How old is Rupert Spira? When is Rupert Spira's birthday? Where is Rupert Spira born? Where did Rupert Spira grow up from? What's Rupert Spira's age?
Rupert Spira Born: 1960 (age 63years), London, United Kingdom
Is Rupert Spira married? When did Rupert Spira get married? Who's Rupert Spira's married to? (Who's Rupert Spira's husband / wife)?
Rupert Spira Spouse: Ellen Emmet
Does Rupert Spira have any children? What are the names of Rupert Spira's children? What are the ages of Rupert Spira's children?
Rupert Spira Children: Matthew Seymour Spira
What is Rupert Spira's religion?
Non-duality is the recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality, whose nature is pure consciousness, from which all objects and selves derive their apparently independent existence.
What is the philosophy of Rupert Spira?
Non-duality is the recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality, whose nature is pure consciousness, from which all objects and selves derive their apparently independent existence.
Is Rupert Spira a vegetarian?
Non-duality is the recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality, whose nature is pure consciousness, from which all objects and selves derive their apparently independent existence.
What is the concept of non-duality?
Non-duality is the recognition that underlying the multiplicity and diversity of experience there is a single, infinite and indivisible reality, whose nature is pure consciousness, from which all objects and selves derive their apparently independent existence.