Tina Jaxa biography: age, sons, wedding pictures, late husband, Ben 10 boyfriend, and net worth

Tina Jaxa is one of the most experienced and skilled South African actors. She has a wealth of experience in the industry as she has spent more than half of her age acting. Her profile speaks of a woman who was adventurous and was not shy to pursue her passion. Even though she seems to have her life in order, she has had a couple of challenges that nearly put her down.

Tina Jaxa is one of the boldest women in the country. Even though she has an admirable career in acting and has the record for most actors, she has faced some of the most challenging moments that would have put her down if she let them. Her first marriage ended in an ugly state and crushed her. Years later, she has gotten back on track and has dared to love again. How about having a look at her biography to unleash the interesting facts about her?

Tina Jaxa biography

Tina Jaxa age

Albertina Jaxa, popularly known as Tina Jaxa, was born on the 27th of October 1970. As of date, she is forty-eight years. She will be turning forty-nine in a couple of weeks.

READ ALSO: Pics reveal that actress, Tina Jaxa, has new love in her life

Tina Jaxa career

Tina Jaxa movies and TV shows

The latter is one of the South African celebrities who have for the longest time graced the screens for the shows that they have featured in. The most interesting thing is that she has played major roles in some of the most popular shows. This summary highlights the success in her career and how much being an actress has contributed to Tina Jaxa profile.

The latter made her debut in her career in 1993. This was during the first-ever episode of Generations that was aired on SABC1. That is how she landed the role of Priscilla Mthembu in the show and featured in the next couple of seasons that followed. After leaving Generations, the show that earned her fame and set the foundation for her career, she joined Isidingo on SABC3. This happened after she had played a guest role on Tarzan: The Epic Adventures. In Isidingo, she used to pull the role of Lorraine Dhlomo, a role that she played persistently for the three years that followed before she opted for change.

In 2004, she returned to Isidingo and had since then broken the waves to feature in some of the most popular shows and movies in the country. These are some of the roles that have played a key role in her fame,

  • The first season of 7de Laan where she pulled the role of Ruth
  • The first and second seasons of Gold Diggers where she played the role of Mary Gumede
  • The second, third and fourth seasons of Madam & Eve where she acted as Eve Sisulu
  • The first season of Rhythm City where she pulled the role of Andiswa
  • The second season of Shreds and Dreams where she featured as Paula
  • The first and second seasons of Iskizi where she acted as Zinzi
  • The eighth season of Stovel where she pulled the role of Mrs Pink
  • The first season of Nkuleko where she played the role of Tina
  • The first season of Makoti where she featured as Noma

These are some of the roles that make up Tina Jaxa profile as an actress. Needless to say that she is an accomplished icon.

Tina Jaxa net worth

The latter has been an actress for more than fifteen years. It, therefore, goes without question that her net worth is greatly attributed to her acting career.

Tina Jaxa and Ben 10 boyfriend

News about her boyfriend has been the highlight of Tina Jaxa 2019 gist, especially after her relationship became public. Tina and her lover had been dating for quite some time before their relationship surfaced on the internet in the most unexpected way. Unlike the expectations of most people that the two would shy off from the news and keep it cool, the two came out to embrace what was already happening. They affirmed that they were together and were not ashamed to let it be known to the world.

Her fears have finally been put to rest!

Tina, who had an experience in a relationship that did not end so well, was not ashamed to give love a second shot, even though she is eight years older than her lover. She went further to hint that she was willing to become the latter's wife! In affirmation to this, she stated:

I’ll never give up on love based on previous love relationships that didn’t work out because I don’t live my life from a point of fearHe is the guy I could marry any time

Giving details about how they met and what she felt about how the relationship between Tina Jaxa and Fuzile Mahamba, the latter stated:

At first I was not sure because I was not really into masculine guys with a big moustache. And besides, I was dating someone else at that time. And also, I saw him as a fan who was just star struck but he kept on pressing until I gave in

Tina Jaxa late husband

The relationship that has lasted a year and a month has rejuvenated the hope for love in Tina. It has renewed the flame in her that was put off by her marriage that did not end so well. She had been married to Prosper Mkwaiwa in a marriage that ended in a messy breakup that was at one point the talk of the town.

The worst happened when she learnt that her husband had been cheating on her with a socialite, Tina Dlangwana. The highlight of the matter happened when Prosper passed on in 2015 and Tina Jaxa realized that she was legally married to her late husband even though Tina Dlangwana was traditionally married to her husband. This completely crushed her. This is one of the reasons that made her completely lose faith in love. It also explains the faith that she has for dating someone who is younger than her.

Tina Jaxa wedding pictures

In 2000, the wedding pictures were the highlight of the latter's marriage to her late husband, Engineer Prosper Mkwaiwa. The lavish wedding is said to have cost a whopping R300,000 and was held in Krugersdorp.

Tina Jaxa sons

The marriage between Tina Jaxa and Prosper gave rise to two children. The eldest son is called Leeroy and he is twenty-one years old. Even though Tina and her late husband were separated by the time that he was passing on, Tina was more than willing to raise Tina Jaxa sons. Their differences could not, however, make it possible, as her late husband filed for custody for the boys. Jaxa was granted custody for the children. Months later, Prosper failed to pay the R300 that the court had instructed him to pay for maintenance for Tina Jaxa children. As a result, Tina was left with no other option but to give up the children.

Even though this move was faced with a lot of reaction from the public, Tina came out to defend herself saying that she had sought advice from psychologists and social workers and that she was confident about the decision that she had made.

The rowdy child

Even though Tina's marriage did not work, she raised her kids with the best of interests, and giving them up to their dad was due to a circumstance that she could not handle. However, lately, her eldest son has turned his back against his mother and is topping the headlines for not so good reasons. He recently was on the limelight after his mother reported that he had tried to attack her since she had been adamant about giving him the money that he had asked her.

Tina narrated that Leeroy had asked her for R400 and when she asked him why he needed the money, he began to throw punches. She, therefore, had to run for her life. She went further to state that the incident was not the first as she had filed two cases of assault in one year and that Leeroy had become rowdy.

Tina Jaxa is one of the women who dared to trust their instincts and dare to love again despite having a dark past. She has put her worries to rest and believed in her boyfriend despite their age difference.


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  • Tina Jaxa is battling for her late husband's millions
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