You would have an advantage if you weren’t given the topic. You can write about someone you like or a celebrity in the niche you are interested in. Specific specifications, such as choosing. You can find more information about someone who is based on a niche or topic.
1. Select the right person to write about
You would have an advantage if you weren’t given the topic. You can write about someone you like or a celebrity in the niche you are interested in. Specific specifications, such as choosing. You can find more information about someone who is based on a niche or topic. You can narrow your search to a specific niche and ask others about it. Then, you can write about the person who comes up most often.
2. Draw an outline
It will be easier to research the person you are writing about if you have a plan. You will also spend less time writing about them than if you don’t. Make sure your headings and ideas only contain essential information. Don’t talk about boring or obvious aspects. You should provide basic information about them and put it into essay paper format including their accomplishments and key moments from their lives. If it is not stated that you must write about it, you shouldn’t write about the negative publicity they received.
3. Get started with your research
It doesn’t matter how much you know about the person that you are. You will need to research the topic thoroughly. Look up the celebrity on your internet browser. Look through the articles about the celebrity to see if there are any points you can make. Make sure you only choose reliable sources for news and not random blogs that contain inaccurate information.
Interviews with the person are another reliable source. You can also listen to the answers and learn more about them. Besides, you can learn more about their lives and personality by checking out their social media profiles. You can also search offline for information. Visit the library to see if there is any information you can find on the person through books, newspapers, and magazines.
4. Take note
You should now have a lot of information about the person. Start putting notes under each heading. Do not begin taking notes after you have gathered all the relevant information. You need to do this only after you have gotten valuable information. Notes can also help you create a story. You will be able to combine information from different perspectives about one heading. Compare and contrast stories and take note of the consistent data.
5. Check as many sources as you can
It is important to know where the information was taken from before you write. When you have to cite the source, this is essential. You should also reference authority sources if you paraphrase, quote, or otherwise use their words. As you take notes, make sure to include the source information at the top of each data entry. To make it easier for later, you can include the page if it was taken from a book, newspaper, or magazine.
You might not be able to reference the information if it is from their social media pages, but you should still keep it in mind. If it’s from an interview session you should note the host, year and location. This will make your essay stand out from other blogs.
6. Start writing the essay from scratch
You should have all the information you have written. All data should be placed under the appropriate title.
Here are some things to keep in mind when writing an essay:
- Make your essay fun and easy to read.
- Use transition words in between paragraphs.
- Refer to reliable sources; “according to Forbes.
- Use advanced words to show your English knowledge
- Don’t plagiarize
- Don’t speak directly to the reader. This is an essay and not a blog post or article.
7. Refer to an extraordinary event in the life of the person to make your essay more interesting.
This could be the turning point in the celebrity’s life, their ‘grace story from grass’, or any other reason. Don’t write about the negatives or highlights. This is an essay and not a gossip blog. It is possible to list all awards that they have received during their lives. Talk about the celebrities’ families and etc.
8. Read It and Edit
No matter how well-written your essay may be, there will always be errors or parts that you need to correct or rewrite. Go through the entire essay. You can start by looking at the essay to see if there are any typos or grammatical mistakes.
Next, go through the sentences and take note of how they are constructed. Consider the sentences and consider how the perspective of your reader can impact the meaning. Even though the sentence is complex, readers should be able to understand it even if you use advanced words. Online writing apps can be used to verify any errors or omissions.
9. Get an external opinion
You can also give your essay a final review by having it read aloud to another person. You may discover things that you didn’t know while revising your essay. Reading aloud to someone else can help you spot parts that are unclear or difficult to understand. The person can also tell you if you are repeating the same points, or if your points seem too boring or unnecessary. The person should be knowledgeable about essay writing.
This article will show you how to write a personal essay about a celebrity. You can find reliable resources that teach essay writing if you need assistance writing essays. These tips will help you write a great essay about a celebrity if you have some knowledge of essay writing.