What Happened to WhistlinDiesel? The YouTuber Details His Horrifying Accident

What happened to WhistlinDiesel that caused him to speak out to fans? The internet sensation was seemingly a part of a mishap involving a firearm.

Chris Barilla - Author

Through a series of rather grotesque Instagram posts shared over the last day, the question of what happened to YouTube sensation WhistlinDiesel has been resolved. The star painted a disturbing image of a firearm incident gone horribly wrong that resulted in an injury on his part.

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Taking to social media to detail the event, WhistlinDiesel, real name Cody Detwiler, shared exactly what went down that caused him to end up with pieces of ammo shrapnel shredding his skin open during what would have otherwise been a routine exercise with one of his many firearms.

WhistlinDiesel was struck in the head by a bullet that ricocheted.

The famed motorsport and firearms enthusiast told his nearly one million followers on Instagram that he had been struck by a stray bullet that ricocheted during firing tests for a .50 caliber rifle. Cody insinuated that he was practicing his shot with the deadly long arm that can have an effective range of over a mile to see if the chambered round could pierce steel plates that were set into the ground in front of him. 

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While conducting the aforementioned tests, Cody seemingly placed one of his shots at a bad angle, causing the bullet to ricochet back and graze him in the forehead, just barely missing a full-on impact. The photos he shared of the accident after the fact show a clear bullet mark on his forehead as well as a fully bloodied face. The photo he shared injury of the injury can be viewed below. 

(Warning: Graphic Content)

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WhistlinDiesel opens up to fans about how it all went down.

"Not sure how I’m alive rn...... love you all and thanks for all of you," he wrote in the post, which has accrued nearly 200,000 likes since it was shared. He continued, "I got hit with a .50 cal bullet ricochet from 4ft away right into my forehead. I’m ok they’re just doing some scans to make sure I don’t have swelling other than the 2” lump on my forehead and the copper jacket under my skin."

Countless fans were quick to take to the comments underneath the post to offer their sympathies and well wishes that the content creator has a speedy recovery following the accident.

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He claims that the accident has caused perspective-changing thought.

"You look at life a little differently when you pull the trigger of your .50 cal and your head shakes and [blood] starts dripping down past your eyes," he explained in the post, adding that when he initially felt the metal in his forehead he almost "passed out."

Luckily, doctors were able to tend to him quickly, and a later CT scan proved that his skull had not been cracked or fractured from the impact of the shrapnel. Despite the clearly life-changing moment, Cody was adamant that once he is fully healed it would be a goal of his to get right back to target practice as quickly as possible.
