Who is Angelique Cauchy's tennis coach Andrew Geddes? Everything you need to know about the Frenchma

Andrew Geddes is Angelique Cauchy's former tennis coach, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison for sexually assaulting four teenage girls.

Geddes was born in 1967 in the United Kingdom and later moved to France. He became a tennis coach and taught in Rueil-Malmaison from 1991-1998 before moving to Sarcelles.

Here, Geddes had control over his young students and managed to isolate his students from their families, as stated by a police officer who was investigating the Frenchman's case.

“All describe the same mechanisms and tell how he managed to isolate them from their family. He became more and more intrusive and little by little, made himself indispensable to his players by telling them that without him, they would not progress. He was 30-35 years old and also benefited from a certain aura among his young players," the police officer said, as quoted by La Parisien.

Geddes was accused of sexually assaulting four teenage girls who were in the 12-17 age range and was given an 18-year prison sentence by a French court in 2021.

Angelique Cauchy testified against Andrew Geddes

Former tennis player Angelique Cauchy was one of Geddes' students at the Sarcelles Tennis Club in Paris, when she was just 12 years old, and the abuse began from there.

Cauchy claimed in a testimony against the Frenchman in front of the French Parliament that Geddes told him that what was happening was normal between a coach and a student.

"You know, it happens sometimes in relationships between coach and student, we spend a lot of time together, it's normal," the tennis player said what her coach used to tell her.

Cauchy stated that she often contemplated committing suicide because Geddes raped her thrice a day.

"I thought many times about committing suicide. He raped me three times a day. The first night he asked me to go to his room and I didn't do it, then he came into mine. It was worse. I was in prison. I couldn't get out when I wanted to," Angelique Cauchy said.

The former tennis player said that Geddes told her once that he had AIDS and that she was affected by the disease as well.

"He came to tell me one day: 'I have AIDS, that's for sure, I gave it to you,'" Cauchy said.

The 36-year-old added that many within the Sarcelles Club were aware of Andrew Geddes' actions but did not pay too much heed to it. The club President responded to a woman's complaint about the former coach by claiming that he won titles.

"It was known in the tennis world that his behavior with young girls was not correct. When a woman complained to the club president, the answer was, 'Yes, but he brings us titles,'" Angelique Cauchy said.

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