considering most of you sexualize us anyway legal or not) every time a millennial does something you deem bad or cringeworthy. Instead of actually blaming the parents and their parenting (ahem YOUR generation). Not to mention thinking that we each act the same and behave the same there's literally a thread that's "let's be millennials"
by Anonymous | reply 242 | May 29, 2017 10:06 PM |
[quote] The drill sergeant article was appropriate because Yapp wanted to join the military. I'm sure his father yells at him like that, or he's seen his father yell at others like that.
Reportedly the dad owns a dojo, some real Cobra Kai shit with that one.
by Anonymous | reply 243 | May 29, 2017 10:14 PM |
What a pathetic asshole, he's def on something. Roid rage? Drugs? Both? Either way he is disgusting and both him and his father deserve public embarrassment tbh and I normally don't advocate for doxxing or witch hunts but they truly deserve it in this case.
And for the last fucking time, he was not being intentionally RACIST in this video, he was being wholly ignorant and using a word he had no business using. (Nigga... not nigg*r, as most stupid young whites use). It clearly was not said with any malicious intent or racial hatred behind it, just stupidity. Some of ya'll are so willfully obtuse it's sad.
by Anonymous | reply 244 | May 29, 2017 10:16 PM |
Here we go white people telling others what to be offended by yet using the words "anti white"
by Anonymous | reply 245 | May 29, 2017 10:21 PM |
White Privilege personified! No respect for teachers!
by Anonymous | reply 246 | May 29, 2017 10:26 PM |
I'll bet my mother's life this asshole kid's parents are Trump voters!
by Anonymous | reply 247 | May 29, 2017 10:30 PM |
R247 Did you even read through this thread?? It has already been determined that his parents are trumpettes... Keep up!
by Anonymous | reply 248 | May 29, 2017 10:32 PM |
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨, 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠. (𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐚... 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐠*𝐫, 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞). 𝐈𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐲. 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐚'𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐛𝐭𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐝.
Awww, poor little 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 racist. And he was ignorant, bless his heart--unlike those genius racists.
You should listen to yourself sometimes. It would be a fitting punishment.
by Anonymous | reply 249 | May 29, 2017 10:45 PM |
[quote]And for the last fucking time, he was not being intentionally RACIST in this video, he was being wholly ignorant and using a word he had no business using. (Nigga... not nigg*r, as most stupid young whites use). It clearly was not said with any malicious intent or racial hatred behind it, just stupidity. Some of ya'll are so willfully obtuse it's sad.
Racism is a byproduct of ignorance, and the word he had no business using is universally racist. He said it with no malicious intent? The fucker was yelling at the top of his lungs and trashing the room. You claim his words contain no spite and then you call us obtuse? I swear I'm in the Twilight Zone.
by Anonymous | reply 250 | May 29, 2017 10:48 PM |
This story wont die for a while. Do a search on Lancaster, CA, then hit news. This story comes up twice. Interesting news from that city.
by Anonymous | reply 251 | May 29, 2017 10:58 PM |
To those who say the boy is not being racist, can't you hear him mocking the teacher's accent in the video?
by Anonymous | reply 252 | May 30, 2017 1:01 AM |
Asian people rarely speak up and this guy was probably an easy target. You think this white bully would do the same for a white male school coach? I hardly doubt it. From his dad's postings, the boy probably thought it was okay to bully the teacher since he's non-white and an Asian.
I'm glad this is going viral. And what is the school going to do about it? They are keeping awfully quiet.
R244, get your fucking head out of the sand. This was a racist rant.
by Anonymous | reply 253 | May 30, 2017 1:07 AM |
The story on how it happened before the video apparently lol
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 254 | May 30, 2017 3:20 AM |
This kind of purple-faced rage isn't normal. I'm thinking roids + bipolar.
by Anonymous | reply 255 | May 30, 2017 3:33 AM |
Oh my god r254 so it wasn't even HIS beef, so to speak? What a fucking tool! It would be a prick move if it had been him but considering it was over some thing that was none of his fucking concern makes it even worse. Also, Vex the sniper could stand to sit through a few more classes too: "The teacher ripped it up for. No reason..."
by Anonymous | reply 256 | May 30, 2017 3:58 AM |
I hope the video ruins his life. That racist kid is off anyway and a waste to society. I can tell he had zero respect for his teacher, as if he felt the man was beneath him.
by Anonymous | reply 257 | May 30, 2017 4:58 AM |
Haha a deplorable stuck in California. Enjoy the gay rights, easy abortion access, and the Mexicans you racist Trumptards.
by Anonymous | reply 258 | May 30, 2017 5:06 AM |
So the teacher put his fists up to his face wanting to fight him, then tears up his homework in front of the class, then accuses him of cheating, then takes away his chances of an Ivy League school, then pulls his hair, then karate chops him and gives him a roundhouse. No wonder the kid got mad😡. You would too.
by Anonymous | reply 259 | May 30, 2017 5:24 AM |
The girl in r232s link and her friend won't be allowed to walk at graduation. Also the girl was supposed to speak but had that taken away from her.
by Anonymous | reply 260 | May 30, 2017 6:24 AM |
When he turning tricks on a causeway for meth in 2 years how many of you will take advantage of this white twink's AIDS ravaged body!?
by Anonymous | reply 262 | May 30, 2017 7:14 AM |
It seems you're masturbating to the idea right now, r262.
by Anonymous | reply 263 | May 30, 2017 7:17 AM |
He's hated, because one of his classmates posted the video. Once the whole school sees this racist video, he's going to be cornered and jumped, and it wouldn't happen to a more deserving subhuman.
by Anonymous | reply 264 | May 30, 2017 7:26 AM |
That teacher had a lot of restraint to not drag that boy
by Anonymous | reply 265 | May 30, 2017 7:32 AM |
But isn't the more pressing issue why his classmate leaked this video?
by Anonymous | reply 266 | May 30, 2017 7:33 AM |
Just because you're classmates with someone doesn't mean you necessarily like or are friends with them. Why wouldn't someone post this insane white male going ape shit on that poor Asian teacher who was trying to be as nice as he could
by Anonymous | reply 267 | May 30, 2017 7:36 AM |
Exactly R267) !
Hell yeah post that shyt!
No sense in hiding this video, when this ignorant fool was showing his ass disrupting their education.
by Anonymous | reply 268 | May 30, 2017 8:12 AM |
Little Junior needs to get his mouth washed out with a bar of Ivory soap before getting corn-holed by Professor Mandingo!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 269 | May 30, 2017 8:41 AM |
[quote]And for the last fucking time, he was not being intentionally RACIST in this video, he was being wholly ignorant and using a word he had no business using. (Nigga... not nigg*r, as most stupid young whites us[quote]e). It clearly was not said with any malicious intent or racial hatred behind it, just stupidity. Some of ya'll are so willfully obtuse it's sad.
So tell me....If he had said "Fag" instead of nigga --which you know is in his lexicon--would you be so quick with your explanation?
Just curious...
by Anonymous | reply 270 | May 30, 2017 1:47 PM |
R259, where did you find that info? Did the teacher harass/provoke him?
by Anonymous | reply 271 | May 30, 2017 2:45 PM |
[quote]So tell me....If he had said "Fag" instead of nigga --which you know is in his lexicon--would you be so quick with your explanation?
He used nigga as a term of endearment!
by Anonymous | reply 272 | May 30, 2017 8:31 PM |
R270) He's fine as long a the punk doesn't use a word that offends him.
by Anonymous | reply 273 | May 31, 2017 2:49 AM |
[quote]And for the last fucking time, he was not being intentionally RACIST in this video, he was being wholly ignorant and using a word he had no business using. (Nigga... not nigg*r, as most stupid young whites us[quote]e). It clearly was not said with any malicious intent or racial hatred behind it, just stupidity. Some of ya'll are so willfully obtuse it's sad.
Please tell us all how you know his "intentions"? How doe you know it had no "malicious" intent or "racial" hatred behind it?
by Anonymous | reply 274 | May 31, 2017 2:50 AM |
I think he was awful, crazy, rude and disrespectful, but I don't think it was about racism - there are some very obvious anti-Asian terms he could have used but he didn't say them. I was actually waiting for them to come out of his mouth. It was more like a baby with a wet diaper having a fit, in today's ultra rude xtreme asshole version. Like the other one who couldn't get his mac and cheese . These are the fits one sees by people who think they are not getting good "customer service" - like the mac and cheese kid. They want to be babied and waited on and given prizes.
by Anonymous | reply 275 | May 31, 2017 3:16 AM |
[quote]I think he was awful, crazy, rude and disrespectful, but I don't think it was about racism - there are some very obvious anti-Asian terms he could have used
So.... let me get this straight, because he didn't get as nasty as you would have liked and used a derogatory term for black people, it isn't considered racist? Don't you know people call Arabs sand "N"?
Still racist!
by Anonymous | reply 276 | May 31, 2017 3:32 AM |
I wonder if you're not giving this asswipe a pass, because you think he's cute.
by Anonymous | reply 277 | May 31, 2017 3:33 AM |
I'm not giving him a pass. I think he should be kicked out of the school.
by Anonymous | reply 278 | May 31, 2017 3:35 AM |
[quote] used a derogatory term for black people
Don't you understand? It's not derogatory to say "nigga." It's only derogatory to say "nigger." Once you change the "er" to an "a," it loses any suggestion of racism. Two completely different words.
Just like it's derogatory to say "faggot," but it's not derogatory to say "fag."
by Anonymous | reply 280 | May 31, 2017 3:37 AM |
Tell me about it, R280)
It's obvious the poster wants to explain away the obvious.
by Anonymous | reply 281 | May 31, 2017 3:41 AM |
R280, point taken. Thank you very much for drawing the distinction between nigger and nigga. Given your thorough explanation of why the term nigga isnt racist, I dare you to go up to a black man and call him a nigga. Good luck with that!
by Anonymous | reply 283 | May 31, 2017 3:57 AM |
OMG! R280) Is trying to show the irony in R275) 's post.
R275 is saying the kid isn't racist, and R280 is being sarcastic and wonders whether that is because he dropped "er" from the N word.
by Anonymous | reply 284 | May 31, 2017 4:01 AM |
PLEASE queens go call your average black nigga since it's only racist when it's the ER version I'd love to see the results!
by Anonymous | reply 285 | May 31, 2017 4:14 AM |
Someone kick R89 in her mancunt, please. Tedious asshole racist.
by Anonymous | reply 286 | May 31, 2017 4:19 AM |
Must EVERYTHING turn into a black thing? I am so fucking sick of the black thing. They are the transgendered nuts of the race issue, always making it about them.
Why does 10% of the population have to commit 50% of the crime and then blame the rest of us for it?
by Anonymous | reply 287 | May 31, 2017 4:23 AM |
[quote]PLEASE queens go call your average black nigga since it's only racist when it's the ER version I'd love to see the results!
I'm waiting on them to do it. Maybe, the ignorance from this board will decrease.
You're 280, right?
by Anonymous | reply 288 | May 31, 2017 4:28 AM |
R280 was being facetious. People probably aren't getting that because some of the users in this thread really are that dumb.
[QUOTE]Must EVERYTHING turn into a black thing? I am so fucking sick of the black thing. They are the transgendered nuts of the race issue, always making it about them.
No one here's turning this into a black thing. This discussion has nothing to do with black people as neither party in this video was black. The kid used the N-word though, so you should ask him about turning it into a black thing.
Thanks for your little outburst though.
by Anonymous | reply 289 | May 31, 2017 6:00 AM |
The fact that the boy uses the n-word to demean a non-white person--because anyone who is not white must be a lower level human, right?--is proof of his racist attitude. He also mocks the teacher's Asian accent.
by Anonymous | reply 290 | May 31, 2017 6:08 AM |
Is Gideon a senior in HS? If Gideon is going to college next school year, is there a way his college acceptance can be rescinded?
by Anonymous | reply 291 | May 31, 2017 7:54 AM |
Robert Yapp, the father, married to Karina Aguilar on August 22, 2015 in Tehachapi, CA per the knot.com wedding website. Robert, a divorced man most likely, has not right to rant about same sex marriage when he himsef cannot maintain/sustain his own marriage.
Karina, the new stepmother, is probably Hispanic based on her maiden name Aguilar. She could be Filipino (Asian) since Aguilar is a common Filipino surname. I can't imagine Robert, the racist Trump deplorable, married to a non-white person. Doesn't make sense.
by Anonymous | reply 292 | May 31, 2017 8:15 AM |
He could be married to a Spaniard; they are white. However, I have met some racist people who are married to minorities.
by Anonymous | reply 293 | May 31, 2017 8:34 AM |
True, Aguilar is also a Castillian name. Didn't think about that. Thanks [R292]
by Anonymous | reply 294 | May 31, 2017 9:04 AM |
Some of you are so out of touch it isn't even funny.
by Anonymous | reply 295 | May 31, 2017 11:17 AM |
[quote]Racism is a byproduct of ignorance, and the word he had no business using is universally racist. He said it with no malicious intent? The fucker was yelling at the top of his lungs and trashing the room. You claim his words contain no spite and then you call us obtuse? I swear I'm in the Twilight Zone.
How dense are you? Racism being a byproduct of ignorance is irrelevant, you can be ignorant and use even use racist words without using them in an explicit racist fashion.
He was being malicious and rowdy in the situation but there is no evidence to suggest he used the word "nigga" to demean the guy in a racist way. Some young white people use the word "nigga" literally as an afterthought, as in just a word to describe literally anyone... you out of touch, arrogant windbag. Jesus fucking christ!
by Anonymous | reply 296 | May 31, 2017 11:21 AM |
R274 How do you know he had malicious intent? You can assume what you want in whatever biased fashion you choose, I chose the more logical conclusion
by Anonymous | reply 297 | May 31, 2017 11:23 AM |
R249 Just, be quiet! you sound ridiculous!
by Anonymous | reply 298 | May 31, 2017 11:24 AM |
[quote]there is no evidence to suggest he used the word "nigga" to demean the guy in a racist way.
The point is that he used a universally racist slur to insult the teacher. It wasn't a term of endearment. He was in a fit of rage and used the term to malign him. It's that simple, really.
[quote]How do you know he had malicious intent? You can assume what you want in whatever biased fashion you choose, I chose the more logical conclusion
It's illogical to assume that the kid yelling in the teacher's face and destroying school property had malicious intent?
by Anonymous | reply 299 | May 31, 2017 11:30 AM |
No, he did not have malicious intent. If he had malicious intent he would have hit or killed the teacher. He is just excercising his free speech. You cannot punish someone for excercising his second amendment rights, nigga.
by Anonymous | reply 300 | May 31, 2017 12:37 PM |
[quote]Reportedly the dad owns a dojo,
A DOJO?! Like in "The Karate Kid"? Oh Lord.
by Anonymous | reply 301 | May 31, 2017 12:53 PM |
[quote]Why does 10% of the population have to commit 50% of the crime and then blame the rest of us for it?
I wasn’t aware that Black people blamed white people for crime. I must’ve missed that post. What number was it?
by Anonymous | reply 302 | May 31, 2017 1:02 PM |
[quote]I can't imagine Robert, the racist Trump deplorable, married to a non-white person. Doesn't make sense.
Sure it does. SHE’s not one of THEM. She works. She’s obedient. And she sucks my cock WHENEVER I want her to.
by Anonymous | reply 303 | May 31, 2017 1:07 PM |
Again, does anyone know what set the kid off to attack the teacher in the way he did?
by Anonymous | reply 304 | May 31, 2017 3:38 PM |
R304 Does it really matter? Nothing the teacher could have done short of murder really deserves that response. The kid is not right in the head!
by Anonymous | reply 305 | May 31, 2017 3:45 PM |
True, R305. But, there are some truly rotten teachers out there. I wonder about the entire story.
by Anonymous | reply 306 | May 31, 2017 3:57 PM |
r304 It's in one of the links upthread. The kid went to class with his friend who turned in a paper and the teacher accused the friend of cheating or copying it or something, it had NOTHING to do with the kid which makes it even worse, it wasn't even his battle, he's a douchey little show off.
by Anonymous | reply 307 | May 31, 2017 4:10 PM |
You do know black people still find the use of nigga offensive when said by white people, right? And that bullshit of it not if it ends in an "a" was contrived by stupid white people? Please go to Watts stupid white person and use it with an "a" down there and see if they agree with you. Make sure someone is videotaping. The other poster is right. He was using it as an all purpose slur against a non white person. Maybe he meant it as a really big slur telling the Asian he was no better then a black person.
by Anonymous | reply 308 | May 31, 2017 4:30 PM |
It was probably all for the camera phone.
by Anonymous | reply 309 | May 31, 2017 4:30 PM |
It's name isn't actually Gideon is it?
by Anonymous | reply 310 | June 1, 2017 4:51 AM |
[quote]Again, does anyone know what set the kid off to attack the teacher in the way he did?
"If you don't maintain certain grades, you can't compete on this team."
by Anonymous | reply 311 | June 1, 2017 4:52 AM |
No, thinking black people think it is OK if it ends in an a is reaching. Thinking white kids don't know using that slur against any person of color is the ultimate slur is reaching.
by Anonymous | reply 313 | June 1, 2017 9:14 PM |
R313 They don't you out of touch ninny. No ones uses "NIGGA" as a slur to insult non-black people (hardly even against black people), you sound deranged! There is a perfectly usable slur nigg*r that racists can use if they so desire
by Anonymous | reply 314 | June 1, 2017 10:35 PM |
R313 and I am actually black so don't speak to me about what BLACK people think as I don't know, asshole!
by Anonymous | reply 315 | June 1, 2017 10:37 PM |
[quote]and I am actually black
Of course you are, dear.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 316 | June 1, 2017 11:42 PM |
R316 But you can't prove I'm not black though.... You're a joke!
by Anonymous | reply 317 | June 2, 2017 12:09 AM |
Dude, you are not black, R317).
I'm black and I can tell too that you're not.
by Anonymous | reply 318 | June 2, 2017 4:19 AM |
And even if you were black, R317, that doesn't make your logic infallible.
by Anonymous | reply 319 | June 2, 2017 5:30 AM |
that foul-mouthed punk was using whatever version of the N word as a slur. Give me a break. And whoever said that "fag" is acceptable is full of shit. It's not.
by Anonymous | reply 320 | June 2, 2017 6:29 AM |
R318 okay sir I will turn in my black card bc apparently you have some "black spidey sense" and can tell when someone is or isn't black based on comments on a gay message board. And apparently I'm not black enough
R319 I never said my logic was infallible, simply that I have more authority to speak on a black issue than that white poser trying to champion for black people as if he really gives a damn about us
by Anonymous | reply 321 | June 2, 2017 2:16 PM |
R320 You lack any understanding of context or nuance. Next!
by Anonymous | reply 322 | June 2, 2017 2:16 PM |
Once more, idiot at R320, the poster at R280 was making the same point you are. I forget sometimes that DL is filled with a lot of people who don't understand nuance and/or sarcasm. Please go back and read R280. He makes an excellent point. The same idiots who think the n-word with an a is okay would be shitting their pants if called a fag (as they should). Geez, idiocy for days on this board...
by Anonymous | reply 323 | June 4, 2017 9:16 PM |
Wow... thanks Trump for supporting and contributing racism and hate talk.
by Anonymous | reply 324 | June 4, 2017 9:30 PM |
R13 they still paddle students in some schools in the south. I'm not sure if it makes a difference?
by Anonymous | reply 327 | January 13, 2018 9:57 AM |
This passionate student needs to move to another school, adopt his mother's maiden name, and get a lawyer to discreetly inform any interested media about the (pharmacological or psychological) issues shown in that notorious, short but context-less video.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 328 | January 13, 2018 10:37 AM |