A 30 year old pasty skinned Brit who will teach you to become posh.
Who's had him?
Top or bottom?
Uncut or cut like a lot of the toffs?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 600 | March 7, 2021 1:34 AM |
His nipples are really distracting. He should wear an undershirt with that sweater.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | January 28, 2021 4:48 AM |
Clearly a bossy bottom. He is also an invention. His accent is completely fake; he is working class. Although he appears to live in a fancy townhouse, you have to remember this is Scotland. I bet his townhouse is worth less than a 1 bedroom in brixton.
I hope he has a sugar daddy buggering him every night though. I mean good on the queen for giving it a go, and atleast he doesnt lie about the fact he isnt really posh (in the above video). But the fake accent gets to me I have to say.
by Anonymous | reply 4 | January 28, 2021 4:56 AM |
I wish I was from the UK so I could clock the difference in the various accents. As an American it all sounds the same to me!
by Anonymous | reply 5 | January 28, 2021 4:59 AM |
I doubt he has sex of any kind. He'd consider it undignified and messy.
by Anonymous | reply 6 | January 28, 2021 5:12 AM |
I don't think all the accents in England sound the same, much like not everyone throughout the U.S. has the same accent. My only issue is I wish I knew the difference! For such a small country, there really is a huge variety.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | January 28, 2021 5:14 AM |
[quote]I doubt he has sex of any kind.
Sometimes his type are huge freaks behind the scenes
by Anonymous | reply 10 | January 28, 2021 5:21 AM |
r10 Ha! Yeah, you can just imagine him being a PNP pass around bottom who loves chav cock
by Anonymous | reply 11 | January 28, 2021 5:23 AM |
That decor is atrocious. Dollhouse chic?
by Anonymous | reply 12 | January 28, 2021 5:24 AM |
The Q&A is refreshingly honest. He’s as common as dirt, but appreciates the finer things in life. I can relate.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | January 28, 2021 5:30 AM |
He'd better stay away from the scones and tea pastries. His tits, waistline, and ass aren't getting any smaller.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | January 28, 2021 5:41 AM |
Someone I feel his body fits the aesthetic perfectly. I see a young Walter Mercado manque. I picture him 50 years from now, still living in some piss elegant little semi-detached house.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | January 28, 2021 5:46 AM |
[quote] I picture him 50 years from now, still living in some piss elegant little semi-detached house.
And single or with someone like Owen Jones whom he's trying to refine a bit.
by Anonymous | reply 17 | January 28, 2021 5:51 AM |
Jesus Christ, he idolizes Princess Michael of Kent.
by Anonymous | reply 18 | January 28, 2021 5:54 AM |
His accent is what linguistics call "forced".......
by Anonymous | reply 19 | January 28, 2021 5:54 AM |
I have a set of those cabbage leaf dishes. I found them in a quaint shop and also saw them in Gump's. They're made in Portugal, I was surprised Gump's was selling them..
He reminds my of Hyacinth Bouquet. Are we sure his real name isn't Sheridan?
There are a couple of wonderfully authentic tea shops where I live. Both have more charm than his set up but I give him props for trying. He's young, he will be even more eccentric with age.
by Anonymous | reply 20 | January 28, 2021 5:56 AM |
American here. I can tell the difference between different British accents, but I can't tell when someone is affecting a posh accent. I *can* tell when someone posh is adopting a lower class accent, though. Or I think I can. IMO, his voice is very soothing.
by Anonymous | reply 21 | January 28, 2021 5:58 AM |
I thought the SAME thing about Hyacinth!!! Sadly, he's really young & he will have "judgement challenges" that will have been recorded, that he'll have to apologise for.....
by Anonymous | reply 22 | January 28, 2021 6:06 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 23 | January 28, 2021 6:10 AM |
The British Sandra Lee, complete with tablescapes
by Anonymous | reply 24 | January 28, 2021 6:11 AM |
He's pretty open about living in Edinburgh (Scotland) because he can get more bang for buck, as far as cost of living (vs. London, etc.). It made me interested to visit Edinburgh.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | January 28, 2021 6:12 AM |
[quote] He's pretty open about living in Edinburgh
The Scots don't suffer affections gladly. I'm sure he gets made fun of quite often.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | January 28, 2021 6:22 AM |
He's why gays in the UK can't have nice things.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | January 28, 2021 6:23 AM |
[quote] The Scots don't suffer affections gladly. I'm sure he gets made fun of quite often.
Affections or affectations?
by Anonymous | reply 28 | January 28, 2021 6:26 AM |
Edinburgh is lovely!!! Go- you'll love it!!!!
by Anonymous | reply 29 | January 28, 2021 6:49 AM |
r17 oh god, I dont wish that twat on anyone. Truly an awful (and ugly) man child is OJ. He has recently been talking about his love on pussy - and I dont mean moggies......
r19 extremely.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | January 28, 2021 7:04 AM |
R28 Affectations.
F-ing autocorrect strikes again.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | January 28, 2021 7:11 AM |
Thanks for posting this op, he is JUST my type!
Havent had him, I go crazy for guys like this, he's so hot, I want him badly, top bottom or side or whatever, likely cut not that I care
Also if ever I am doing an afternoon tea this'll be useful
by Anonymous | reply 32 | January 28, 2021 7:16 AM |
His accent is from the North of England, and he’s trying to sound more refined than he really is. He’s a lady and a half.
by Anonymous | reply 33 | January 28, 2021 7:25 AM |
The object of afflictions is autocorrictions R31
by Anonymous | reply 34 | January 28, 2021 7:30 AM |
You know he's a moany bottom. The reason he's getting hate here is that bottoms don't like competition.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | January 28, 2021 7:41 AM |
I'm watching his other vids, they're a nice relaxing escape. They're not thrilling, but fulfilling.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | January 28, 2021 8:18 AM |
I think he's adorable. I loved the episode with his neighbor who lived in Texas. He seems so relaxed and nice. It's great he's doing what interests him and hopefully making money by doing so. He's doing what he can with the tabletop inventory he has, but hopefully he will be upgrading, would be my only (faint) criticism.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | January 28, 2021 8:27 AM |
His accent is part of the would-be perfectionism, which is all rather Stepfordian, but good luck to him. Just maybe he'll land a sugar daddy who meets his standards, and do all he can to be the perfect partner.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | January 28, 2021 8:36 AM |
[quote] "Top or bottom?"
You already know the answer to that. And so do the natives on Venus!
by Anonymous | reply 40 | January 28, 2021 10:00 AM |
He's probably very high maintenance.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | January 29, 2021 8:38 AM |
Anyone know if he's got an OnlyFans?
by Anonymous | reply 42 | January 29, 2021 11:25 AM |
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's snobbery and one-upmanship. People who try to pretend they're superior. Makes it so much harder for those of us who really are.
by Anonymous | reply 43 | January 29, 2021 11:44 AM |
I appreciate his love of white jeans
by Anonymous | reply 44 | January 29, 2021 1:26 PM |
This etiquette guy is fab. William Hanson
He's a hoot...wonderfully bitchy and he knows is stuff. His YouTube channel is full of great info.
Here he takes apart a scene from "The Crown" between the Queen and Jackie Kennedy.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 46 | January 29, 2021 5:32 PM |
Not posh.
No one who meets the definition recognizes the concept.
He is as bourgeois, a window dresser. Certainly no one for a weekend in the country.
by Anonymous | reply 47 | January 29, 2021 5:34 PM |
God bless.
I find him kind of adorable. Help me, DL.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | January 29, 2021 5:47 PM |
[quote] This etiquette guy is fab. William Hanson
Hanson's podcast with the very cute Jordan North is worth listening to.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | January 29, 2021 5:47 PM |
Hanson is the real thing.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | January 29, 2021 5:49 PM |
Note BTW that Hanson says that cake stands, as Nicolas Fairford is using, are wrong for the home.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | January 29, 2021 5:53 PM |
He wants to be Raine, Countess Spencer but he lives in a flat rather than a stately home. Hence the endless posts about afternoon tea, place settings and scatter cushions, all with the same room as his backdrop. He’s trying to make a little go a very long way.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | January 29, 2021 5:58 PM |
Those teeth go a long way, I'll say that...
by Anonymous | reply 53 | January 29, 2021 6:00 PM |
Over 3 minutes of jade stone rolling, chin contouring and de-puffing
He is a rare example of unknowing camp
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 54 | January 29, 2021 6:05 PM |
Don't watch any of his skin care videos or your dick will be limp for days.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | January 29, 2021 7:01 PM |
One cautions dearest R20 that there can be only one Hyacinth B. of note on DL.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 56 | January 29, 2021 7:04 PM |
[quote] He wants to be Raine, Countess Spencer but he lives in a flat rather than a stately home. Hence the endless posts about afternoon tea, place settings and scatter cushions, all with the same room as his backdrop. He’s trying to make a little go a very long way.
That's what a lot of us are trying to do in our small spaces, just have a little treat despite not living in Downton Abbey.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | January 29, 2021 7:27 PM |
I don't really care about anyone's skin care routine if they're under 40. Unless they're a dermatologist. Those skin rollers are obviously a waste of time.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | January 29, 2021 7:44 PM |
R46, thanks for posting that video featuring Wm. Hanson, etiquette expert. I am enjoying it and will probably watch a few of his videos. Fun!
by Anonymous | reply 59 | January 29, 2021 7:53 PM |
[quote] Clearly a bossy bottom. He is also an invention. His accent is completely fake; he is working class.
That was quite evident even before I started watching the clip. No self-respecting actual well-born toff would ever make such a video.
btw, I have to say: she's gayer than a bagful of rainbows! (And the bag would be a cream-colored Birkin bag fashioned from alligator hide.)
by Anonymous | reply 60 | January 29, 2021 8:06 PM |
He reminds me of the famous letter to Emily Post (who would break him and Mr. Hanson in half): "When is a vase a vahs?"
Her response: "When it is filled with dahsies."
by Anonymous | reply 61 | January 29, 2021 8:08 PM |
I suppose he's harmless, but that music box score is penis-invertingly twee. And it's amusing to see him get everything wrong according to Mr. Hanson.
by Anonymous | reply 62 | January 29, 2021 8:10 PM |
Who knew those tiered trays were not supposed to be used at home? Only for hotels, alas.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | January 29, 2021 8:11 PM |
He's a northerner: eg he says affter rather than arfter for after. If that room is his then I would say it's nicely appointed for an person aged 40+.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | January 29, 2021 9:01 PM |
Nicolas spelt without the 'h' is very fem.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | January 29, 2021 9:05 PM |
Chacun son gout etc. but I get more hotel manager that is deadly serious about being genteel vibes from these videos than I do “gracious living in a private home.”
by Anonymous | reply 66 | January 29, 2021 9:21 PM |
He is a hot bottom and rumor has it that he enjoys gangbangs
by Anonymous | reply 68 | January 29, 2021 9:28 PM |
He grew-up next door to us in the Council Estates, and now puttin' on the airs.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | January 29, 2021 9:29 PM |
R69 that should be 'on the council estate'; fixed it 4 ya.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | January 29, 2021 9:37 PM |
He’s like the real Tom Cruise at home
by Anonymous | reply 74 | January 29, 2021 9:56 PM |
I read some of these posts, then watched the video ready to come back to post some cunty snark. But I can’t. Yes, it’s all ridiculous and twee as fuck - but what a sweetheart.
I’m also in the UK, grew up in a working class family, and yearned to live a life that existed beyond the community in which I was raised. Good for him, and I hope that he’s happy.
But also, Edinburgh *is* ‘crazy expensive’. He could live in almost any other city in UK apart from London for less than it costs to live anywhere half-decent in Edinburgh.
by Anonymous | reply 75 | January 29, 2021 10:11 PM |
Edinburgh is expensive because all the MSPs have homes there on expenses pushing up the prices for ordinary people.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 76 | January 29, 2021 10:57 PM |
Has he presented hole yet? In a tasteful manner of course.
by Anonymous | reply 77 | January 29, 2021 11:05 PM |
He likes to sit on the teapot. That is obvious.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | January 29, 2021 11:06 PM |
I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes Nicolas. I mentioned him in a thread about YouTubers.
I prefer him over the other “influencers” on social media.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | January 29, 2021 11:10 PM |
His next-door neighbor, Tracy, is an American (Texas?). This house tour (Tracy's) is probably my favorite video on his channel.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 81 | January 29, 2021 11:31 PM |
She's in burg by the looks of things. But she's deffo a northern English lass: says [b]ath not barth for bath. She's way too girly with highlights ugh.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | January 29, 2021 11:43 PM |
What a pig! He touches all the food with his fingers! Are there not any tongs in Britain?
by Anonymous | reply 83 | January 29, 2021 11:54 PM |
He’s surprisingly endearing and sweet! Was expecting the opposite, such a pleasant surprise. Also totally open about his humble origins. I’m a fan!
by Anonymous | reply 85 | January 29, 2021 11:57 PM |
Uncut, in reply to OP's question.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | January 30, 2021 12:07 AM |
Is it accurate to say that just by watching one of his videos you know he completely removes his pubic hair and ass crack hair?
by Anonymous | reply 87 | January 30, 2021 12:07 AM |
It's important to have lovely things around you.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 89 | January 30, 2021 12:10 AM |
R17 Owen is also a bottom (a big bottom).
by Anonymous | reply 90 | January 30, 2021 12:11 AM |
Public records say that his real name is Nicholas Burden and he was born in January 1990
He doesn't own the Edinburgh one bed flat, it's rented from a couple of property investors who live in Hong Kong.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | January 30, 2021 12:19 AM |
He does not seem to have a Wiki page. The Edinburgh property appears to be in a busy street with lots of cars going past the windows; if it's on a one-way street that's a double negative. Link please R91.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | January 30, 2021 12:24 AM |
His accent slips when he says "booterfly" (of the china pattern).
His quiet genteel act reminds me of the moment in Remains of the Day when the dr. says to Anthony Hopkins, "I say, you aren't in domestic service are you?" (or words to that effect). Are there really that many people left in England who after two centuries need to be taught how to lay a proper tea and swoon at all the grand-hotel style accoutrements?
Points for the simulacrum of floppy public-school hair, though.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | January 30, 2021 12:26 AM |
[quote] Jesus Christ, he idolizes Princess Michael of Kent.
Well, who doesn’t? She’s a total cunt!
by Anonymous | reply 95 | January 30, 2021 12:31 AM |
[quote] public-school hair
The local school children I see from time to time on the streets don't have floppy hair.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 96 | January 30, 2021 12:35 AM |
R92 He is listed on Companies House.
If you search the Scottish register of Landlords with the Noovo Edinburgh address the Hong Kong Landlords come up.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 97 | January 30, 2021 12:39 AM |
His adopted accent might be a little more endearing if his grammar improved.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | January 30, 2021 12:42 AM |
He is a bit too precious; he obviously thinks he's the white Nigella Lawson (Nigella usually wears black). His white clothes are not terribly flattering either.
by Anonymous | reply 99 | January 30, 2021 12:53 AM |
I'm glad that there are people like him in the world.
by Anonymous | reply 100 | January 30, 2021 12:57 AM |
His other address is 20-22, Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU according to R97's link. That's quite a tony address right?
by Anonymous | reply 101 | January 30, 2021 1:03 AM |
Jesus you guys are creepy pervs; why are you looking up where he lives?
by Anonymous | reply 102 | January 30, 2021 1:04 AM |
It's a public record R102, calm down dear.
by Anonymous | reply 103 | January 30, 2021 1:06 AM |
The London address is home to a joiners' firm so I assume that young Nic is the pass around bottom / mascot for the butch joiners there.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 104 | January 30, 2021 1:22 AM |
That part of N1 is Hoxton: posh.
by Anonymous | reply 106 | January 30, 2021 1:27 AM |
There’s a difference between posh/ trendy expensive.
by Anonymous | reply 107 | January 30, 2021 1:28 AM |
I couldn't eat one damn thing if I were invited to one of his teas. I'd be stuck sipping tea and nibbling on a lemon wedge.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | January 30, 2021 1:59 AM |
Love that dude Hanson, but he really needs to lay off the botox.
by Anonymous | reply 109 | January 30, 2021 2:01 AM |
R108 you'd be nibbling on his foreskin like Spencer Tracy on Scotty Bowers.
by Anonymous | reply 110 | January 30, 2021 2:08 AM |
R1 is right. His big puffy nipples make it look like he's lactating. Couldn't he have taped them down?
by Anonymous | reply 111 | January 30, 2021 3:39 AM |
Is he in transition? It looks like he is.
by Anonymous | reply 112 | January 30, 2021 3:41 AM |
If he keeps getting the lip injections he's going to look grotesque.
by Anonymous | reply 113 | January 30, 2021 5:55 AM |
She’s FABULOUS! Thought provoking. Who would have known there was controversy about cream before jam on a scone.
by Anonymous | reply 114 | January 30, 2021 6:07 AM |
I'm pretty much the ghetto version of him. The ghetto, 50 pounds heavier, doesn't have English tea version of him. I also have better taste in home decor. I enjoy my Earl Grey and English breakfast of course, yet I am a top-oriented switch because I am an all-American cut twink.
This boy, is without a doubt, an insatiable bottom. You cannot change my feelings about this.
by Anonymous | reply 116 | January 30, 2021 6:47 AM |
One firmly suggests this Mr. Fairford spend several hours each day listening to Noel Coward recordings. Despite coming from a rather low background Mr. Coward by working very hard managed to master received pronunciation quite well.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 117 | January 30, 2021 7:38 AM |
Would advise further Mr. Fairford should pay particular attention to his "R" sounds, which are all quite wrong.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 118 | January 30, 2021 7:39 AM |
[quote]Are there really that many people left in England who after two centuries need to be taught how to lay a proper tea and swoon at all the grand-hotel style accoutrements?
That's 'The Daily Mail' readership right there.
[quote]he obviously thinks he's the white Nigella Lawson
Nigella is middling posh, private school and Oxford, daddy once Chancellor. Secure enough in her upper-middle accent to let it slide a bit sometimes.
[quote]Mr. Coward by working very hard managed to master received pronunciation quite well.
Plus that high talent thing which took him to friendship with Royals and a late Knighthood. Upward mobility for Mr Fairford to dream about.
by Anonymous | reply 119 | January 30, 2021 9:40 AM |
I can't bring myself to say anything cuntish about him. Despite his affectations, he's very endearing.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 120 | January 30, 2021 11:18 AM |
Don't care about his affectations. I think he's a lovely young man trying to bring beauty, joy and elegance into people's lives.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | January 30, 2021 12:38 PM |
I agree r121. Some graceful civility in a shitty world.
by Anonymous | reply 122 | January 30, 2021 12:52 PM |
Yeah, I was prepared to go all in on him, but he's actually pretty endearing. Also, the comments on his videos make it clear he's bringing a little joy to people's lives.
by Anonymous | reply 123 | January 30, 2021 1:02 PM |
R86 how you know dat?
R12 actually.... I like his decor, although I'd have gone for more chintz myself.
R15 actually he's in really good shape. And if you watch the vid R3 posted, he says he does at least an hour of exercise every day. He's also vegan (bar the ocassional free range egg). I'd say he's in much better shape than most DL'ers. He can afford to put away a few scones and cakes
R37 yeah I have watched most of his vids now. They are extremely beautiful, and he is just exquisite.
R63 I got me one of them tiered trays anyways. Dont give a shit if its meant for hotels not a home. Some cunt tells me it aint for home, fuck 'em
R54 /R55 I watched that, got me hard. I wa hoping to see .... more of him
by Anonymous | reply 124 | January 30, 2021 1:02 PM |
R101 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU is a Company called MadeSimple who help to set up small companies, they also provide a mail forwarding service/registration address for a hefty fee.
If you want to maintain privacy in the UK you need to remain as a sole-trader or partnership, if you establish a company everything becomes Public Domain.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 125 | January 30, 2021 1:22 PM |
A poor man’s Martha Stewart
by Anonymous | reply 126 | January 30, 2021 1:38 PM |
My mother was in a 3 person sex sandwich with Kirk Douglas, this gentleman, and Ina Garten.
They met in a hot tub, told stories of the old days, and made sweet love until the morning sun.
He's 10 inches, a fierce and total domination top, and shows a lady what's coming to her.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | January 30, 2021 1:39 PM |
His wife is one lucky woman.
by Anonymous | reply 128 | January 30, 2021 1:55 PM |
This guy, to judge from his videos here, has absolutely nothing to contribute to interior design, cookery, conversation, or anything, beyond what you could get from a perusal of the websites that he's obviously taken all his ideas from. His apartment looks like an Anglophilic chain store catalogue; his knowledge of taste and design is probably about one rung up from Posh Spice's.
And yet his anodyne affect and oblivious pretensions soothe me on this chilly morning after a rough night. I'm going to make another cup of English Breakfast tea and watch more of his videos. What I want to know, though, is how he makes scones without butter?
by Anonymous | reply 129 | January 30, 2021 2:03 PM |
Also, I'm CONVINCED that the floor lamp in his apartment is the exact same one that I got at an Ames in upstate NY 20 or 25 years ago. I'm so much happier with it now that I know it fools some people.
by Anonymous | reply 130 | January 30, 2021 2:09 PM |
He scrubs up well, but if going with blonde hair those eyebrows want bleaching as well.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 131 | January 30, 2021 3:05 PM |
Not just another pretty face, but Nicholas Fairford is a brand! He's aiming to be the next major influencer on the interior decorating/design scene.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 132 | January 30, 2021 3:08 PM |
Not so, R131. Brows are always a little darker than hair.
by Anonymous | reply 134 | January 30, 2021 3:19 PM |
A little darker yes, but not dark brown or black contrasted with very golden blonde hair. Besides fact we're speaking about a young man with some what thick eyebrows reinforces that point. Most women even with darker brows would have them plucked or shaped so they aren't fighting that lighter hair for attentions.
Justin Bieber did something to his brows when going with bleached blonde hair. With what cannot say since that die hard stable for lash and brow tinting (Roux) has long been pulled off the market.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 135 | January 30, 2021 3:41 PM |
I like the duck decoy in R133.
by Anonymous | reply 136 | January 30, 2021 3:54 PM |
R131 you're right - but when he's that pretty it ceases to matter. And Nicolas is outstandingly pretty, he is perfection.
Beautiful man, beautiful home. Im in love
by Anonymous | reply 137 | January 30, 2021 5:11 PM |
Notice that he idolizes DataLounge icon (and Vairst Letty nemesis) Bunny Mellon for her comfortable yet elegant decor.
by Anonymous | reply 138 | January 30, 2021 5:18 PM |
He has kind eyes. The one thing you can't fake is the character of your eyes. His are kind and gentle.
by Anonymous | reply 139 | January 30, 2021 5:24 PM |
His living room: I don't like those 28 little framed botanical pictures. Looks cheap-ish, for what he's trying to achieve.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | January 30, 2021 5:26 PM |
The glam pad @ R133 seems anything but. Would-be grand but so safe and bland, as though terrified of going beyond known parameters. Not an ounce of flair, surprise, or individuality. The visual equivalent of maintaining an 'improved' accent at all cost.
by Anonymous | reply 141 | January 30, 2021 6:18 PM |
He's afraid of color and personality. He's the antitype to the guy in Brighton who dresses exclusively in Regency styles, often in scarlet and other in-your-face colors.
by Anonymous | reply 142 | January 30, 2021 6:33 PM |
r142 I know what you're saying. I think his taste will evolve over time and become a little more emphatic as he gets older.
It seems he wants to be an 'influencer' in the interior design space. If so, he's got to have a style and be confident about it. This will do for now.
I like his personality, his 'brand', his content is really well produced. I like that he's adding and not subtracting. I wish him well and hope he's successful.
by Anonymous | reply 143 | January 30, 2021 7:00 PM |
He's cute, but insufferably pretentious.
by Anonymous | reply 144 | January 30, 2021 7:05 PM |
The style is very Laura Ashley meets Wayfair.
by Anonymous | reply 145 | January 30, 2021 7:07 PM |
R131 does this mean he's for sale?
by Anonymous | reply 146 | January 30, 2021 7:09 PM |
R133 That room is actually very cleverly decorated. It's cutesy and femme but he has a great eye. All of the furniture is inexpensive faux this and that but he's put it all together very nicely.
by Anonymous | reply 147 | January 30, 2021 7:13 PM |
In the face pics at R131 he looks like ... Ivanka.
by Anonymous | reply 148 | January 30, 2021 7:16 PM |
Ugh, I realize it's the style, but there are so many things I'd like to subtract from this living room, starting with the sofa cushions.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 149 | January 30, 2021 7:20 PM |
I bet he beaches his hole.
by Anonymous | reply 150 | January 30, 2021 7:25 PM |
He was Valedictorian of the Class of 2019 Ivanka Trump School of Poise, Elocution & Affectation.
by Anonymous | reply 152 | January 30, 2021 7:30 PM |
She thinks she's a model and skin care expert, also.
by Anonymous | reply 154 | January 30, 2021 8:13 PM |
I like to think myself as a hard hearted, clear eyed, lonely, misanthrope of the damned, but somehow I think this kid is kind of sweetly devoted to the quaint world he has created for himself.
by Anonymous | reply 155 | January 30, 2021 10:32 PM |
Is the old woman bankrolling him? It's nicely done and nicely done costs money.
She gets to show off her house, but why? Business? He gets content. How does she benefit?
by Anonymous | reply 156 | January 30, 2021 11:48 PM |
He is betrothed to her gay son in Texas.
by Anonymous | reply 157 | January 31, 2021 12:36 AM |
She has more than one gay sons in TX and they are fighting over Nic.
by Anonymous | reply 158 | January 31, 2021 12:53 AM |
If he needs new clothes he needs to visit Zack Pinsent, then they can be a pair of Regency dandies. But he has to take his clothes off so Zack can measure him. The Regency look would go very well in that bourgeois sitting room he uses, with the Edinburgh granite visible outside the front window.
by Anonymous | reply 160 | January 31, 2021 1:05 AM |
R160, see R142. Nicolas is too bland to pull off that look. Zack's not getting at those puffy nips.
by Anonymous | reply 161 | January 31, 2021 1:15 AM |
Opposites attract R161. DL needs to put these two together to make a great combo, a constellation of style. I agree with you that Nic does look a bit puffy at times around the neck; what drugs is Nic on?
by Anonymous | reply 162 | January 31, 2021 1:18 AM |
The woman is a friend and a neighbor, I think. She has nice style, appears wealthy, and I think Nicolas was influenced by her.
by Anonymous | reply 163 | January 31, 2021 1:21 AM |
The old lady has to many nicknacks.
by Anonymous | reply 164 | January 31, 2021 1:25 AM |
Zack Pinsent pines only for an American dancer.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 165 | January 31, 2021 1:25 AM |
If you're enough of a loser to pay to be "posh" you might as well fake an accent.
by Anonymous | reply 166 | January 31, 2021 1:28 AM |
[quote] The old lady has to many nicknacks.
Yes, and so does Nicolas.
by Anonymous | reply 167 | January 31, 2021 1:32 AM |
But his fake accent is very clearly a fake which is a bit of a drag. He should have kept his Nottingham accent along with his very agreeable quiet voice with all his current material finery and everyone would have said, Ooohh Ahhh listen to her the classy queen from grotty Notty. That could have been a sensation. As he is, meh.
by Anonymous | reply 168 | January 31, 2021 1:35 AM |
He lives in the New Town part of Edinburgh, near my boyfriend.
You can hear his true accent under the RP crap. There's a bit of Northumberland thrown into the Nottingham.
by Anonymous | reply 169 | January 31, 2021 1:47 AM |
Tell us about the New Town R169. Is that where the Texas lady lives? What is Northumbrian about his accent?
by Anonymous | reply 170 | January 31, 2021 1:53 AM |
He needs to ditch the white clothes. Amazingly they make him look chunky when he's not really fat at all, except under the chin.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 171 | January 31, 2021 1:54 AM |
The New Town was built between 1767 and around 1850. It is the chic area. How can he afford it?
"Together with the Old Town, the New Town was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 172 | January 31, 2021 1:57 AM |
Do NOT buy into this prick! He violently entered my mother in Myrtle Beach.
He went INSIDE HER. With his BIG AND THICK MASCULINE dick. (This was done American Style y'all- ask questions later)
When he porked my mother -AMERICAN STYLE- let me assure you, there were NO butterfly prints on the wall, and he DID NOT WEAR A LIBERTY OF LONDON CASHMERE ONESIE!
The room was covered in leather, it was DANK, it was DARK. It was MANLY.
He is all MASC MAN. This front on Youtube is bullshit.
He throws his masculine penis into women and is ALL MAN!
This scone shit is bullshit. He fucked my momma like a beast!
by Anonymous | reply 173 | January 31, 2021 2:01 AM |
R170 It's probably one of the streets off of Broughton Street. R172 article has the details. The houses are a mix of those that have been left entire and those that have been subdivided into apartments.
There's a lilt to his RP accent that reminds me of people from around the north and eastern part of Northumberland. Not the Geordie speaking part of Newcastle, but the Hexham, Alnwick, Berwick upon Tweed kind of area.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 174 | January 31, 2021 2:06 AM |
[quote] Not the Geordie speaking part of Newcastle, but the Hexham, Alnwick, Berwick upon Tweed kind of area.
Someone upthread was asking about English accents. Is this specific enough for you?
by Anonymous | reply 175 | January 31, 2021 2:24 AM |
He needs to soften his voice a bit. He sounds like a coal miner.
by Anonymous | reply 176 | January 31, 2021 2:24 AM |
R176 is kidding you all, gurls.
by Anonymous | reply 177 | January 31, 2021 2:29 AM |
R176 Well Nottinghamshire and Northumberland had a number of coal mines.
by Anonymous | reply 178 | January 31, 2021 2:31 AM |
His hands are probably very calloused and rough.
by Anonymous | reply 179 | January 31, 2021 2:32 AM |
Who is this woman? Her apartment looks like my grandmas's from 1986. I love watching her prance through London! Who is she!?
by Anonymous | reply 180 | January 31, 2021 2:35 AM |
I hate calloused and rough hands on my parts.
by Anonymous | reply 181 | January 31, 2021 2:38 AM |
He seems pretentious in a sickeningly sweet way... a bad combo.
by Anonymous | reply 182 | January 31, 2021 3:00 AM |
r133, That room looks like an Ethan Allen or Ballard Designs catalog. To pull off that look, you need a combination of high-low, old, and a bit new thrown in.
by Anonymous | reply 184 | January 31, 2021 3:17 AM |
He's Hungarian, and of royal blood. I am Hungarian, my blood is royal, he cannot deceive me.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 185 | January 31, 2021 8:55 AM |
As people have said upthread, his Northern accent comes out most clearly in his short A's ("after" instead of "ahfter") and when he says "booterfly," "joost," etc.
by Anonymous | reply 186 | January 31, 2021 12:42 PM |
He looks and sounds like a fake, pretentious twat.
by Anonymous | reply 187 | January 31, 2021 1:00 PM |
Let’s see what you look like, cunt R187
by Anonymous | reply 188 | January 31, 2021 1:05 PM |
Isn't he really pretty basic as lifestyle gurus go? The videos show him making cauliflower soup (with a "cube of vegetable stock"—Martha Stewart would die first), découpaging a box to keep tea in, making the tea in a teapot, advising us to buy used furniture and paint it, etc. Does he proffer anything you couldn't have read in any issue of a ladies' magazine since the 1890s?
by Anonymous | reply 189 | January 31, 2021 1:12 PM |
Looks like Nicolas is posting here at R188.
by Anonymous | reply 190 | January 31, 2021 1:20 PM |
Making tea in a teapot is correct, R189. What's your objection to that? (Teabags have a taste.)
I totally agree about the decoupage and the stock cube, though.
by Anonymous | reply 191 | January 31, 2021 2:01 PM |
R191, I didn't object to his making tea in a teapot (or anything—I don't even mind the découpage), I was just listing things he does that are already totally commonly known. If there are people out there who are learning basic domestic skills from his videos, great; but there are already thousands of places you can learn the things he teaches. He's not adding anything original besides his epicene soporificity.
by Anonymous | reply 192 | January 31, 2021 2:45 PM |
Did the aristocracy have scones at tea time or was that a tea shop thing? I can’t picture Lady Marjorie eating a scone in the Bellamy house at tea. Cucumber sandwiches seem appropriately bland for tea in an upper class household. Scones seem too homey.
by Anonymous | reply 193 | January 31, 2021 3:07 PM |
I don't think we ever saw the divine Lady Marjorie eating. Food was a below stairs preoccupation. Mrs Bridges was constantly making food but unless the King came to dine the food was mainly consumed below stairs with the left overs making it upstairs from time to time.
by Anonymous | reply 194 | January 31, 2021 3:16 PM |
Nicolas sounds like Angela Lansbury in Sweeney Todd when he’s not filming videos
by Anonymous | reply 195 | January 31, 2021 3:21 PM |
I believe I’ve seen Lady M holding the saucer underneath her teacup while lightly touching the cup handle with her thumb & index finger, but I don’t believe she ever did anything so rude as crooking her middle finger inside of the teacup handle. One touches, one does not hook a teacup. We are not barbarians
by Anonymous | reply 196 | January 31, 2021 3:31 PM |
Sorry she did not crook her *index* finger in the cup
by Anonymous | reply 197 | January 31, 2021 3:32 PM |
Lady Marjorie whilst not wearing her wig.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 198 | January 31, 2021 3:33 PM |
Looks like he might have black triangles, so maybe needs some cosmetic dental work.
by Anonymous | reply 199 | January 31, 2021 4:22 PM |
[quote] but somehow I think this kid is kind of sweetly devoted to the quaint world he has created for himself.
Let's hope, for his sake, that the cold, cruel world doesn't come crashing in on him.
by Anonymous | reply 200 | January 31, 2021 4:38 PM |
DL is crashing in on him. That's bad enough.
by Anonymous | reply 201 | January 31, 2021 4:47 PM |
The only thing that turned me off was his prancing when walking outdoors, but he is a lovely young man.
by Anonymous | reply 202 | January 31, 2021 5:09 PM |
[quote]A poor man’s Martha Stewart
Nicolas will do all he can to avoid prison, not least because he so clearly isn't into the utilitarian minimalist approach to decor.
by Anonymous | reply 203 | January 31, 2021 5:36 PM |
Wouldn't he be the poor man's Delia Smith or the poor man's Fanny Cradock rather than Martha Stewart? The pretentious, social climber Brits would look down upon Martha because she is of Polish stock.
by Anonymous | reply 204 | January 31, 2021 5:57 PM |
[quote] Did the aristocracy have scones at tea time or was that a tea shop thing?
Upthread, there's a link to a YouTube video, guy named Hanson critiquing a tea scene from "The Crown." They're eating scones (QE & Jac. Kennedy). His critique is that the scones look dry, but he doesn't say that they should not be eating scones.
IMO, British pastries & desserts are rustic ("puddings"), not really refined like French stuff.
Hence, a scone seems not out of place.
by Anonymous | reply 205 | January 31, 2021 6:45 PM |
omg. I can't imagine. Nottingham accent on little Nic? ee dun sand loik tis does ee?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 207 | January 31, 2021 7:54 PM |
Scones taste like bleached saw dust. Are they to be dipped in coffee or tea?
by Anonymous | reply 208 | January 31, 2021 9:27 PM |
Scones have been around for ages, they are basically rather like "drop" biscuits or other sorts of spoon breads/cakes. Only difference is until baking powder was available commercially (for home use) most scones were flat sort of griddle cakes, and or you had to get them from a bakery. The wealthy of course had armies of cooks and even stand alone bakers in their homes who could provide.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 209 | January 31, 2021 11:16 PM |
As with many other things scones sold in USA are either overly sweet (from addition of masses of sugar), or rather dry and bland. What is offered in UK or other parts of world is usually vastly different.
Scones usually were served as part of a cream tea taking place of bread and jam. As such traditionally scones aren't that sweet because it is presumed one is going to have them with jam.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 210 | January 31, 2021 11:20 PM |
At this point, after making a little fun of him, I feel kinda guilty. I've gotten to where I love his personality, his peaceful and calming demeanor. I could watch him all day-- because if the world was this peaceful I would be much happier. His taste isn't my taste, in terms of interior design, but his desire for cosiness is first-class. DL should embrace him!
by Anonymous | reply 211 | January 31, 2021 11:30 PM |
Here here R116, totally agree!!!
by Anonymous | reply 212 | January 31, 2021 11:35 PM |
Afternoon tea is normally a far more substantial meal consisting of sandwiches (of all sorts), scones, bread and jam, etc... In days when dinner was eaten quite late in evening (by modern standards), afternoon tea served between say 3 pm and 5 pm took the hunger edge off.
Keeping with theme of this thread there is also evening or high tea, this was a more substantial meal served between 5 pm and 7 pm. What you called this meal largely determined your social class.
Working and even middle class ate their main meal at noon and called it dinner. OTOH upper classes who ate "dinner" at 7 pm or later called their noon meal luncheon or just "lunch". Thus evening/high tea either was a bit of something to keep one going until dinner later that evening, or was a light last meal of the day.
All over UK school children are served "dinner" by "dinner ladies" in cafeterias at noon. Similarly in an office "Sir" would go to luncheon at noon, while workers ate their dinner. There is a hilarious episode of "Are You Being Served" where the pompous Capt. Peacock keeps correcting Miss Brahms about the correct use of "dinner" instead of "lunch". This is until later when the good Captain gets so angry about something he moans about missing his "dinner", to which Miss Brahms points out "got so upset he forget he was middle class...."
In any event all this tea business became necessary because even today (as anyone who travels in Europe can attest) many cultures have their dinner or whatever final meal of day rather late by American standards. In France for instance it isn't unheard of to make dinner reservations or be invited to a dinner party for after 7 pm or even 8:3O pm
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 213 | January 31, 2021 11:38 PM |
I still can't take his work seriously, however calm and benevolent a presence his videos shed into my life. He doesn't seem to know very much about the things he talks about, beyond what you could pick up from googling or reading magazine articles. He comes across as an earnest boy, smoothing over the gaps in his knowledge with effusive words but betraying his basic amateurishness with frequent nervous swallowing, lip-smacking, fidgeting, and that stance where he keeps his hands in his pockets with his leg bent. Maybe he'll improve with time, but his taste is already sclerotic. He thinks adding a tablespoon of brown sugar to a cocktail is "a bit naughty." It drives me crazy that he keeps purring over how he painted over all his cherry and walnut furniture, resulting in the pale, matte surroundings that he craves.
The transatlantic dame next door also needs more personality. Her taste is good and her Baby Jane makeup job holds promise, but she never cuts loose. Soaking the onions to reduce their flavor is symptomatic of her contribution. You want her to find her inner Ann Richards and drop the genteel New Town locutions she's layered on like her mascara, but young Nicolas has found his true soulmate in her.
by Anonymous | reply 214 | February 1, 2021 12:52 AM |
"In France for instance it isn't unheard of to make dinner reservations or be invited to a dinner party for after 7 pm or even 8:3O pm"
Uh, in Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona and Rome, it's more like 10 pm. Restaurants open around 7 or 7:30, but locals don't show up until 9 or later.
On weekends, people show up late, so it's usually 11 when you sit down to eat.
by Anonymous | reply 215 | February 1, 2021 1:13 AM |
Some recent posts are far too long.
by Anonymous | reply 216 | February 1, 2021 2:41 AM |
Someone felt the need, apropos of nothing, to describe the difference between afternoon tea and high tea, adding to the length of this thread.
by Anonymous | reply 217 | February 1, 2021 3:08 AM |
High tea is about a couple of hours later than afternoon tea. As a rule one doesn't take both, unless one happens to be a fat DL queen.
by Anonymous | reply 218 | February 1, 2021 4:33 AM |
The Edwardians started all of this, if not the Victorians:
Breakfast (Champagne) + a cigarette Elevenses (Sherry) + a cigarette Lunch (Sherry or gin and tonic then wine) + a cigarette Tea + a cigarette High Tea + a cigarette Dinner (various cocktails eg gin and Dubonnet then wine then port) + + a cigarette for the women; + a cigar from a man Supper (cognac)
by Anonymous | reply 219 | February 1, 2021 4:40 AM |
Those episodes I described at R219 were generally rather frugal affairs except for breakfast. All other meals, booze, cigarettes were taken sparingly. In between time there would be riding, golf, walking, stalking, lots of sex with everyone. Then there was more sex after Supper with whoever you fancied with no complaints provided you didn't want to elope/marry/become serious about the person(s) you were fucking or who was (were) fucking you (that went for the gay prototypes too). Does Nicolas dear address all of this sordidness in his Dear Lady teatime broadcasts?
by Anonymous | reply 220 | February 1, 2021 4:53 AM |
R220, Nicolas only addresses things he can call "nice" and "heavenly." I hardly think that the boozy, slutty, tobacco-addled depravity you describe would qualify.
by Anonymous | reply 221 | February 1, 2021 1:16 PM |
I want to be in him quite deeply at teatime: heavenly.
by Anonymous | reply 222 | February 1, 2021 1:31 PM |
R222 Hell yeah I'd love to get a piece of that action, teatime or any other time
R218 or you are doing heavy manual labour in between. Mind you I guess the crossover of people that do heavy manual labour and those that take high tea is kinda small
by Anonymous | reply 223 | February 1, 2021 1:40 PM |
[quote]He’s as common as dirt, but appreciates the finer things in life. I can relate
I have no problem with someone "common as dirt" in his background, no problem with someone who aspires for knowledge and access to things that he wasn't born to, no problem with appreciating finer things, but goddamn do I hate these Hyacinth Bucket motherfuckers with their fake plummy vowels and squat-to-piss pretentiousness. Americans are even worse with their worship of the British Royal Family, all snippy because someone overlooked a point of succession 17 living royal bodies away from the sovereign, or the shirt size of that scumbucket grifter the Duke of Windsor. Prissy little lessons about ladies teas? Who is his audience? Daft boys who fell off the turnip truck after him?
What a useless person.
by Anonymous | reply 224 | February 1, 2021 4:05 PM |
I want to feel the inside of his intestine with my bare cock.
by Anonymous | reply 225 | February 1, 2021 4:11 PM |
Not unlike the wife of the 6th in line to the throne (for now, anyway), R224, an American whose name on her son’s birth certificate was changed from Meghan Markle to the Duchess of Sussex without, she says, her knowledge.
She had nothing to do with “Finding Freedom” either. Until, of course, it was revealed that in fact she did.
Meghan and Nicolas have more than a little in common; trying to convince people of their expertise without having much.
by Anonymous | reply 226 | February 1, 2021 4:32 PM |
R224 a lot of it isnt about his knowledge, its his presentation. Its extremely soothing and its beautiful, and he is extremely pretty to look at. I've watched most of his videos, even though I cant see myself doing a high tea or making a sponge cake or any of the other stuff, I look at them because of the aesthetic pleasure they give me. Also what R225 said
by Anonymous | reply 227 | February 1, 2021 4:37 PM |
It's mostly common knowledge rehashed with very little new information. He is soothing and presents well, but bland and stripped of any humor. And you just know any queen like this who has a circle of friends and entertains would be a campfest and a hoot. He's playing to the grannies and anglophiles. As a gay man, I'm attracted to masculinity, of which this poor fellow has not one shred. But the DL shows (once again) how anyone can be attracted to virtually anything.
by Anonymous | reply 228 | February 1, 2021 5:37 PM |
I imagine Nic would be consulting his lawyers if he read some of the comments on this thread, or at least blushing a deep shade of crimson!
by Anonymous | reply 229 | February 1, 2021 5:58 PM |
[quote] I imagine Nic would be consulting his lawyers if he read some of the comments on this thread, or at least blushing a deep shade of crimson!
Why?? That he has even been mentioned on DL means he has truly "arrived". He ought to rejoice.
by Anonymous | reply 230 | February 1, 2021 6:12 PM |
Some people object to the DL comments, and rightly so.
by Anonymous | reply 231 | February 1, 2021 6:18 PM |
I have to say, that I was feeling my oats above and casually mentioned how this young man FOR SURE went inside my mother in Myrtle Beach.
However, after watching his videos he actually seems NICE.
They have a great ASMR quality and I just can't hate on the guy for cultivating some kind of idealistic life.
He's not nearly as shallow as I expected him to be. And I dig his rich friend from America-
by Anonymous | reply 232 | February 1, 2021 6:21 PM |
There have to be dozens of "How To Do English Tea" experts about.
What's odd is, many toffs don't even live like that any longer. Tea, that is, afternoon tea (as opposed to "high" tea) is mostly continued by much older people. Everyone else is too busy to stop for tea in the afternoon, unless they are very well-heeled and have the time.
The pace of real life just doesn't allow for it - like the after-lunch siesta in Spain, it's being crushed under the wheels of fast paced life.
If you have the money, another really beautiful tea is The Goring Hotel in London.
But at home on a regular basis? Not.
by Anonymous | reply 233 | February 1, 2021 7:13 PM |
He really reminds me of puffin-faced actress and comedienne, Tamsin Grieg (who once nearly ran me down on a traffic crossing in Kensal Rise)
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 234 | February 1, 2021 7:17 PM |
The Goring is nice, but the best afternoon tea I ever had - and with an amazing view - was from the verandah of Reid's Palace in Madeira.
Maybe little Nicky has a point: gracious living is a dying art. Reid's never had to post the dress code before.
People used to know what to do without having to be told.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 235 | February 1, 2021 7:20 PM |
[quote] People used to know what to do without having to be told.
No, people were always told. The publishing of etiquette books in the 19th C was a big and lucrative business. People used the surnames of popular etiquette books as readily understood shorthand for the titles; there were different levels of etiquette books, each positioned to address the position one or two rungs up from the intended audience. Social place was reinforced by books such as Burke's Peerage which was published from 1826 at a time when industrialization was firmly in place but the place of industrialists was challenged: money alone was no longer enough to establish someone's place in society. Etiquette books and rules and allied popular interests have always been based on the idea that manners are gracious living are "dying." If they were not endangered, there would be no book sales, no lectures, no useless little twits like this one trying to establish his sad little brand. Etiquette always focuses most on the things that are already water over the dam: the irretrievable. Like old fussy queens complaining that young bucks (not young Regency bucks) have lost the art of cursive writing! Of communicating in paragraphs! Of long telephone conversations!
Etiquette is more than anything a trade, holding out knowledge of the arcane ways of our "social betters," and this silly fellow with bespoke marbles in his mouth is overreaching on his slim knowledge to try to make a few coins of one sort or another, a feather in has cap.
Too bad he's humorless, sexless, and pathetic.
by Anonymous | reply 236 | February 1, 2021 7:46 PM |
I went into the Ritz in London for tea with a friend, on a whim, on a stifflingly hot summer's day in ... 1979 without a jacket or tie - I know you could practically write a book, right?!? The staff insisted I wear a jacket and tie which they lent me. I should have left. Unfortunately I agreed - that was then.
by Anonymous | reply 237 | February 1, 2021 8:29 PM |
[quote] I went into the Ritz in London for tea with a friend, on a whim, on a stifflingly hot summer's day in ... 1979 without a jacket or tie - I know you could practically write a book, right?!? The staff insisted I wear a jacket and tie which they lent me. I should have left. Unfortunately I agreed - that was then.
Why should you have left? You complied with the jacket and tie. I'm assuming there was no further incident. You got to experience tea at the Ritz in London.
by Anonymous | reply 238 | February 1, 2021 8:39 PM |
I don't think I've ever had afternoon tea in a hotel and I'm English. I think that's usually a very American thing to do.
If I'm at home, I sometimes make a cuppa tea around 4pm. I usually have a slice of cake or a ham sandwich say, rarely both.
I'm not sure what this lad is offering new. I'll show my boyfriend his pic and see if he knows him personally as he lives in Edinburgh near where this lad does.
by Anonymous | reply 239 | February 1, 2021 10:16 PM |
My favourite high tea experience was in Edinburgh, in the beautiful Colonnades Library
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 240 | February 1, 2021 11:36 PM |
Black tea just never tastes concentrated enough. The only time I've ever had a really good black tea was in Japan (milk tea of "miruku tea"). I prefer coffee.
I used to work in a hotel that served afternoon tea. If you ever get the chance, order the scones and Devonshire (clotted) cream. If you want to have tea, scones, & clotted cream at home (and can't find / make clotted), I would suggest mascarpone as a substitute.
by Anonymous | reply 241 | February 2, 2021 12:39 AM |
[quote]Isn't he really pretty basic as lifestyle gurus go? The videos show him making cauliflower soup (with a "cube of vegetable stock"—Martha Stewart would die first)
I think that's a Euro thing. Years of living in Italy and I never saw canned broth. You either make it or use a bouillon cube, as most home cooks do. Even chefs use them.
Marcella Hazan in her books recommends them over canned broth.
by Anonymous | reply 242 | February 2, 2021 12:59 AM |
[quote]Reid's never had to post the dress code before.. People used to know what to do without having to be told.
Shit so steel capped workboots a wifebeater and high vis vest arent gonna cut it then?
by Anonymous | reply 243 | February 2, 2021 2:16 AM |
[quote] Shit so steel capped workboots a wifebeater and high vis vest arent gonna cut it then?
Only if you are the king of Jordan or Thailand (the latter with his boob tube).
by Anonymous | reply 244 | February 2, 2021 2:22 AM |
My boyfriend and I discovered him two nights ago; we watched the tea sandwiches video.
I was ready to throw up from his womanliness at first, but then I really got into it. Not in a sexual way, but in a “this kid has no idea how hilarious he is” kind of way. Unknowing camp, as someone put it up thread. I actually have never thought to make my own lemon-dill butter, but now I’m seriously contemplating it.
I was aghast when he started sawing through the sandwiches with his sharp knife, though. Dear lord. Use a serrated bread knife, sweetheart!
by Anonymous | reply 245 | February 2, 2021 2:42 AM |
His underlying accent may be more Derby than anything else. Bearing in mind that there are some posh people up North, just not Nic despite all his many good qualities.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 246 | February 2, 2021 2:48 AM |
Wait, where’s the video of Hanson critiquing him? Link, anyone?
by Anonymous | reply 247 | February 2, 2021 2:52 AM |
Sorry R246 / R249 I put R246 in the wrong box.
by Anonymous | reply 250 | February 2, 2021 3:03 AM |
I love R224. This Fairford creature is a waste of space.
by Anonymous | reply 251 | February 2, 2021 3:04 AM |
Can't get real clotted cream in USA, and or it is very difficult to find because the true stuff is made from unpasteurized milk.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 252 | February 2, 2021 5:35 AM |
In UK they have figured out ways to make milk safe without pasteurization that is to say methods used are deemed to produce a safe product.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 253 | February 2, 2021 5:38 AM |
I don't think you need unpasteurized milk for clotted cream. You can make it yourself, actually. It's just heavy cream cooked low and slow. Chef John's recipe says "not ultra-pasteurized" (cream).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 254 | February 2, 2021 5:41 AM |
There is serious debate on matter of making clotted cream from pasteurized or even ultra pasteurized milk. For some nothing tastes better than clotted cream from raw milk, anything else is simply a poor reproduction.
That being said if you cannot get raw milk, then that's it, you have to deal with what is at hand.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 255 | February 2, 2021 5:59 AM |
No new posts in two days? We need to revive this thread as an antidote to the influx of news about QAnon addicts in high places. Save us, ridiculous tea-sandwich whisperer!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 256 | February 4, 2021 3:13 PM |
Hmm, got to watch those prim and proper queens. They may be linen and lace on the outside, but inside it is leather, rubber and chains.
by Anonymous | reply 258 | February 5, 2021 3:34 AM |
I'm still laughing from that Hanson guy. He's hilariously dead serious about how to eat a scone. And the plates! But good to know that Jackie knew her stuff---hat's were fine before 6pm!
by Anonymous | reply 259 | February 5, 2021 4:07 AM |
Mary Berry makes a much better looking Victoria Sponge and you know she knocks back a few gin and tonics while she does it.
by Anonymous | reply 260 | February 5, 2021 4:12 AM |
R257 yeah I'm curious about that too.
[quote]Your search - "Nicolas Fairford" site:onlyfans.com - did not match any documents.
by Anonymous | reply 261 | February 5, 2021 4:16 AM |
Well we know his porn name isn't Charlie Snake, because that one is taken.
by Anonymous | reply 262 | February 5, 2021 4:21 AM |
Good to know that I'm not the only one in this thread who would gladly take him to pound town and spread some clotted cream on his cherry scone.
by Anonymous | reply 263 | February 5, 2021 7:25 AM |
He done another skincare video. He is glowing, radiant and beautiful. And he said he's just turned 31, he dont look it
Maybe I oughtta start doing some of this shit myself, difficult when I'm out on the road a lot
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 264 | February 5, 2021 5:05 PM |
It was established upthread that his real name is Nicolas Burden. Maybe that's what he uses for his OnlyFans. Wonder if his Texas-born neighbor joins him there, too.
by Anonymous | reply 265 | February 5, 2021 5:16 PM |
Good point R265, tried that, also tried Nic Burden, no go unfortunately
Found this vid of him painting a chair, you get to see a bit more of him, his skin is so soft and dewey and delicate, he really is breathtakingly lovely
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 266 | February 5, 2021 6:03 PM |
New video up today. Kind of boring. I don't like mixing all those disparate flowers together: roses, tulips, and carnations.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 267 | February 5, 2021 6:12 PM |
Well he's been to Waitrose for his flowers. Either Comely Bank or Morningside in Edinburgh.
What's with his I'll fitting jumper?
by Anonymous | reply 268 | February 5, 2021 6:58 PM |
What's with the sinister opening music in the video at R267? He's giving me John Moulder-Brown vibes from The House That Screamed.
by Anonymous | reply 269 | February 5, 2021 7:20 PM |
And oh dear, the VAHZ pronunciation.
by Anonymous | reply 270 | February 5, 2021 7:21 PM |
R270 You mean the standard British English pronunciation?
And, v8fairy: you've got it bad for this guy.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 271 | February 5, 2021 7:56 PM |
I just came across this guy on YouTube last night and I didn’t know whether to laugh or be fascinated. It was a bit of both actually. I saw the tea sandwiches video and those sandwiches looked boring as hell (he’s a vegan so there was no meat). I also saw the skincare one, and thought what the hell is rubbing that stone against his face supposed to do? The Q&A video was somewhat interesting though. He said he was single but had been in a LTR in the past and I was surprised because I can’t imagine him having sex.
by Anonymous | reply 272 | February 5, 2021 8:36 PM |
[quote]And, v8fairy: you've got it bad for this guy
I do! And I fully admit it, I'm utterly in his thrall, he's enchanting
by Anonymous | reply 273 | February 6, 2021 3:12 AM |
R272, the proper way for slipping it in?
by Anonymous | reply 274 | February 6, 2021 4:13 AM |
Well, Hello! And welcome to my Tea.
by Anonymous | reply 275 | February 6, 2021 4:23 AM |
What does this thing do for a living? Does it stay home eating cakes and scones all day?
by Anonymous | reply 276 | February 6, 2021 8:43 AM |
R276 Did you see how skinny he is? I don’t think he eats much at all. I would like to know how he earns money though to afford all that stuff.
by Anonymous | reply 277 | February 6, 2021 8:55 AM |
[quote]Well, Hello! And welcome to my Tea.
OMG you’re right! He’s like the male version of her!
by Anonymous | reply 278 | February 6, 2021 8:56 AM |
Nicolas Fairford, meet your new best friend!
Can you imagine the two of them together?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 279 | February 6, 2021 10:47 AM |
Am I sad for having just watched several of his videos before getting ready to go to sleep? There is something fascinating yet relaxing watching his videos with the elegant music in the background and seeing him live in his own little world.
by Anonymous | reply 280 | February 6, 2021 11:33 AM |
If we’re finding female companions for Nicolas, I’d like to nominate Anna Bey, the elegance letty teachink upper-crusted refinements at very famous School of Affluence.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 281 | February 6, 2021 11:41 AM |
Does it dress up as Miss Havisham and bake it's own wedding cake?
by Anonymous | reply 282 | February 6, 2021 11:42 AM |
His faux voice sends me to sleep.
Have any of our Edinburgh queens had him or spotted him on Grindr yet?
by Anonymous | reply 283 | February 6, 2021 11:45 AM |
[quote]His faux voice sends me to sleep.
That’s why he’s perfect to watch before bed!
by Anonymous | reply 284 | February 6, 2021 8:31 PM |
I bet he's a demanding bottom in bed.
by Anonymous | reply 285 | February 6, 2021 9:40 PM |
I would guess that he had a rich, older boyfriend in the past. (He described a breakup from a LTR in one of his videos.) I think that's how he got exposed to this kind of interior decor, etc.
by Anonymous | reply 286 | February 6, 2021 10:33 PM |
His cooking videos and recipes are terrible! It’s all vegan shit. He should focus on the decorating and craft videos.
by Anonymous | reply 289 | February 7, 2021 12:42 AM |
Vegans are the most boring people in the world.
by Anonymous | reply 290 | February 7, 2021 1:19 AM |
Well isn't he just the most precious thing you've ever seen. Bless his heart.
by Anonymous | reply 291 | February 7, 2021 1:22 AM |
Picture 5 years hence, Miss Nicolas debuts on Treasure Island Media. Title A Delightful Afternoon Tea 🍵 and Well Mannered Gangbang
by Anonymous | reply 292 | February 7, 2021 1:25 AM |
Don't drop the tea, Nicolas.
by Anonymous | reply 293 | February 7, 2021 1:28 AM |
R276/ R277 he isnt wealthy, and a lot of that stuff he's bought second hand and fixed up himself. He says as much in his introductory vid, and he also mentions cost saving short cuts in several of his videos.
R280 I watch a couple of vids every night, you are far from the only one
R286 I think you're right. Lucky bastard
R288 yeah, pale, delicate and beautiful, I like a whole lot
Here's one of him doing a book recommendation, you get to see him outside with flowers and such
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 294 | February 7, 2021 3:28 AM |
In his Christmas Q&A YouTube video he gives more personal info, interesting...tattoo back story is funny
by Anonymous | reply 295 | February 7, 2021 4:05 AM |
At the beginning of the video of him showing his beauty routine, he walks down a hill and keeps looking back at the camera in slow motion for dramatic effect and then he saunters out of his shower in that big white robe.😄 It kind of reminded me of Bobby Trendy from the Anna Nicole show.
But he seems like a nice guy (if a bit over the top).
by Anonymous | reply 296 | February 7, 2021 4:27 AM |
OMFG! He's the real deal. His review of that fantastic book about Bunny Mellon's gardens is spot-on. I like this kid, despite that I'm neither into Twinks nor his particular Twee style. His calm, measured, confident voice is ASMR material. He certainly has lost any trace of a Scottish accent, so at least the rest of the English-speaking world can understand him. And his dog is white and fluffy, because of course. He reminds me so much of someone I knew years ago.
Having major flashbacks now to when in 1982 when I was 21, I managed to get a scholarship for a summer program at University of St Andrews in Scotland. My Scottish dorm mate was just like this guy -- delicate features, pleasant, calm, and creative, but trying to escape whatever the fuck hellhole culture of the wee coal mining town in the North he was from. I just couldn't understand him, not at first. And he was trying to lose his accent while recreating himself with the goal of moving to London. I was totally out (I'm from the Bay Area), but he was absolutely not. No idea what happened to him.
by Anonymous | reply 297 | February 7, 2021 5:36 AM |
R295 this video? I always wondered about that. Its a pretty small tattoo, wouldnt be that expensive for him to get it lasered off
He was with his last partner for nine years, thats a long time at that age, wonder why they split, doesnt sound like he initiated the split
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 298 | February 7, 2021 10:46 AM |
R297, he isn’t Scottish. He just lives here. His accent is North of England.
by Anonymous | reply 299 | February 7, 2021 10:59 AM |
He appears to be someone who has completely invented himself. People like that fascinate me. I would put someone like Tim Gunn in that same category. (Maybe someone like Joan Crawford as well). People who invent themselves discard their upbringing, discard their natural accents, get rid of everything that reminds them of their childhoods and then stride out into the world, daring others to challenge the persona they have created for themselves. I think it has to take a great deal of courage, or a great deal of bravado to do that. I imagine that in most cases, it also represents a person whose childhood was very unhappy or whose circumstances embarrassed him or her. It may be more common among gay people than among straight people. There is a guardedness to such people though. I can't imagine that they easily let other people into their confidence. Too much of their self-image is bound up in the projection of the transformation they have made, and an unwitting slip might bring the whole thing crashing down.
by Anonymous | reply 300 | February 7, 2021 11:01 AM |
When this thread began I was put in mind of a youngish man who years ago wrote an etiquette column in the London 'Times', no less. Confidently he put correspondents right about all manner of social anxieties. Evidently a 'confirmed bachelor' who in pictures looked somewhat over-dressed.
Eventually he committed suicide by throwing himself from the high window of his 'good' London address. It turned out he'd attended a comprehensive school, and had no wish to keep in contact with his (I suppose 'humble') background. Disjunct painfully unsustainable, perhaps.
by Anonymous | reply 301 | February 7, 2021 11:15 AM |
[quote] Too much of their self-image is bound up in the projection of the transformation they have made, and an unwitting slip might bring the whole thing crashing down
Quite often all it takes is a casual remark from a truly upper-class person that exposes the pretender for the fake creation he or she is. This Nicolas dinnerlady sounds unbearable.
by Anonymous | reply 302 | February 7, 2021 11:21 AM |
R300 I think you are right in that he has reinvented himself, but he is also quite open and frank about his origins - he doesnt have quite that guardedness that you mention though. And his childhood was very happy according to several of his Q+A's . Yes, he is faking it to a fair extent, but he doesnt pretend otherwise
by Anonymous | reply 303 | February 7, 2021 12:03 PM |
Just watched this here, he got a dinner set the same as one the Queen Mother has got, its real nice
And Nicolas is as dainty and gorgeous as always
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 304 | February 7, 2021 6:05 PM |
He's cute, but does he even have a penis?
by Anonymous | reply 305 | February 7, 2021 11:44 PM |
Why are there so many replies, Nick?
by Anonymous | reply 306 | February 7, 2021 11:50 PM |
R305 If you look at the videos where he is wearing white pants he does have a reasonable package, for instance at the start of this one, you can see it when he goes out the door of his place right at the start then again when he goes up the stairs at around 30 seconds. He aint donkey hung but he's definitely got a nice mouthful there
R306 OP just might be him but very unlikely. He's got almost 47K subs and rising, its not like he needs to rark up more from here. He appeals to a lot of people me included. But if he actually is on here... I adore you Nicolas!
by Anonymous | reply 307 | February 8, 2021 5:18 PM |
Just finished watching his Christmas Q&A video. I love his humbleness, yet he is realistically posh in his explanations. The tattoo bit is rather unfortunate, along with him losing his boyfriend of nine years. As I sit lonely in my lightly messy room not doing much of anything, I wish I was anywhere as motivated as lovely Nicolas. Off I go tidying!
by Anonymous | reply 308 | February 8, 2021 7:24 PM |
I think he has a nice ass. Nothing extreme. But nice.
by Anonymous | reply 309 | February 8, 2021 7:35 PM |
R309 He’s single. Why don’t you ask him out?
by Anonymous | reply 310 | February 8, 2021 11:33 PM |
Bit of a distance between us, R310
by Anonymous | reply 311 | February 9, 2021 7:50 AM |
If late John Morgan was to whom you were referring, it was never suicide, well at least not proven. Verdict was the man "fell" out of window.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 312 | February 9, 2021 9:35 AM |
Finally from the Guardian....
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 315 | February 9, 2021 9:39 AM |
Top etiquette expert in UK nowadays is William Hanson. Mayhaps this Nicolas Fairford can do an internship or something with Mr. Hanson to polish up is C.V.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 316 | February 9, 2021 9:42 AM |
Top five tips for flawless dining....
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 317 | February 9, 2021 9:43 AM |
How to talk posh, courtesy of the Guardian...
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 318 | February 9, 2021 9:54 AM |
[quote]If late John Morgan was to whom you were referring, it was never suicide, well at least not proven.
Yes, the name came back to me later. 'Not proven' - but a known history of depression, a previous suicide attempt, and avowed money worries point to the sad possibility that he took his own life in a bleak dark moment.
A similar ambiguity obtained around the death of Kenneth Williams. I can understand why there's often an unwillingness to record a death as suicide, and respect that it wasn't actually applied in this case.
by Anonymous | reply 319 | February 9, 2021 10:57 AM |
R312 thru 315, damn that is just so sad. He'd attempted suicide before in 1999, and was on medication for depression. We lose too many great people to depression
by Anonymous | reply 320 | February 9, 2021 11:24 AM |
30 going on 16. God, I am old, that's how he looks to me.
by Anonymous | reply 321 | February 9, 2021 11:40 AM |
Sometimes think it's the tablets that bring on what is a momentary thought of suicide, but before passes person acts upon it.
IIRC ironically many medications for depression warn of increased risk of suicide.
by Anonymous | reply 322 | February 9, 2021 12:38 PM |
I just realised I forgot to post the vid I mentioned up at R307
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 323 | February 9, 2021 12:47 PM |
R325 somebody already asked at R257. I have not been able to get a definitive answer so far after extensive research
However the vid at R323 shows something there, so he's not tiny
by Anonymous | reply 326 | February 10, 2021 4:18 AM |
What many do not realize is getting RP down is only part of battle in sounding posh. One requires necessary "gentility" that goes with good breeding in order to truly pull things off.
Actors, news readers, politicians and others who recite from scripts written by others don't have to worry. But someone going about in society wanting to impress or whatever needs to get things down pat.
At basic level gentility in terms of speaking substitutes a common word for something less so. "Remain" instead of "stay". "Step" instead of "walk". Knowing when to use "one" instead of "I"....
To those brought up or learned at a very early age both RP and in a certain background these things flow easily and unforced. Conversation flows naturally, if not a bit high and mighty sounding to some ears. The opposite not only sounds silly but reinforces the person is NQOCD
Pygmalion and later My Fair Lady is an excellent example. Though Eliza Doolittle was heavily coached in RP, her grammar and choice of words give game away.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 327 | February 10, 2021 6:04 AM |
I love how any little simple thing is a “treat” according to him.
by Anonymous | reply 328 | February 10, 2021 6:39 AM |
This overly precious mince is not far removed from Brendad Ickson's "Welcome to My Home" as far as some of those videos go...
by Anonymous | reply 329 | February 10, 2021 6:43 AM |
This pretentious, twee twat must be an unbearable bore in social settings, trying to impress everyone with his knowledge of the proper way to eat a sandwich. Kill it with grease fire.
by Anonymous | reply 330 | February 10, 2021 7:20 AM |
I done watched all of the vids so now I been trawling through his website and blog, found some very pretty pictures of him.
R171 is right, he really does look better in black, there's a pic I cant seem to link to directly where he's wearing black with a striped top, and he is so dainty and delicate, just perfect, its about half way down this here page I linked unless I done fucked it up again
He is so utterly exquisite, I would love to hold him
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 332 | February 10, 2021 2:14 PM |
R332 v8fairy, luv, you are a tad obsessed
by Anonymous | reply 333 | February 10, 2021 6:43 PM |
Yeah, I hate to yuck someone's yum, but enough already.
by Anonymous | reply 334 | February 10, 2021 7:12 PM |
I wonder who his American friend is. She seems extremely wealthy, or sugar daddied herself into total wealth. Oil money who got out of the US before the recession?
by Anonymous | reply 335 | February 11, 2021 3:11 AM |
Update: It seems she worked as bookseller, then went into owning a gift shop in the Scottish Border. But not much more. Her house is beyond high-end, so I dont think being a gift shop owner made her that wealthy to retire.
by Anonymous | reply 336 | February 11, 2021 3:30 AM |
[quote]You mean a Sugar Daddy?
No, a Caster Sugar Daddy.
by Anonymous | reply 337 | February 11, 2021 5:58 AM |
[quote] However the vid at [R323] shows something there, so he's not tiny
Upper Pubic Fat !
by Anonymous | reply 338 | February 11, 2021 6:25 AM |
The mouth noises and saliva crackles in the voiceover at R264 are just too much.
by Anonymous | reply 339 | February 11, 2021 6:26 AM |
Am sorry, but Nicholas Fairford looks as if he had one hour of heavy rogering, then drank a glass of cold water he would die. Frail twinks are all very well I suppose, de gustibus and all, but still...
by Anonymous | reply 341 | February 11, 2021 6:50 AM |
Just watched a short extract of R323’s video. The guy has a flat chest, womanly hips and a fat ass perched on skinny thighs. His backside undulates like a lady’s when he walks. And you all fawn over him??
by Anonymous | reply 343 | February 11, 2021 1:31 PM |
Just fascinating.
He reminds me of what I imagine Margo Leadbetter (Penelope Keith) would be like as a male but not as shrill and prone to overreaction as she was. If you close your eyes he does sound like an older female though.
That said - I was looking at the 10 books he would like for Christmas and he has very good taste. There's a couple in this list I wouldn't mind myself!
Do we know how old he is v8fairy?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 344 | February 11, 2021 1:56 PM |
His friend next door has a husband who is in international business of some kind, if I picked up on what she said. David somebody. He may be American, too; they probably came to Edinburgh for his job.
by Anonymous | reply 345 | February 11, 2021 1:59 PM |
R344 He just recently turned 31, he talked about it in one of his vids
by Anonymous | reply 346 | February 11, 2021 2:10 PM |
OK I watched some of this video and he's 31 in January 2021 and an Aquarius he says.
He looks a lot younger.
He said he doesn't come from money or upbringing so all of it is affected - the voice and demeanor.
He seems like quite a nice person and although I am a typical Datalounger, I have nothing bad to say.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 347 | February 11, 2021 2:12 PM |
Whom is Nicolas celebrating Valentine's Day with in that video? Is Baby Jane next door going to ditch her husband for the evening?
by Anonymous | reply 350 | February 12, 2021 6:11 PM |
That Valentine's video is going into Baby Jane territory. He talks more about his ex-BF, who exposed him to this lifestyle. Sounds like ex-BF took him (paid for trip) to Paris for the first time.
by Anonymous | reply 351 | February 12, 2021 6:59 PM |
Hahaaaa I cannot believe this! I fucked this guy on a business trip to Edinburgh last Summer! We met on tinder and I had no idea who he was until I randomly came across his YouTube channel just now. Let me tell you this..He is nothing like this in real life. Tiny..skinny twink body, about 5 5 total bottom with amazing tight arse. Pounded him all night long and then jizzed all over those hot lips!
by Anonymous | reply 352 | February 12, 2021 7:16 PM |
v8fairy is turning green as he reads R352.
by Anonymous | reply 353 | February 12, 2021 7:27 PM |
Did he tell you about the proper etiquette to follow when pounding arse or squirting cum on his lips, R352? Did he lick his lips and call it a "treat"?
by Anonymous | reply 354 | February 12, 2021 7:32 PM |
He's cute, I would definitely hit that ass.
I'm American so I couldn't care less whether or not he pronounces his "r" or if he puts jam on his toast the way the Queen would. This is of no interest to anyone outside the UK. He seems like a fun person to be around. And good for him for trying to improve himself. He's refreshing compared to so much of the ghetto trash that are influencers/Youtubers.
by Anonymous | reply 355 | February 12, 2021 7:50 PM |
His color palette is all soft pastels, and mostly the color I call "flesh pink". I have a friend who has a side business as a floral designer and this is also her palette. It's not my favorite, at least for flowers. I like more vivid colors. A deep red rose, a stunning deep blue delphinium, a bright yellow black eyed susan, a bright white magnolia. But it's true that this narrow pastel palette is "safer". Nothing would stick out and "offend" an overly sensitive eye.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 356 | February 12, 2021 8:04 PM |
His real name is Nicolas Burden. Unburdened of that name, he took as his nom de guerre Fairford, which is code for "fair for D."
by Anonymous | reply 357 | February 12, 2021 8:10 PM |
r352 did you raw dog it with him?
by Anonymous | reply 358 | February 12, 2021 8:15 PM |
It's actually Nicholas with an 'h', R357. And as for 'Burden' - could there be a more unglamorous name?
by Anonymous | reply 359 | February 12, 2021 8:17 PM |
I found his lonely Valentines video sweet if a bit sad -- musing about the days when he was a (really quite stunning) twink being pampered by his then boyfriend. But I'm actually also glad to hear that he is not quite so, um, ladylike in person.
by Anonymous | reply 361 | February 12, 2021 8:48 PM |
[quote] Let me tell you this..He is nothing like this in real life. Tiny..skinny twink body, about 5 5 total bottom with amazing tight arse.
What do you mean, R352? That's exactly as he appears on his videos: tiny twink, 5'5", etc.
by Anonymous | reply 362 | February 12, 2021 8:50 PM |
R352 lucky bastard! I'm down under so its not like I'd get to bed him anyways
by Anonymous | reply 363 | February 12, 2021 9:31 PM |
R352 oh no!!! You’re ruining my perfect facade of him being posh and relentlessly abstinent. My gay Martha Stewart queen is a slut!
by Anonymous | reply 364 | February 12, 2021 9:43 PM |
[quote] He's also vegan (bar the occasional free range egg).
How do you make a decent scone without eggs, butter, and cream?
by Anonymous | reply 365 | February 12, 2021 9:57 PM |
Vegan? Is cum part of its vegan diet?
by Anonymous | reply 366 | February 12, 2021 10:04 PM |
He seems to observe veganism in the breach, given that most of his recipes have an egg, sour cream, or similar—usually he'll make some excuse about how it's a special treat, and combine and actual chicken egg with almond milk or something.
by Anonymous | reply 367 | February 12, 2021 11:09 PM |
People like that shouldn't say they're "vegan."
by Anonymous | reply 368 | February 12, 2021 11:59 PM |
After watching the Valentine video I am convinced this person does not have a penis.
by Anonymous | reply 369 | February 13, 2021 12:00 AM |
What does this guy do for fun? He seems so dull.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 370 | February 13, 2021 1:56 AM |
[quote]usually he'll make some excuse about how it's a special treat
I’ve noticed he seems to use the word “treat” way too much. And most of his “treats” look bland as hell.
by Anonymous | reply 371 | February 13, 2021 2:00 AM |
His subtle insistence on wearing white while making "very messy" truffles is just an update of Fanny Cradock's ball gowns.
by Anonymous | reply 372 | February 13, 2021 2:04 AM |
I’m getting a distinct [italic]The Others[/italic] vibe from his latest video. The living family comes home and discovers a table set for Valentine's Day and one of their decoupage boxes missing.
Meanwhile, the ghost trembles under a rose-strewn bed because the spectral voices coming from the other room just won’t stop.
by Anonymous | reply 373 | February 13, 2021 2:25 AM |
An aspirational Brit living in Scotland? One of the soft boys they made fun of in the council houses, His grandmother turned him into a girl …. not that there's anything wrong with that … and his dreams were formed on television and in the houses of men he lived on. Now he is ready to become a "brand," his own invention, a male Nigella Lawson. Beauty, joy and elegance can be yours, just watch his videos!
He is sweet with what seem to be his affectations, his pushing of "Proper"and all that just seems he yearned to live a life that existed beyond this birth community . I find his breathless how-to relaxing and he does simple things well. I liked his how-to on tea sandwiches, which I already knew and do, but his ways are even more simple and they work …. use your hands, one bowl.
He's not to the manor born, is not going for "posh" but that you, too, can elevate your life-style up a bit and it all is very nice. Follow him! Twee for free!
by Anonymous | reply 374 | February 13, 2021 2:50 AM |
Americans aren't into tea and little finger sandwiches.
by Anonymous | reply 375 | February 13, 2021 2:53 AM |
R375 When I saw those bland ass cucumber sandwiches, I just shook my head.
I just got done eating a foot long three meat sandwich. And it was great!
by Anonymous | reply 376 | February 13, 2021 3:20 AM |
[362] I meant he was way more fun and naughty. I would never have guessed that this was his career.
by Anonymous | reply 377 | February 13, 2021 12:48 PM |
R377, did he drop the pseudo-posh accent and give you the full Geordie?
by Anonymous | reply 378 | February 13, 2021 2:06 PM |
R361 yeah I've just got round to watching the Valentines vid, was kinda sweet but sad. He's maybe not strictly a twink anymore but he's still stunning
Wonder who the lucky bastard is thats getting those chocolate truffles? I'd happily suck on his truffle
by Anonymous | reply 379 | February 15, 2021 5:50 AM |
Enjoy it while you can Nicky, before you go the way of Austin Armacost
by Anonymous | reply 380 | February 15, 2021 5:59 AM |
Get real, v8fairy, the truffles are for the lady next door.
by Anonymous | reply 381 | February 15, 2021 5:17 PM |
They look delish, but I don’t like the amount of hand use those trays take. Hopefully he washed his hands with a little bleach before doing that.
by Anonymous | reply 382 | February 15, 2021 10:42 PM |
[quote] the amount of hand use
He's bidding for the Two Fat Ladies franchise.
by Anonymous | reply 384 | February 17, 2021 4:37 AM |
You just know he is a squeaky-clean bottom.
by Anonymous | reply 385 | February 17, 2021 4:46 AM |
He's not gay! He acts just like most straight men born in the UK.
by Anonymous | reply 386 | February 17, 2021 5:37 AM |
[quote]oh no!!! You’re ruining my perfect facade of him being posh and relentlessly abstinent. My gay Martha Stewart queen is a slut!
He's not Martha Stewart's queen, this guy is:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 387 | February 17, 2021 5:47 AM |
[quote] I wish I was from the UK
Oh dear.
by Anonymous | reply 388 | February 17, 2021 5:55 AM |
I wish r388 could fall off a cliff.
by Anonymous | reply 390 | February 17, 2021 6:07 AM |
r361 Agreed. I have found him kind of cute in a fussy-bottom-who-you-KNOW-will-take-care-of-your-cock sort of way way, but not that into him. But that photo he showed of him in front of the Eiffel Tower, he looked drop dead gorgeous. I wonder if that was the only rich daddy he has been on little jaunts with.......
by Anonymous | reply 391 | February 17, 2021 6:39 AM |
[quote]I wish [R388] could fall off a cliff.
Oh dear.
by Anonymous | reply 392 | February 17, 2021 7:52 AM |
r392 could fall off a cliff for "oh dearing" something that wasn't incorrect.
by Anonymous | reply 393 | February 17, 2021 8:00 AM |
[quote] something that wasn't incorrect.
Oh dear.
by Anonymous | reply 394 | February 17, 2021 8:04 AM |
Something that wasn't incorrect cunt oh dear troll r394.
by Anonymous | reply 395 | February 17, 2021 8:09 AM |
that's his most viewed video on youtube, but still less than 1 million views, all other videos barely made any meaningful impact, sorry to say this, but he is not going to make it as a life style influencer on youtube
by Anonymous | reply 396 | February 17, 2021 9:25 AM |
I don't know if he has found this thread, but he seems to have noted the advice from R332 and in recent photos has been wearing black. Which does indeed look better on him.
by Anonymous | reply 397 | February 17, 2021 3:40 PM |
The advice was from R171, seconded by R332, if you please.
by Anonymous | reply 398 | February 17, 2021 4:18 PM |
I've been watching him from the beginning. He reminds me so much of a former friend that I find myself drawn back, watching his videos. If he is at all like my former friend (which I suspect he is), he gives absolutely lousy head but thinks he wrote the book on it.
There. I've said it, and I feel better for it.
by Anonymous | reply 399 | February 17, 2021 6:43 PM |
"that's his most viewed video on youtube, but still less than 1 million views, all other videos barely made any meaningful impact, sorry to say this, but he is not going to make it as a life style influencer on YouTube"
I wouldn't be so sure, I can't stand him but he's had over 50k Subs in less than a year
by Anonymous | reply 400 | February 17, 2021 7:40 PM |
I think he'll be going places — his content is exactly the kind of stuffy, cosy distraction many are looking for in these dire times.
by Anonymous | reply 401 | February 19, 2021 11:48 AM |
R400 yup, closing in on 54K subs now. R401 is right - it may not be groundbreaking content, but it is very soothing and beautiful
R397 I wonder if enough people asked if he'd take his shirt off for one vid. I'd like that a whole lot
by Anonymous | reply 402 | February 19, 2021 12:40 PM |
R400 50k Subs in less than a year? Lol, you think that's a good number? Try 500k subs in 6 months, if you can't attract the viewers fast, you can kiss youtube goodbye, there is no real money to be made if the videos can't break the million view mark.
by Anonymous | reply 403 | February 19, 2021 1:14 PM |
Straights love it when gay men go on and on about something ridiculous and frivolous and meaningless. Gays are so strange! LOL
by Anonymous | reply 404 | February 19, 2021 1:19 PM |
He didn’t post a video today and he usually does on Fridays.
by Anonymous | reply 405 | February 20, 2021 2:17 AM |
His Thursday was particularly busy with sex-work so he didn't have the time you greedy, needy bitch at R405.
by Anonymous | reply 406 | February 20, 2021 2:27 AM |
R405 Latest vid has just come out about 4 hours ago. Its 32 minutes long, longer than usual for him, could be why the delay
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 407 | February 20, 2021 6:07 PM |
Also under the community tab on his Youtube there's this what he wrote;
"Hello everyone, Just to let you know that I am having an issue with my editing software - it will not allow me to send this weeks video to YouTube. I have tried everything and am out of solutions! I will try again tomorrow (Saturday) So sorry x x Nicolas"
Obviously he got it sorted now
by Anonymous | reply 408 | February 20, 2021 6:12 PM |
Does he have any friends his own age?
by Anonymous | reply 409 | February 20, 2021 7:07 PM |
What qualifications does he have to give a "masterclass" in interior design?
by Anonymous | reply 410 | February 20, 2021 7:09 PM |
[quote] What qualifications does he have to give a "masterclass" in interior design?
He learned from the best.
by Anonymous | reply 411 | February 20, 2021 7:12 PM |
What qualifies anyone to give a masterclass in design? Self-assurance and people who agree with your aesthetic. Nicolas is just designing on a smaller budget, which probably is part of his appeal. "Real" people can follow his advice because he's not pricing them out of the ballpark.
by Anonymous | reply 412 | February 20, 2021 7:20 PM |
I like his advice to use your dining room (if you have one) as an office or whatever suits your lifestyle. Assuming you have another place to eat.
I don't like how every fucking space needs to be filled with decorations though: candles, pillows, etc. Ugh!
by Anonymous | reply 413 | February 20, 2021 7:24 PM |
More slimming black clothes -- he is reading this thread!
by Anonymous | reply 414 | February 20, 2021 7:43 PM |
I want to seem him do a video on crumpets!
by Anonymous | reply 417 | February 20, 2021 11:57 PM |
R410/ R12 he's as qualified as any.
And given some of the atrocities I see out there I reckon he's good to go. Interior design is a matter of personal taste to a large extent anyway.
His interiors are very beautiful, but not completely to my taste, just a bit on the bland and safe side for my liking, but still very appealing and pleasant and extremely comfortable. Personally I'd add more colour, more patterns, and go for a more ornate, fussy look, with lots of chintz, patterned crushed velvet, frills, tassels and gilt. But I am an outlier in that regard and I know it
R413 we've done that at home, as a matter of necessity with two of us WFH. Works fine
by Anonymous | reply 418 | February 21, 2021 3:26 AM |
His most recent video was boring.
by Anonymous | reply 419 | February 22, 2021 6:06 PM |
R281 Anna Bey is actually Aija Raty, born in Estonia, moved to Sweden. Some pretty racist posts of hers have been unearthed and exposed on LSA. She seems to have a past as a yacht girl. Not sure I would want to learn how to be refined and elegant from the likes of her.
by Anonymous | reply 420 | February 22, 2021 7:55 PM |
Turn him loose on that Alice in Wonderland-looking house from Anaheim that was on here a few days ago.
by Anonymous | reply 421 | February 22, 2021 8:08 PM |
I wanted to like him based on all the comments here so I watched several of his videos. But his slow, deliberate movements, poses and affected speech leave me cold.
To there's ONE reason why there's a thread about this guy on DL.
If he was a middle-aged woman we wouldn't be discussing him at all.
by Anonymous | reply 422 | February 24, 2021 4:53 AM |
R422 -- Maybe this'll make you like him.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 424 | February 24, 2021 5:22 AM |
r424, I have no words, nearly crapped myself.
by Anonymous | reply 425 | February 24, 2021 5:48 AM |
R424 Oh God no. I vomited slightly in my mouth
by Anonymous | reply 426 | February 25, 2021 10:14 PM |
424, how DARE you violate this beautiful thread. We can't have anything nice around here.
by Anonymous | reply 427 | February 25, 2021 10:55 PM |
I wonder what he considers a tasteful dildo?
by Anonymous | reply 428 | February 26, 2021 5:03 AM |
Beige, I assume, not black R428
by Anonymous | reply 429 | February 26, 2021 5:39 AM |
She lives in Edinburgh's New Town near to the Broughton Street shops. My boyfriend's seen her out and about town. My boyfriend lives 2 minute walk away. His flat is very similar layout to hers.
by Anonymous | reply 430 | February 26, 2021 3:10 PM |
He just dropped another video, and its fucking beautiful.
Its a tour of the joint he used to live in with his ex, an apartment in a stunning old Victorian country house on the East coast of Scotland, and the interior is one of the best I've seen, fuck he's got good taste
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 431 | February 26, 2021 3:23 PM |
East Lothian has some nice old buildings. Musselburgh is pretty. I've raced at the horse racing course many a time.
by Anonymous | reply 432 | February 26, 2021 3:31 PM |
R432 yes East Lothian does look beautiful too. Would love to see it one day, nothing much like it down under
He's also made a blog post on ten beauty products he cant live without. No wonder he looks so damn fine
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 433 | February 26, 2021 4:13 PM |
Looks like he fell into a bucket of bleach.
by Anonymous | reply 434 | February 26, 2021 4:18 PM |
Too girlie. He has middle aged tastes.
by Anonymous | reply 435 | February 26, 2021 7:04 PM |
The wet mouth noises and saliva clicks are getting worse.
by Anonymous | reply 436 | February 26, 2021 7:28 PM |
The video at R431 is a really interesting backstory: the beautiful, huge, lavishly furnished condo that he and his ex lived in, entertaining vast companies of friends and relatives. I wonder to what extent his Edinburgh place is an attempt to cling to that, and to what extent it's his clean break and chance to develop his own taste.
by Anonymous | reply 438 | February 26, 2021 10:41 PM |
What year did he move to Edinburgh R438?
by Anonymous | reply 439 | February 26, 2021 11:40 PM |
I assume the ex was old. No young person would want all that wood paneling. The parents look anxious. And yes the saliva clicks are getting worse..
by Anonymous | reply 441 | February 27, 2021 1:59 AM |
An English Jay Gatsby. Working class background but presenting himself as upper class and sophisticated.
by Anonymous | reply 442 | February 27, 2021 2:27 AM |
[quote] The parents look anxious.
They were horrified. Who was the daddy?
by Anonymous | reply 443 | February 27, 2021 2:28 AM |
He has no friends his own age or at all. Regrettably our Nic only wants Daddy; but only the one who was in that place in Lothian; Daddy must have died alas.
by Anonymous | reply 444 | February 27, 2021 2:36 AM |
Yeah, I really can't see anyone his age tolerating him and his pretenses. So it makes sense he would seek out an older companion for similar interests and also money. He does give off an air of loneliness in the videos I watched.
by Anonymous | reply 445 | February 27, 2021 2:41 AM |
Hate to be so callous, but he needs to get to the gym and start doing his squats religiously.
by Anonymous | reply 446 | February 27, 2021 2:44 AM |
R445 I got the interests or at least some of them. Pity I aint got the money
Gonna buy me a Lotto ticket
by Anonymous | reply 447 | February 27, 2021 2:49 AM |
Too much hair. Daddy did not leave him the place then, as he wasn't allowed in, could only display the old pics. Rather sad, esp if Daddy is in there now with his new twink.
by Anonymous | reply 449 | February 27, 2021 2:54 AM |
Nah, I don't think he's trans. He's just femmy and likes makeup and filters. It's harder to tell nowadays because social media made everyone, both straight and gay, much more vain and obsessed with looking like a walking Disney character. His fake accent and over-enunciation is kind of off-putting but still endearing because he's trying his very best and just wants to be liked. I would rather hear him moan while getting fucked or fucking someone than hear him give a lecture in that phony stylized accent.
by Anonymous | reply 450 | February 27, 2021 2:56 AM |
I did love that apartment he used to live in. I can see why he misses it so much. I do think he tried to recreate that atmosphere in his current apartment.
Yes, I do think his ex-BF was older than him (Nicolas). I wonder why they broke up.
by Anonymous | reply 451 | February 27, 2021 3:03 AM |
I expect his 3 years with Mr. Burns were his zenith; its all downhill now.
by Anonymous | reply 452 | February 27, 2021 3:06 AM |
The ex-BF was a famous twink hound and poor Nic aged out.
by Anonymous | reply 453 | February 27, 2021 3:07 AM |
I did think about Nic getting "too old" for his ex-BF and, maybe, too "you're my whole world." However, Nic has such a baby face and child-like body, it's hard to look at him and imagine him being "too old," except for Bryan Singer.
by Anonymous | reply 454 | February 27, 2021 3:09 AM |
Nic is a girl. Probably impotent.
by Anonymous | reply 456 | February 27, 2021 3:11 AM |
That body is less child like and more lady like. Middle age lady like.
by Anonymous | reply 457 | February 27, 2021 6:54 AM |
R451 yeah I wondered that too. And that apartment is stunning I see why he misses it too.
R455 I winder if De Pompadour is his ex's surname? That blog has some content he hasnt moved onto his new site yet, good find. There's a real interesting article about the Duke and Duchess of Windsor's place, in it there's this;
[quote]She was known to despise empty spaces and would fill a room as much as possible not only with furnishings but also with ornaments, objects and antiques on every available surface.
Fuck I can relate to that!
by Anonymous | reply 458 | February 27, 2021 7:39 AM |
R453 -- Are you our dear Niccy giving us the truth?
by Anonymous | reply 459 | February 27, 2021 8:22 AM |
I am a friend of a friend of a friend(!) who knows Nicholas and his ex very well. They moved out of that flat to go and live in dubai. You can see pictures of there villa on palm island on his instagram if you scroll back far enough. His ex still owns the flat but rents it out. I'm told that Nicholas gets the money from the rent as he was the one who furnished it and made it a home. He and the ex are still very close, I always see them walking around Edinburgh together with the dog. He's not as old as you'd expect...about 45.
by Anonymous | reply 460 | February 27, 2021 11:06 AM |
R460 glad the split seems to have been amicable at least. Breakup with my last ex was about as amicable as a drone strike and I wouldnt wish that on anyone
by Anonymous | reply 461 | February 27, 2021 11:12 AM |
R460 My boyfriend lives in the New Town and sees him up Broughton Street occasionally.
by Anonymous | reply 462 | February 27, 2021 11:34 AM |
R458, It's more likely that he was just using the name de Pompadour because he was a young queen with an interest in the ancien régime.
by Anonymous | reply 463 | February 27, 2021 1:08 PM |
I thought it was because of his hair!
by Anonymous | reply 464 | February 27, 2021 2:39 PM |
The bio of the blog linked above lists two blogs to the name 'Nico F'; the other is for a Nicolas Ferter, which is presumably another fake name he used before Fairford.
by Anonymous | reply 465 | February 27, 2021 3:01 PM |
Ferter is too close to farter.
by Anonymous | reply 466 | February 27, 2021 3:07 PM |
That's what I was thinking, R466. Bad enough to be burdened with a name like Ferter, but to actually choose it (albeit temporarily)?
by Anonymous | reply 467 | February 27, 2021 3:10 PM |
It could be worse: his first name could be Frank
by Anonymous | reply 468 | February 27, 2021 3:11 PM |
I’d be hilarious if his real name was something *unthinkably* common like Dave Smith. I’ve watched a few minutes of some of his videos and I like him. It’s like he’s in role play but he’s sweet and harmless and very good looking. I find him quite endearing.
by Anonymous | reply 469 | February 27, 2021 3:14 PM |
If he and his ex are still very close why did they split?
by Anonymous | reply 470 | February 27, 2021 4:45 PM |
I'm blaming the beige, R470.
A normal human being can only take so much.
by Anonymous | reply 471 | February 27, 2021 4:49 PM |
R471 what I find fascinating about his interior is how much color he actually uses (including lots of green) and still maintains an overall beige appearance. I'm trying to decide if this is a clever effect or just bland.
by Anonymous | reply 472 | February 27, 2021 4:53 PM |
Here are the truly hideous but undoubtedly expensive sofas in the little-used parlor of his former space. I am inclined to blame Nicolas's ex for these, but I can see how regular exposure to them might drive a young man to beige.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 473 | February 27, 2021 5:02 PM |
He said in a previous video that he and the ex were together for 9 years and that they're still close.
by Anonymous | reply 474 | February 27, 2021 5:10 PM |
Nic must be older than we thought.
by Anonymous | reply 475 | February 27, 2021 5:27 PM |
R473 Those are fucking cool man
R475 he's 31
by Anonymous | reply 476 | February 27, 2021 5:28 PM |
What does the ex do to make money?
by Anonymous | reply 477 | February 27, 2021 5:35 PM |
Guess I shouldn't be surprised that the comment section of his blog is full of ladies. They take makeup advice from men (who wore it before they did) now?
by Anonymous | reply 478 | February 27, 2021 5:41 PM |
When Mr. Fairford went inside of my mother in Myrtle Beach she said that he was ALL MAN, BABY. He throws a dick like a lethal weapon.
by Anonymous | reply 479 | February 27, 2021 6:56 PM |
Those sofas at R473 are not cool at all. An assault on the eyes.
by Anonymous | reply 480 | February 27, 2021 7:01 PM |
He gets me all tingly down there, you get what I'm sayin'?
by Anonymous | reply 483 | February 28, 2021 8:33 AM |
You can Goddam bet I git what you is saying R483!
by Anonymous | reply 484 | February 28, 2021 11:42 AM |
Zilv is a porn daddy who specialized in twinks.
by Anonymous | reply 486 | February 28, 2021 11:13 PM |
[quote]That body is less child like and more lady like. Middle age lady like.
r457 Well gurl Im sure he can comisserate with middle aged women being dumped for a younger model. The gay world is so brutal, being put out to pasture at age 30.
by Anonymous | reply 487 | February 28, 2021 11:33 PM |
[R452] Those garish sofas look like they must have come from Dubai, they don't seem like Nic's style. As for the blog--I wWonder if his ex was married since Mme. de Pompadour was a mistress of Louis XV, never the Queen. I really like him, regardless. As an Anerican, all I hear is a British accent that isn't Cockney.
by Anonymous | reply 488 | March 1, 2021 12:15 AM |
No, that's deffo not Cockney, guvna me ole cock.
by Anonymous | reply 489 | March 1, 2021 12:18 AM |
I like Nicolas, but only in small doses. I'm a retired dialogue coach for movie actors, and Nicolas' affected speaking voice puts my teeth on edge. It's so obviously phony. I'm American and have spent a lot of time on film sets in the UK. Since verbalization was my business, I could detect - but not identify - a fair number of English accents. The first time I heard Nicolas speak, it was obvious his accent wasn't regional, it was just phony. I've noticed that when he's talking directly to the camera, his careful and mannered enunciation isn't too bad. But in his voiceovers, he speaks at an even slower rate and in an even softer voice. Some people actually comment on how "calming" his voice is. Just the opposite for me.
I only discovered him a few weeks ago. The first time I watched him, it seemed obvious he wore makeup. I don't think anyone had commented on this previously, but he recently said on his blog that he's been wearing makeup since he was 16. He's a cute boy, but I don't think his pudgy body and face are going to age well. I hope he doesn't become a painted old queen.
As I said, though, I like him. He seems fairly innocent and the earnestness with which he applies himself to creating his fantasy world is both harmless and endearing.
by Anonymous | reply 490 | March 1, 2021 4:45 AM |
R490, what kind of accent do you think he's covering up? What kind of accent is he affecting now?
by Anonymous | reply 491 | March 1, 2021 4:51 AM |
[R490] I don't know what kind of accent he's covering up. As I said in my comment, I could detect, but not identify, a number of English accents. I'm sure there were an even greater number that I didn't realize I was hearing. Several previous commenters on this thread mentioned his true accent was probably working class from some northern region. As to the one he's affecting now, I think he's just going for a "genteel" sound. I can't get any closer than that.
by Anonymous | reply 492 | March 1, 2021 4:59 AM |
Nicolas Fairford does his own version of RP (Received Pronunciation). In this, he is no different than thousands of would-be actors and broadcasters, because very few people in England are currently being raised in households where received pronunciation is used. Many people have their wide dipthongs and glottal mid-word t's knocked out of them in public schools like Eton or in drama schools, but you can bet that they don't use RP at home when visiting mum and dad. More power to Nicolas for changing his accent on his own. If you are trying to convince people that a "posh" way of life is superior to a working-class way of life, it's important to have the accent to match. Michael Caine was the first British actor to retain his London Cockney accent throughout his acting career, and it was a deliberate choice. I'm linking an interview about it below.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 494 | March 1, 2021 9:49 AM |
I would say that his original accent comes from the north. RP is essential a southern England accent so I dont see him coming from there with his slow delivery.
I detect a Northumberland/County Durham/Cumbria type of lilt to his voice. Might be a Geordie but it's a bit softer than that.
by Anonymous | reply 495 | March 1, 2021 9:57 AM |
Y'all need to catch up. He already said in his Q&A that he is from the West Midlands.
by Anonymous | reply 496 | March 1, 2021 12:26 PM |
I don't really give him a lot of credit, R494. His accent is a pastiche, with a LOT of mistaken RP bits where you can hear his real accent come through.
R490, I totally agree. All I can hear is the clash of his real accent and the one he thinks he's affecting, and the clash is as loud as thunder to my ears. Far from relaxing.
by Anonymous | reply 497 | March 1, 2021 5:43 PM |
He makes too much mouth noise when he talks - smacking and slurping. He's either too close to the mic or busy slurping on a cock while he's trying to talk. Gives me misophonia.
by Anonymous | reply 498 | March 1, 2021 5:47 PM |
R498 Too close to the mic I think. The sound on his vids isnt always particularly good, and quality and levels are quite uneven.
He needs a good sound guy to assist him
by Anonymous | reply 499 | March 1, 2021 5:59 PM |
I wonder who he has with him doing the camera. I know sometimes he just uses a tripod but other times there is obviously someone with him because the camera moves and follows him as he walks (his most recent video of him for example).
And after seeing what his old apartment looked like, I’m definitely convinced his ex is an older guy. It looked like the rent would have been super expensive.
BTW what does he do for a living?
by Anonymous | reply 500 | March 1, 2021 6:16 PM |
[R498] In my work as a dialogue coach, I frequently encountered side-effects in actors' voices when they tried to speak in a non-natural accent. There have been a couple of comments on Nicolas' saliva sounds when he speaks. This is often due to self-consciousness and/or nervousness. People experience dryness in their mouths when under tension. What makes him difficult for me to listen to is the amount of stress and strain that I can detect when he speaks, not just the saliva sounds. He's trying so hard, and it shows. In a sense, though, this is endearing. Both my father and grandfather worked in the film business in LA, so we had a lot of actors as friends. Most of whom had been trained by the studios to speak in a particular way. It was interesting that some of them spoke in their trained voices all the time, while others spoke in their natural accents in private settings. Barbara Stanwyck (even though she was a right-wing Republican) was a good friend of our family. With us, she spoke in her natural, rather harsh, Brooklyn accent. It suited her. Joan Crawford (a pity friend of my mother and grandmother) never let her guard down and always spoke in her affected manner. Despite a lifetime of doing this, she could never hide the stress in her voice. I wonder if Nicolas will be the same in ten year's time?
by Anonymous | reply 501 | March 1, 2021 6:38 PM |
R500 his ex owns the apartment and currently rents it out
by Anonymous | reply 502 | March 1, 2021 6:45 PM |
R501 what is a pity friend?
by Anonymous | reply 503 | March 1, 2021 6:46 PM |
A pity friend is someone you befriend out of pity, not because you particularly like the person. In the case of Crawford, her attempts to overcome her lower-class origins and the snobbery she encountered elicited pity in my family. At the same time, I know my mother genuinely liked her since Crawford always acknowledged her background and always treated most people with friendliness and respect, no matter what their social standing was. I know she was extra-kind and considerate to lower-level workers at the studios. She must have felt a kinship with them. My mother once said, "Her manner may be false, but she isn't." I have a feeling that Nicolas is also someone who treats all people with consideration. I can't detect any meanness in his character.
by Anonymous | reply 504 | March 1, 2021 7:05 PM |
I think the recent video of him touring the large estate where he used to live with his sugar daddy was a bit pathetic.
by Anonymous | reply 505 | March 1, 2021 7:10 PM |
[quote] his true accent was probably working class from some northern region. As to the one he's affecting now, I think he's just going for a "genteel" sound.
That is correct.
Dickie, was Eleanor's public voice fake or her real one?
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 506 | March 1, 2021 7:12 PM |
I think that's Roosevelt's natural voice. It's supposedly typical of upper-class families in the northeastern US in the early- to middle-twentieth century. However, it's not really "natural" since it's a taught pronunciation, but it was used by a whole class of people, so is "natural" in that sense. I know something about this since my mother came from such a family (they had lineage, but not much money). Her manner of speaking was known as "Locust Valley Lockjaw" (I love that name!) and was similar to Roosevelt's sound, but much lower-pitched. Decades of living in LA, however, fortunately softened her accent.
by Anonymous | reply 508 | March 1, 2021 7:33 PM |
R507 he needs an onlyfans so he can show us
by Anonymous | reply 509 | March 1, 2021 8:01 PM |
If Nicolas had an onlyfans where he shows himself being fisted, I'd subscribe. He could also provide a commentary with his handy tips on fingernail brushes for pre- and post-fisting use. For example, does Morphe make inexpensive brushes that could be used for this purpose? What about the pros and cons of water-, oil-, or silicone-based lubricants? For example, which is easier to remove from fine linens? Are there any flowered Wedgwood containers that could be useful for lubricant storage? What about post-fisting etiquette? Should a shower, followed by a cup of tea be offered? The possibilities here are endless.
by Anonymous | reply 510 | March 1, 2021 8:37 PM |
Christ, you're a bore. Another oar to the head, Dickie.
by Anonymous | reply 511 | March 1, 2021 8:43 PM |
Why is this thread still active? I am just surprised to see it still here (I do take the blame here for my reply 512...
by Anonymous | reply 512 | March 1, 2021 8:46 PM |
Alls I know is that he better not start doing some down home cooking vids, I do the Spam cakes and Frito Pies around here. Thank ye.
by Anonymous | reply 513 | March 2, 2021 2:11 AM |
Nic is *vegan*, except on special occasions. Special occasions occur maybe 4 times per week, but Nic would not be caught dead frying up Spam.
by Anonymous | reply 514 | March 2, 2021 2:26 AM |
R510 He'd use Kent Brushes. They have an extensive range of brushes.
Brush manufacturers, by appointment to HM The Queen.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 515 | March 2, 2021 2:43 AM |
Are you really surprised r512. A pretty, aged out twink, affecting an accent, giving tips on how to live your best life at tea time? He should be an official Datalounge ambassador.
by Anonymous | reply 516 | March 2, 2021 3:41 AM |
Does anyone know anything about his friend, the American woman? Does she live in the same building as Nicolas, or is her house elsewhere? In an earlier comment, someone described her as being from Texas. Her accent, however, sounds more Midwestern. She seems nice, and is probably less judgmental than most people would be with him. In a way, she's probably an ideal friend for him to have. It's easy to imagine them shopping together and laughing over lunch.
by Anonymous | reply 517 | March 2, 2021 4:52 AM |
She's a Texan who moved to Scotland. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
by Anonymous | reply 518 | March 2, 2021 11:32 AM |
Alot of Texans don't have stereotypical Southern accents. That's really only East Texas
by Anonymous | reply 519 | March 2, 2021 12:00 PM |
[quote] Locust Valley Lockjaw
Dickie should open a new thread on accents. They are fascinating. From Eliza Doolittle to Eleanor Roosevelt and Nic Fairford (I doubt Nic thought he would be mentioned in the same breath as Eleanor R). Katharine Hepburn had a lockjaw accent but I am not sure it was locust. Wikipedia says Lockjaw is Mid-Atlantic but I'm not so sure about that: Alistair Cooke was Mid-Atlantic but not Lockjaw.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 520 | March 2, 2021 12:15 PM |
R510 he doesnt have an Onlyfans. I know, cos I've looked.
No desire to see him being fisted though, although the tips commentary you suggest would be amusing!
by Anonymous | reply 521 | March 2, 2021 12:32 PM |
Nic are you blushing? We know you monitor this thread.
by Anonymous | reply 522 | March 2, 2021 12:34 PM |
Does he have a job? Curious how he makes money.
by Anonymous | reply 523 | March 2, 2021 3:46 PM |
[quote] Does anyone know anything about his friend, the American woman? Does she live in the same building as Nicolas, or is her house elsewhere?
Tracey lives on the opposite side of Nic's street. Her window boxes and fenestration are the talk of Edinburgh's Broughton and New Town social scene.
by Anonymous | reply 524 | March 2, 2021 4:10 PM |
"Katharine Hepburn had a lockjaw accent but I am not sure it was locust."
For a truer Locust Valley Lockjaw accent, you should listen to the two Beales in "Grey Gardens." BTW, the Grey Gardens house is in East Hampton, NY, which is where my mother grew up. Her formerly rich family lived full-time in their beach house, which was just about all the real estate they had left.
Katharine Hepburn's accent was simply phony. My grandfather was an executive producer at Paramount Pictures, which was next door to RKO Pictures in Hollywood. Hepburn's first contract was with RKO. My grandfather remembered her as being very affected and he was put off by her accent and manner. He reportedly described her speaking voice as "Haute Hollywood." My mother once met Hepburn's sister, Marion. She said Marion didn't speak at all like Katharine. Incidentally, Marion worked as a librarian in Hartford, CT.
by Anonymous | reply 525 | March 2, 2021 4:11 PM |
[quote] Does he have a job? Curious how he makes money.
I am sure his hole could tell you stories.
by Anonymous | reply 526 | March 2, 2021 4:15 PM |
Watching him make sandwiches was like watching a child do show and tell. It was sloppy and amateur.
by Anonymous | reply 527 | March 2, 2021 4:18 PM |
R523 good question, he does some modelling, his Youtube would bring in something I guess, and he has done some interior design work including for someone in Dubai. Cant see how all that even together covers his rent and so on, but who knows
by Anonymous | reply 528 | March 2, 2021 4:35 PM |
I'm sure his vagina is always minty fresh.
by Anonymous | reply 529 | March 2, 2021 4:38 PM |
He's being funded by his sugar daddy and his shady Dubai Sheikh.
by Anonymous | reply 530 | March 2, 2021 4:40 PM |
What a preposterous existence. He's such a silly creation.
by Anonymous | reply 531 | March 2, 2021 5:38 PM |
Meh... he's no more silly than the countless celebrities and pop stars who are either self-made or media creations that are worshipped by millions.
by Anonymous | reply 532 | March 2, 2021 5:41 PM |
What does his sugar daddy look like?
by Anonymous | reply 533 | March 2, 2021 5:47 PM |
I posted this upthread, but I'll post again. Here's the video with Tracey, the lady from Texas. I think you'll like her house. Tracey seems like a cool lady as well, would love to have her as a neighbor.
Nic has said that he works as a designer, IIRC. How much $ he makes at that, I don't know. But he does seem to have an eye for detail.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 534 | March 2, 2021 6:31 PM |
Thank you for the link to the video of Tracey's house. I'd somehow overlooked that on Nicolas' YouTube. Her interiors are fun and a lot more adventuresome than Nic's place, which is a bit too prissy for me. However, that recent video of his where he featured his former home shows that he's capable of something a bit more robust. Nic's a good guy and even though it can be fun to mock him, I think he'd make a good friend.
by Anonymous | reply 535 | March 2, 2021 7:00 PM |
R535 I find this thread to be my favourite here on DL. Nic is everything all of us want to be -- presentable, perfect, posh, pretty and particular. It's kind of fun to make silly of him because we don't have that life. And he portrays it so well. I love his channel and content, but this thread has to be one of the best ones. Glad I got in on the craze early.
by Anonymous | reply 536 | March 2, 2021 7:17 PM |
I only discovered DL about a week ago, and have only contributed to two threads. I'm not a paying member and have only been intermittently permitted to leave comments. I'm wondering if it's worth it to join. Twenty bucks for a full year doesn't seem too bad, but very few of the threads interest me. Sampling a few of them, I'm a bit surprised at some of the vitriol and hostility. That's not my kind of thing. I like a good laugh and think sharing some gossip is fun, but I don't like to go to extremes. Beyond Nicolas Fairford, there's not much that interests me here. I'll probably just stick around as long as this thread is active.
by Anonymous | reply 537 | March 2, 2021 7:43 PM |
[quote]I'm a bit surprised at some of the vitriol and hostility.
Did the "pointless bitchery" part not give it away?
by Anonymous | reply 538 | March 2, 2021 7:51 PM |
Nothing natural about it at all, R506. You think it was easy getting the residual New Yawk out of that squeaky voice?
by Anonymous | reply 539 | March 2, 2021 7:59 PM |
This is a video that Oscar Wilde would jo to.
by Anonymous | reply 540 | March 2, 2021 8:00 PM |
R504, so your mother somehow resisted calling Miss Crawford a common frump whose father lived over a grocery store and whose mother took in washing?
by Anonymous | reply 541 | March 2, 2021 8:00 PM |
I can definitely see him being paid as an old, wealthy, lady companion.
by Anonymous | reply 542 | March 2, 2021 8:05 PM |
I bet Tracey is paying him to appear in his channel.
by Anonymous | reply 543 | March 2, 2021 8:54 PM |
He strikes me someone with a very, very clean hole.
by Anonymous | reply 544 | March 3, 2021 3:14 AM |
R544. Yes, in one I want to penetrate,. Repeatedly.
by Anonymous | reply 545 | March 3, 2021 3:22 AM |
It wouldn't be clean once I'd dumped a big load in him
by Anonymous | reply 546 | March 3, 2021 10:06 AM |
R545/ 546 seems there's a queue here
by Anonymous | reply 547 | March 3, 2021 1:35 PM |
The only way he could get better is if he took BBC on Onlyfans, I think he could pull off the princess/whore duality with ease!
by Anonymous | reply 548 | March 3, 2021 3:04 PM |
Love it. He’s found his vocation. At such an early age. Good on him!
by Anonymous | reply 549 | March 3, 2021 3:40 PM |
He likes the BBC. His ex is mixed race and about 6'4 - #itsgonnahurt
by Anonymous | reply 550 | March 3, 2021 4:17 PM |
R535 536 537 yes this is one of my favourite threads on here, I'm happy to start another one on him when this runs out which it will pretty soon as they finish up at 600 posts, unless you want to. I have a massive crush on him as he is so exactly my type, so I'm happy to do the honours
I think you're right, he would be a good friend. And a divine lover too
by Anonymous | reply 551 | March 3, 2021 4:33 PM |
^^^ Yes, please do start another thread on him. I don't think I can because I'm not a subscriber, or whatever it's called. I'm also not sure if I have anything more to say about him, but reading others' comments is interesting.
by Anonymous | reply 552 | March 3, 2021 5:18 PM |
r550 are there pics of his ex??
by Anonymous | reply 553 | March 3, 2021 5:22 PM |
R550 yeah I wanna know too. I wanna know if I got a shits show in hell
by Anonymous | reply 554 | March 3, 2021 5:34 PM |
I wonder if he reads this? If I put myself out there as a public figure I’d probably get neurotic about what others were saying about me. Or not saying. Anyway, he’s not my type at all (I need a big, buff, slightly rough top), but it’s love to be friends with Nicolas. He’s so calming and wholesome, I like watching him even if I’m not that interested in the topics. We could have afternoon tea together and discuss where his “h” went :)
by Anonymous | reply 555 | March 3, 2021 5:44 PM |
*I’d* love to be friends.
by Anonymous | reply 556 | March 3, 2021 5:45 PM |
R535 and others he's got a website and blog as well, if ya wanna see more, forgot to add it in me last post
Some exquisitely beautiful pictures of him there
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 557 | March 3, 2021 6:19 PM |
Dream on. He wouldn't fuck any one of you and nor would he let any of you fuck him. None of you is posh enough or rich enough.
by Anonymous | reply 558 | March 3, 2021 6:44 PM |
What would the new thread be about? He really has made it if the DL is this interested. You're all losers
by Anonymous | reply 559 | March 3, 2021 9:14 PM |
If he ever met the Queen, would he bow or curtsy?
by Anonymous | reply 560 | March 3, 2021 11:19 PM |
Tasteful friends. The flat that he lives in is worth around $350,000 to $450,000.
by Anonymous | reply 562 | March 4, 2021 3:11 AM |
That's it? Edinburgh must be cheap.
by Anonymous | reply 563 | March 4, 2021 3:15 AM |
Whole houses are like $1m
Edinburgh New Town is not cheap. Edinburgh isn't cheap either, with it having the Parliament, law courts, financial services etc, that come with it being a capital city.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 564 | March 4, 2021 3:19 AM |
So the sugar daddy pays for the pad too? That youtube channel cant be pulling in that kind of coin, yet
by Anonymous | reply 565 | March 4, 2021 6:58 AM |
Whole houses are not $1m! Maybe if they need completely renovating or converting back to residential. New Town is the poshest part of Edinburgh and you need at least 1 million POUNDS not dollars to buy a full townhouse - then its unlikely to include the basement and garden.
by Anonymous | reply 566 | March 4, 2021 9:28 AM |
R558 yeah yeah I know I aint rich enough and most definitely not posh enough! But a man can dream. And there's always the lottery....
Now new youtube vid yet but he's got a new blog entry on a book, about a house, with some really beautiful interior pics. He got good taste
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 567 | March 4, 2021 3:44 PM |
A flat like his (from what I've seen of it—I'm assuming a living room, one bedroom and bathroom, and separate kitchen), if it were on the market as a condo in a historic house in my mid-size northeastern US city, would be $350,000 to $450,000. In that condition, with new kitchen and cool features like the curved walls and high ceilings.
v8fairy you have eclectic tastes if you'd go to bed with both this guy and Rocco Ritchie (how about simultaneously?).
by Anonymous | reply 568 | March 4, 2021 5:59 PM |
R568 Rocco isnt really my ideal type, its not that I have eclectic tastes, I'm just a whore
But Nicolas IS exactly my type. Of the two I'd absolutely pick him over just about anyone else
by Anonymous | reply 569 | March 4, 2021 6:02 PM |
R566 Yes I take your point.
I was just looking at the ScotLIS entries for Nic's street.
by Anonymous | reply 570 | March 4, 2021 6:40 PM |
Another doughy vegan who makes me glad I'm not one. I've yet to see a vegan who looked healthy. They're either stringy or doughy or downright fat.
by Anonymous | reply 571 | March 4, 2021 7:17 PM |
R567 / v8fairy — Sorry luv, not in a million years.
Too downmarket for me.
by Anonymous | reply 573 | March 5, 2021 11:50 AM |
The American neighbor moved to Scotland from Texas but she’s a Texan. I think she mentioned living in Arizona prior to Texas.
by Anonymous | reply 574 | March 5, 2021 4:15 PM |
Oh that's a shame.
I thought we were going to hear his mum speak. That would help us determine where he comes from.
by Anonymous | reply 577 | March 5, 2021 4:24 PM |
I too have been won over in a way. He's still a bland presentor with nothing new to offer, but I like that he's striving for something above his initial station.
Q: How do you describe your style, and how has it evolved over the years?
A: I would describe my style as English Country House with a dash of prettiness. I absolutely love the ‘collected over time’ look of English interiors that have been passed through the generations and although I didn’t inherit my own furniture or home, I like to think that my rooms look like they have evolved over many years.
He didn't inherit grand old things but he went out and got what he could to make him happy. I too would like to style my home close to the setup that the Cambridges have a KP. But I chickened out and went for a more modern and masculine design setup. Maybe I'll be more bold next time and do things my way.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 578 | March 5, 2021 4:43 PM |
That smoothie was pathetic and why chill the cups of smoothie after you make them? They lose nutrition by making it, then put it in the fridge before serving. Freeze the damned fruit, then make them right before you're about to serve it to your friggin mom.
by Anonymous | reply 579 | March 5, 2021 5:59 PM |
Imagine being working class and having a son who has adopted an upper class (although, not quite) accent. He's basically told his parents, "Ugh, I don't want to sound like you two. Dead common you are."
by Anonymous | reply 580 | March 5, 2021 9:26 PM |
I'm sure like most people he just code-switches when the camera is off.
by Anonymous | reply 581 | March 5, 2021 10:29 PM |
Do all the Brits pronounce the L in "almond," or is that just his thing?
by Anonymous | reply 582 | March 6, 2021 12:50 AM |
This Mother's Day episode was pretty bland. Usually, he has a little more sparkle going on, but all he did was try to tell us about how poor his childhood was. Not a very respectful narrative! His parents are both really attractive, he really somehow got kicked in the genetic lottery. If he looked either more of his father or mother he'd have been drop-dead hot.
by Anonymous | reply 583 | March 6, 2021 1:01 AM |
He needs to start coming up with some more interesting videos. His last few have been boring.
by Anonymous | reply 584 | March 6, 2021 1:53 AM |
I was an early fan, but as time goes on he wears thin (for me). He did have one piece of advice that I actually support: drink your coffee/tea from a real cup and saucer, rather than a mug. After a lifetime of mugs, at home and at work, the china cup and saucer feel special and add a festive touch. Simple, and not expensive.
by Anonymous | reply 585 | March 6, 2021 2:59 AM |
Fuck that shit, R585. I need a Yeti-sized tumbler for my coffee.
by Anonymous | reply 586 | March 6, 2021 3:02 AM |
[quote] Do all the Brits pronounce the L in "almond," or is that just his thing?
American here and I pronounced the L, briefly. Like how I pronounce the “th” sound in “clothes,” briefly.
by Anonymous | reply 587 | March 6, 2021 3:08 AM |
[quote]I was an early fan, but as time goes on he wears thin (for me).
Yeah he needs to focus more on interior design than recipes and skincare.
by Anonymous | reply 588 | March 6, 2021 3:11 AM |
R573 well i guess being downmarket comes with me being a rough colonial and such xxx. I love vegan food though!
R576 thank for that, knew he had another one on the way
R583 I actually thought he was pretty respectful and obviously full of admiration for both his parents, especially his Mum. Described how she went into neo natal nursing at 50 after working 4 jobs, spoke very fondly of his childhood too
Personally I think he is also extremely attractive in his own right, to my mind he's a solid 10, but I'm sure others will differ. Have only seen a glimpse of his parents in his previous vid
R586 yeah I need a big ass mug for me coffee or tea too. I've got a Holden Racing Team one and one that came free with a purchase I made at a car wrecker yard
R588 I reckon his interiors are his strong suitetoo. But I wouldnt mind seeing more skincare vids, they are very sensual
by Anonymous | reply 589 | March 6, 2021 4:39 AM |
I fell in love with today's video but was thinking what an old bitch my mother would be reacting to such a beautiful display.
by Anonymous | reply 590 | March 6, 2021 6:01 AM |
[quote] Do all the Brits pronounce the L in "almond," or is that just his thing?
Yes. I pronounce it Al-mond, I'm not in favour of Are-mond as there's no r in it.
What do you call them in California as you grow most of the world's supply there. (I knew that hanging out in my local Swiss chocolate factory would come in handy at some point!)
by Anonymous | reply 591 | March 6, 2021 8:42 AM |
R10 In Los Angeles, most people also pronounce it Al-mond.
by Anonymous | reply 592 | March 6, 2021 4:02 PM |
[quote]What do you call them in California as you grow most of the world's supply there
OK, I've googled this a bit and apparently pronunciations differ in California. From other sources it appears that pronouncing the L is a recent phenomenon (perhaps related to the embarrassing pronunciation of the T in "often"?). I'm from the northeast and saying it with the L sounds as weird to me as pronouncing "height" as "heighth."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 593 | March 6, 2021 11:12 PM |
History of the sounding of the L in "almond."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 594 | March 6, 2021 11:13 PM |
Who cares about the L? What gets me are the people who say OWL-mond instead of ALL-mond.
by Anonymous | reply 595 | March 6, 2021 11:51 PM |
Does anyone pronounce it "aww-mund"?
by Anonymous | reply 596 | March 6, 2021 11:54 PM |
Thank you to the guys above for clearing that all up.
by Anonymous | reply 597 | March 7, 2021 12:00 AM |
Back on topic: How does Nicolas pronounce it?
by Anonymous | reply 598 | March 7, 2021 12:03 AM |
Nicolas, a semi-dedicated vegan, sounded the L in a cooking video where he used almond butter. That's why I asked the question. I think I'll chalk it up to his non-U pronunciation habits, though.
by Anonymous | reply 599 | March 7, 2021 12:09 AM |
Oh nauighty boy! Such dainty and delicate prim womanliness! I'd Iove to see all his material done over by Paul Hollywood! Woof!
by Anonymous | reply 600 | March 7, 2021 1:34 AM |