What happened to Ryan Upchurch? Nicole Arbour lawsuit drama explained as YouTuber celebrates recent

Singer Ryan Upchurch recently took to social media to announce that he won his legal battle against comedian Nicole Arbour. The two were in a tense court feud after the latter demanded credit for numerous songs by the former. At the time of writing this article, Arbour had not publicly responded to the legal win.

Ryan Upchurch took to his Instagram and YouTube accounts to tell about his win in the lawsuit that was filed against him in Tennessee.

Upchurch said:

"Remember when that fake comedian lady Nicole Harbour dragged me through the mud and tried to sue me and got Vera White from Tennessee Voices of Victims to slander me and defame me and all that sh*t. Oh man, Nashville News helped her out, using my name and my face saying- "yeah man we agree, he's so horrible for what he did to that person." Well guess what, I win motherf**ker."

Upchurch also showed a legal document that read:

"The court, accordingly, hereby awards Defendent Ryan Upchurch attorney's fees and expenses in the amount of $124,320.53 against plaintiff Nicole Arbour."

Nicole Arbour and Ryan Upchurch were friends prior to the lawsuit

Nicole Arbour and Ryan Upchurch were well acquainted with each other prior to the legal battle. However, their relationship halted after Arbour allegedly refused to return Upchurch's wallet, which was left at her residence.

After Upchurch filed a police complaint against the internet personality, she claimed that she was physically harassed by the musician and took him to court. According to YouTube Fandom, she "pulled out" of this lawsuit.

Since then, Upchurch has vehemently refuted the harassment claims. He also accused Arbour of lying about a car accident that left her paralyzed.

According to Bridge Magazine, Arbour shared evidence of her being involved in the songwriting for Upchurch music in court. It included a video where the latter was heard saying:

"Nicole just made this, check this out."

However, Upchurch has now won the lawsuit in question and now awaits the financial award from Arbour.

Nicole Arbour alleged that Ryan Upchurch dispatched his "flying monkeys" against her in the past

As the duo publicly battled, Arbour took to TikTok earlier this year to claim that Upchurch's friends Bunnie Xo. and her husband, Jelly Roll, "wrecked" her "life."

"When the narcissist wants to hurt a target they disapatch their henchmen (aka flying monkeys) to do their bidding. This often includes abusive behavior such as creating and spreading lies, twisting the truth, gaslighting, assaults, threats and violence," she said.

Arbour revealed in the three-minute-long video that Bunnie Xo. had invited her as a guest on her podcast, Dumb Blonde. In screenshots shared in the TikTok video, Arbour revealed that after the podcast recording, she requested Bunnie not include any audio notes of her speaking about Tommy Vext.

For those unversed, Arbour and Vext were in a relationship that eventually came to an end. Following the same, Arbour accused him of domestic abuse, which Vext vehemently denied.

Bunnie eventually agreed to make the cuts. However, she later said that she was doubtful about even releasing the podcast episode.

Bunnie said in a message to Arbour that she was:

"Literally attacking everyone in the name of comedy, why would you ever let a man make you feel so powerless that you couldn't stand up for yourself?"

Bunnie also claimed that Arbour said she was r*ped and roofied by Vext, which the latter ardently denied. Arbour added in the TikTok video that Bunnie promoted explicit content on her Dumb Blonde podcast as she was interviewing Vext, to her dismay.

Arbour shared in the TikTok video how Bunnie's husband, Jelly Roll, tormented her by having certain event organizers kick her out. The comedian also added that Jelly Roll viciously screamed at her.

Arbour also alleged that her album recording was canceled after her producer was told by Jelly Roll that he was not allowed to work with Arbour.

Nonetheless, it seems that Nicole Arbour's efforts were in vain, as Ryan Upchurch won the legal battle against her.

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