Molly always had some type of entertaining plan up her sleeve, whether it was scaring people as they stepped out of the bathroom (she did it to many of us), participating in her “second of the day,” or playing “Creep” as I sung along for all the world to hear…or at least the Theatre District in Buffalo.
She did that to many of us. Whether it was playing “Creep” as I sung along for all the world to hear.
I don’t generally write obituaries or post tributes on Facebook, but I think it’s crucial that Molly Farber’s family and friends know how much she touched all of our lives at Shea’s. I hope they will find peace in knowing that. My heartfelt condolences go out to Tyler, her brothers, and most especially, her parents, on the passing of their daughter. I am really sorry for your loss.
There are going to be a lot of persons that miss having her around.
This information has absolutely astounded and dumbfounded me. In the blackness, she burned brightly like a lighthouse. I am deeply sorry for the loss you have suffered, and please accept my condolences.
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