How old is Jerome Adams? When is Jerome Adams's birthday? Where is Jerome Adams born? Where did Jerome Adams grow up from? What's Jerome Adams's age?
Jerome Adams Born: 1974 (age 49years), Mechanicsville, MD
Is Jerome Adams married? When did Jerome Adams get married? Who's Jerome Adams's married to? (Who's Jerome Adams's husband / wife)?
Jerome Adams Spouse: Lacey Adams
How about Jerome Adams's parents?
Jerome Adams Parents: Edrena Adams, Richard Adams
How about Jerome Adams's education?
Jerome Adams Education: University of California, Berkeley (2000), IUPUI, MORE
How about Jerome Adams's nationality?
Jerome Adams Nationality: American
How about Jerome Adams's previous position?
Jerome Adams Previous position: United States Surgeon General (20172021), Health Commissioner of Indiana (20142017)
What happened to Surgeon General Jerome Adams?
As the person at its head, the surgeon general gets a uniform. There are actually several different surgeon general uniforms that can be worn: Service Dress Blues, Summer Whites, Service Khakis, and Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) Woodland Camouflage.
Who was the previous Surgeon General?
As the person at its head, the surgeon general gets a uniform. There are actually several different surgeon general uniforms that can be worn: Service Dress Blues, Summer Whites, Service Khakis, and Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) Woodland Camouflage.
What are the powers of the Surgeon General?
As the person at its head, the surgeon general gets a uniform. There are actually several different surgeon general uniforms that can be worn: Service Dress Blues, Summer Whites, Service Khakis, and Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) Woodland Camouflage.
What uniform does the Surgeon General wear?
As the person at its head, the surgeon general gets a uniform. There are actually several different surgeon general uniforms that can be worn: Service Dress Blues, Summer Whites, Service Khakis, and Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) Woodland Camouflage.