Kyle Rittenhouse Weight Gain: How Did He Get So Fat?

After a gunshot during the 2020 Kenosha protests, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shot to fame. People have noticed he has put on weight recently, and it has been a major talking point on the internet and in the media. His weight increase has shifted the conversation away from his acts and their consequences and onto his health and mental state.

All the talk about why Rittenhouse gained weight is conjecture, though, because neither he nor his representatives have offered an official explanation. We hope to uncover the full story behind  Kyle Rittenhouse weight gain and answer all of your pressing questions here.

The Weight Gain of Kyle Rittenhouse

The latest changes in Kyle Rittenhouse’s appearance have sparked rumors that he has gained weight. People were surprised to see him a bit heavier than they remembered and wanted to know what was going on with him. Some of his fans have even concluded that his mental health problems are to blame for his metamorphosis.

But Kyle Rittenhouse hasn’t said much about his health or the underlying reason for his weight gain change. Perhaps he was overwhelmed by the sudden downturn in his career and personal life, and to find some equilibrium, he resorted to food. He may have developed an eating disorder due to the widespread hostility he received.

CEO of Fake Business Tim Dillon said in a tweet on February 22, 2022-

“Kyle Rittenhouse better not sue me for saying he gained weight.”

This ignited a firestorm of criticism. This tweet got people talking about Kyle Rittenhouse’s weight gain, which attracted much attention.

Kyle Rittenhouse better not sue me for saying he gained weight.

— Tim Dillon (@TimJDillon) February 22, 2022

People soon assumed that Rittenhouse’s battle with worry and despair may have contributed to the development of an eating disorder, even though he had not made any official announcement regarding his health.

Many people noticed Kyle Rittenhouse’s weight gain and expressed surprise at his transformation into a new person. People started to worry as they contemplated the causes of his weight increase, especially against the backdrop of his ongoing legal fights and the documented mental health issues he has endured.

However, as of the tweet, Kyle Rittenhouse had not publicly announced his weight gain or any possible health difficulties.  So, as we’ve seen, speculation regarding the link between his weight increase and worry or depression persisted, and the public waited for updates or clarifications from Rittenhouse or his representatives.

You can also take a look at how other celebrities like Kirsten Storms and Snooki gained weight:

The 2021 Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse Ended in a Not Guilty Verdict!

Born on January 3, 2003, in Antioch, Illinois, and having served as a police cadet, Kyle Rittenhouse later backed Donald Trump and the pro-police “Blue Lives Matter” campaign. His defence counsel claims he went to work as a lifeguard in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25, 2020, when the right-wing Kenosha Guard militia asked for recruits to help safeguard local businesses from Black Lives Matter protestors during the George Floyd protests.

It has been reported that after Kyle Rittenhouse’s shift ended, he and a friend attempted to clear up local BLM graffiti, which included anti-police chants, and that they then armed themselves and responded when a local business owner requested for help protecting his auto dealership.

Here is a tweet relating to Kyle Rittenhouse trial:

I’m so tired 🥱 of people acting like you can’t get a fair trial in one place verses another.

America 🇺🇸 has the best court system in the world. Innocent until proven guilty is our mantra, if Kyle Rittenhouse can get a fair trial, then so can Trump with all his billions.

— 🇸​​🇭​​🇦​​🇳​​🇪​𝕏 (@ChooseGoodKarma) August 6, 2023

Together with other militiamen from the Kenosha Guard, they walked the streets to ensure no private property was damaged during the protests. To know more details you can join us on our Twitter account.
