Batista's feud with Triple H catapulted him to superstardom in WWE, as The Animal was heavily featured in the World Heavyweight Championship picture from that point on, for the next three years especially. During this time, he had an on-screen rivalry with King Booker.
Most fans know that the two legendary stars had beef backstage as well. Booker T recently shared a story about Batista while interviewing Rob Van Dam on the latest edition of The Hall of Fame podcast.
The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion recalled back when Melina Perez was put on trial for "Diva-ism," he was one of the prosecutors in the Wrestler's Court. Batista allegedly did not like the verdict, which led to his issues with Booker T escalating even more:
"We put Melina on trial for Diva-ism, it's a crime. Wrestler's court. I was one of the prosecutors, JBL was the lead prosecutor, and Undertaker was actually the judge," Booker T said. "We put her on trial, two hours, and we convicted her. She was guilty. She was guilty as charged. [Then we] Got back to the States and Batista went on that trip, and I think he got a little hot about it." [From 23:19 to 24:02]Booker T then revealed that he warned Batista that he would retort if the latter ever crossed paths with him outside the ring. However, the Hall of Famer also addressed their mutual dislike and eventually got on the same page, as they were involved in a main event program at the time.
The Hall of Famer reasserted during the aforementioned podcast that he buried the hatchet with The Animal and it's water under the bridge at this point. However, he jokingly responded to Brad Gilmore when asked what he would do to Dave Bautista if the latter were present during the interview session:
"I'd be whooping his a**," Booker T said. [From 25:36 to 25:39]Batista ultimately won the on-screen rivalry, defeating King Booker at the Survivor Series edition of 2006 and, in the process, winning his second World Heavyweight Championship. But Booker T allegedly won their backstage fight.
Batista on his relationship with the five-time WWE Women's World Champion
Melina Perez and Batista were romantically involved circa 2006. As mentioned by The Animal in the latter's autobiography, "Batista Unleashed," he considers the former WWE star as a friend:
"Since then, as I've said, Melina and I have gotten closer and our relationship has become physical. That's caused a bit of controversy, but I don't give a sh*t. She's my friend, and I love her very much," he wrote. [H/T: Sportskeeda Wrestling]Batista and Melina are yet to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. While The Animal retired from in-ring competition at WrestleMania 35 in 2019, Melina's last appearance was during the Women's Royal Rumble match in 2022.
You can read more about another ex-WWE female star coming out to defend Batista despite their past issues here.
If you use any quotes, please credit the original source and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling for the transcription.
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