Potpourri /ˌpo?p?ˈriː/ is a mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant materials, used to provide a gentle natural scent, commonly in residential settings. It is often placed in a decorative bowl.Click to see full answer. Hereof, how long does potpourri smell last?The scent of our potpourris will last anywhere from 2 months to years, depending on the blend you choose, where it is placed and how it is used. By keeping it in a place that is free from direct sunlight and breezes, it will last longer.Similarly, what is the literal translation of potpourri? It was borrowed directly from the French (pot pourri), and in that language the literal meaning of these words is “putrid pot.” In this regard, how do you use potpourri in a sentence? ? New York City is a potpourri of various nationalities and religions. The avid reader enjoyed reading a potpourri of classical literature and newer works. Displaying a potpourri of various types of artwork set the museum above others in the area. Do dried flowers smell?Yes. Potpourri are dried flowers. Some dry and smell great, with intense aromas. Many flowers however, do not have much of their original scent when dried though.