What is your favorite salad dressing?

Mine is Thousand Island or French.

I’m looking for something new. Recommendations?

by Anonymousreply 161January 14, 2022 8:28 PM

Olive oil, white balsamic vinegar and a dash of celery salt.

by Anonymousreply 1January 6, 2022 12:39 AM

Have you tried Ranch? How about Creamy Italian?

by Anonymousreply 2January 6, 2022 12:39 AM

Dorothy Lynch Salad Dressing 🥗

by Anonymousreply 3January 6, 2022 12:40 AM

Green Goddess

Soy Ginger

Ken's Steakhouse Blue Cheese

by Anonymousreply 4January 6, 2022 12:42 AM

You better go buy a bottle of DOROTHY LYNCH!

by Anonymousreply 6January 6, 2022 12:43 AM

Homemade creamy Romano dressing with extra garlic.

by Anonymousreply 7January 6, 2022 12:44 AM

Thousand Island & French are both disgusting. My mother only kept those two in the house when I was younger, so I thought I hated salads overall. Nope, just OP's two hideous choices.

by Anonymousreply 9January 6, 2022 12:45 AM

Spoon of coarsely ground mustard, add a bit of sugar, salt and pepper. Whisk in balsamic vinegar. Whisk in a stream of extra virgin olive oil until it comes together and thickens. Don't add too much oil at once or it will break.

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by Anonymousreply 10January 6, 2022 12:46 AM

Aunt Martha is the cats pajamas.

by Anonymousreply 11January 6, 2022 12:46 AM

Avocado Ranch, Bacon Vinaigrette, Caesar

by Anonymousreply 12January 6, 2022 12:46 AM

Olive oil, lemon juice, dry mustard, a little garlic powder

by Anonymousreply 14January 6, 2022 12:49 AM

Honey Mustard is easy.

1/2 cup mustard 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup honey


by Anonymousreply 15January 6, 2022 12:50 AM

French and 1000 island are very sweet....You won't like most of these recommendations

by Anonymousreply 16January 6, 2022 12:51 AM

Caesar is my favorite but to dress salads at home I usually just do: three dashes olive oil to one dash fancy vinegar plus salt and a couple grinds of black pepper. Occasionally I’ll get fancier and whisk that with some Dijon and or honey or sugar or maybe some minced shallot or chive.

by Anonymousreply 17January 6, 2022 12:53 AM

[quote]Mine is Thousand Island or French.

Jesus Christ, were you raised next to a Shoney's salad bar?

by Anonymousreply 18January 6, 2022 12:54 AM

1000 Island dressing was invented by white trash who live in trailers.

"Let's see, Buck what we got here. I got me some mayo an' some catsup. Oh, only other thing we got is pickles! Let's make a dang dressing out of this shit! Most of it ain't gone off yet.

by Anonymousreply 19January 6, 2022 12:56 AM

God help me for linking to Giada but the Black Olive Vinaigrette that's part of this recipe is my #1 favorite for salads.

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by Anonymousreply 20January 6, 2022 12:57 AM

I love me some lime chili dressing.

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by Anonymousreply 21January 6, 2022 12:59 AM

Anyone who answers "Dorothy Lynch" is a liar. And yet Nebraska is so proud to claim that vile shit as its own.

by Anonymousreply 22January 6, 2022 1:00 AM

Creamy Ranch! Lots of it!

by Anonymousreply 23January 6, 2022 1:00 AM


by Anonymousreply 24January 6, 2022 1:02 AM

No r24, I don't think it is. There's a buffet recipe for layered salad - been around for decades - that uses Catalina but you can and should substitute anything else.

by Anonymousreply 25January 6, 2022 1:08 AM

I know I'll get shit for saying this on here, but one of the best dressings I've ever had was the creamy pesto at the Old Spaghetti Factory. That restaurant closed years ago in my area, but apparently exists elsewhere. No idea what it tastes like at this point, but when I used to eat there, I the salad merely a conduit for that dressing. In fact, my main motivation for eating there was that dressing.

by Anonymousreply 26January 6, 2022 1:13 AM

Feast from the East is a small Chinese restaurant in WLA but became famous for their Chinese Chicken Salad. They began selling their dressing on Amazon and at Costco.

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by Anonymousreply 28January 6, 2022 1:19 AM

Most bottled dressing is garbage. It is made with very cheap (often rancid) oils and corn syrup.

I always make my own because it is so easy.

My favorite for summer is so simple:

1 pressed garlic clove 1 T fresh lemon juice 3 T of California EV olive oil salt/pepper

Over baby arugula and parmesan shavings, it is perfect.

by Anonymousreply 29January 6, 2022 1:21 AM

Blue Cheese is my favorite, but I need variety. I like vinaigrettes, Country French, and others. I'm thinking I'll buy Russian next time, which I haven't had in years.

by Anonymousreply 30January 6, 2022 1:21 AM

[quote]Creamy Ranch! Lots of it!

Thank you, Chrissy Metz!

by Anonymousreply 31January 6, 2022 1:23 AM

OP, when you say "French" dressing, are you talking about the sweet, orange-colored dressing in the bottle?

Thousand Island has its time and place, i.e., with very cold iceberg lettuce maybe once per year or less often.

Anyway, OP, learn to make your own oil & vinegar dressing. Just save an old jar (salsa, mayonnaise). Dump in some oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, etc., and shake. *Toss* your salad (in a large bowl) in this dressing and get all of the leaves coated. Then put the salad(s) on your plate(s).

by Anonymousreply 32January 6, 2022 1:24 AM

R22 stick a bottle of Dorothy Lynch up ur shit box!

by Anonymousreply 33January 6, 2022 1:24 AM

Not horrible for bottled dressing

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by Anonymousreply 35January 6, 2022 1:26 AM

I piss on my lettuce then eat it

by Anonymousreply 36January 6, 2022 1:32 AM

Still love Paul Newman’s original dressing and I love Dijon vinaigrette too.

by Anonymousreply 38January 6, 2022 1:43 AM

My sister said Vidalia Onion Vinaigrette is the best

by Anonymousreply 39January 6, 2022 1:52 AM

R35 Raspberry vinaigrette is so '80s.

by Anonymousreply 40January 6, 2022 2:02 AM

Brianna’s Honey Ginger is decent for bottled

Why is Thousand Island called that?

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by Anonymousreply 42January 6, 2022 2:05 AM

I love that Japanese carrot ginger salad dressing they serve at sushi places, I just don’t want to make it.

by Anonymousreply 43January 6, 2022 2:08 AM

Olive oil and lemon. (Stomach can't tolerate citrus or acidy dressings.) Add a little anchovies, and yum.

by Anonymousreply 44January 6, 2022 2:12 AM

Isn't lemon a citrus fruit, R44?

by Anonymousreply 45January 6, 2022 2:21 AM

I'm also a garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar/lemon, salt, pepper, honey fan.

by Anonymousreply 46January 6, 2022 2:29 AM

Marzetti's Sweet Italian -- yum.

by Anonymousreply 47January 6, 2022 2:30 AM

lemon is citrus, dumbass r44.

by Anonymousreply 49January 6, 2022 2:31 AM

[quote] 1/2 cup mustard 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup honey

1/2 CUP of honey?? This sounds absolutely disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 50January 6, 2022 2:33 AM

True, R45, apologies I didn't describe in more detail. I really meant anything like I see whipped up all fancily by chefs on TV with juice from oranges, limes, and so on. For some reason, lemon is one of the members of that family that is mild and kind of easy/soothing on my gut, go figure. So I sort of never categorize it with the rest, either in salad dressing or other food recipe types. :)

by Anonymousreply 52January 6, 2022 2:37 AM

Kraft cucumber. It sounds so poverty but it's the best dressing I've ever had. Works on wings as a dipping sauce too.

by Anonymousreply 53January 6, 2022 2:40 AM

I use the Hidden Valley Ranch packets that don't require buttermilk, but make it with buttermilk anyway for the extra tang. I also use Kewpie Japanese Mayo - extra delicious.

by Anonymousreply 55January 6, 2022 2:46 AM

they say suicide is painless, so blue cheese is the dressing for taking yourself out.

by Anonymousreply 56January 6, 2022 2:49 AM

If I'm feeling healthy, I'll use some type of vinaigrette. If not, ya just can't beat classic ranch.

I've posted this recipe before, it's a really good ACV salad dressing.

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by Anonymousreply 57January 6, 2022 2:49 AM

Love them all, can't think of any salad dressing I don't like?

by Anonymousreply 58January 6, 2022 2:52 AM

Roquefort is my favorite, but I always keep a bottle of Spicy Italian in the fridge because it’s so versatile. It’s good on salads or green vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

by Anonymousreply 59January 6, 2022 2:55 AM

R60 I love all Italian dressings. When I was younger I hated them but now I think they’re great.

by Anonymousreply 61January 6, 2022 2:57 AM

Thai salad dressing mix, but it's not suitable for people with diabetes and kidney failure.

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by Anonymousreply 62January 6, 2022 3:02 AM

Chipotle ranch or peppercorn ranch

by Anonymousreply 63January 6, 2022 3:04 AM

In the olden days, every bottled-dressing brand had a French, but Ken’s is the only one I can find now.

by Anonymousreply 64January 6, 2022 3:07 AM

R64 yup. Kraft doesn’t make it anymore! Idk why!

The only time I see it is Target, which sells their own brand. Market Pantry French. I’ve never tried theirs.

by Anonymousreply 65January 6, 2022 3:09 AM

Thanks, R20. For once I can get a Giada recipe without having to look at her bodacious tatties.

by Anonymousreply 66January 6, 2022 3:24 AM

The very best vinaigrette I've ever tasted is Girard’s Original French Vinaigrette Dressing. It is mind blowingly great. It must be the original French though, and not the white vinaigrette.

by Anonymousreply 68January 6, 2022 3:34 AM

Italian if I'm feeling zesty. Blue cheese if I'm feeling creamy.

by Anonymousreply 69January 6, 2022 3:38 AM

I'm here to ask whatever happened to the MANY low fat and/or low calorie bottled dressings of years past. I tried Dorothy Lynch and it was nasty. I'm a large bearish man and refuse to be seen checking out Skinny Girl!

by Anonymousreply 70January 6, 2022 3:57 AM

Greek vinaigrette with or without feta.

I'm also a fan of Green Goddess.

French, Catalina and Thousand Island can take a flying leap off a bridge. Really just not into sweet dressings for the most part. Honey mustard is reserved for dipping or on sandwiches.

by Anonymousreply 71January 6, 2022 4:03 AM

I mix my salad with whipped cream (homemade) and sometimes stir in chocolate chips for texture. It really jizzs up my baby arugula or wood sorrel salads.

by Anonymousreply 72January 6, 2022 4:06 AM

So interesting to hear what is popular in all of these various trailer parks.

by Anonymousreply 75January 6, 2022 4:50 AM

One time I ordered a Chinese chicken salad to go from Chin-Chin and they forgot the dressing. I found a recipe for dressing online and I had all the ingredients so I gave it a go. It was so easy and delicious!

by Anonymousreply 76January 6, 2022 5:08 AM

I rotate through many, as they all have their unique good points: Poppy Seed Dressing, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Russian, Champagne, Milani 1890 French, CATALINA, Ranch with Bacon, Italian, there are some nice ones with Pears in them, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Really, you can hardly go wrong.

by Anonymousreply 77January 6, 2022 5:25 AM

r77 obviously likes all the sweet dressings.

by Anonymousreply 78January 6, 2022 5:27 AM

I love all the fatties who drown a couple of pieces of iceberg lettuce in a quart of buttermilk ranch and then proudly proclaim, “I had a salad for lunch!”

by Anonymousreply 79January 6, 2022 1:12 PM

Extra virgin olive oil

Condimento Bianco con Aceto Balsamico di Modena

Salt, pepper (optional)

Sprinkle both (and optional seasoning) over salad according to taste. Magnifico!

by Anonymousreply 80January 6, 2022 1:24 PM

I love Franch which is Ranch and French used together

by Anonymousreply 81January 6, 2022 1:36 PM

[quote] 1000 Island dressing was invented by white trash who live in trailers.

Well this inventive white trash were very resourceful in coming up with what is a simple rémoulade.

by Anonymousreply 82January 6, 2022 2:01 PM

Extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, with fresh cracked pepper and Celtic sea salt.

by Anonymousreply 83January 6, 2022 2:07 PM

R40: So? It contains reasonably healthy ingredients and tastes better than most.

R70: You seem insecure.

by Anonymousreply 84January 6, 2022 2:18 PM

Store bought: Marzetti Simply Dressed Balsamic Vinaigrette in the produce section.

Otherwise I make my own balsamic vinaigrette which always includes a bit of dijon or even mayo to help emulsify.

by Anonymousreply 85January 6, 2022 2:23 PM

I have a ginger-infused balsamic that works great in a homemade vinaigrette

by Anonymousreply 86January 6, 2022 3:04 PM

[quote]Thousand Island or French

People sure are different. Those are my least favorites. They remind me of childhood when my grandma only had "Catalina" dressing, which was sickly sweet and very much like "French" (which I doubt you'd find in France).

by Anonymousreply 87January 6, 2022 3:10 PM

Hamburger Hamlet in Westwood used to serve the best Avocado dressing. Always wished I could find a recipe.

by Anonymousreply 89January 6, 2022 4:04 PM

R43, try Kyoto Ginger Dressing. It's sold in the Produce section. It's exactly like the dressing you find at a Hibachi Steak House.

Catalina is quite good on a Chef Salad but who eats those anymore?

I do love a lot of Ken's dressings. I like their Italian, Creamy Italian, Tableside Caesar, and Greek Dressing with Feta. I love Dijon mustard vinaigrette but haven't made it. I think I have a recipe from Martha Stewart.

by Anonymousreply 90January 6, 2022 4:31 PM

OP, I love Thousand and creamy French. Bob's Thousand (in the refrigerated case) is very good for store-bought. and so is Ken's. You may like a spicy Ranch; I also like Trader Joe's Goddess dressing (which is a Tahini based one) or a Mexican Caesar.

by Anonymousreply 91January 6, 2022 4:36 PM

If you douse your salad with tons of olive oil, say 3 Tbsp., that's 360 calories, just the oil (not counting the salad). So, don't be fooled about olive oil. Very calorie dense.

I do make my own dressings, but my proportions are more vinegar than oil.

by Anonymousreply 92January 6, 2022 6:46 PM

I keep several bottles of Ranch handy in my fridge to swig down with dinner.

by Anonymousreply 93January 6, 2022 6:49 PM

I tried Kewpie mayo based on a DL recommendation - first and last time.

Ranch is just gross. Anyone else dislike blue cheese? Otherwise most other salad dressings are okay; honey mustard can be a bit heavy. Given a choice, I usually order the balsamic.

by Anonymousreply 94January 6, 2022 7:11 PM

I just can't stomach bottled salad dressings anymore. Homemade is simple and fast, and tastes SO much better. A basic, old-fashioned vinaigrette takes about one minute and people rave about it. If you have leftover fresh pesto, put a dollop into your vinaigrette -it's heaven.

One restaurant makes their own dressings, and their specialty (not original -just a favorite of their customers) is to do a half-and-half with their blue-cheese and Italian dressings. Very tangy!

I have to be in the mood for creamy dressings -and maybe once every five years I'll do a homemade thousand island when I'm feeling nostalgic.

French and Catalina are disgustingly sweet and have no place on a nice salad. Save the sugar for dessert.

by Anonymousreply 95January 6, 2022 7:52 PM

Catalina was the only salad dressing my mother served. We ate it on iceberg lettuce. For some reason, she would wait until dinner was on the table, then ask me, "You want lettuce?" I would invariably answer "yeah," or "sure," to which she would respond "well, go get it."

At some later point in life, my grandmother introduced us to Good Seasons, a seasoning powder you mixed with oil and vinegar in a dedicated Good Seasons cruet.

When I was grown up and made my own salads, I never bought dressing. I dressed whatever greens I was going to eat by tossing them in olive oil and salt, and then vinegar. Marcella Hazan included this idea in her first cookbook, and it's what I do most of the time at home.

I do shake oil, vinegar, minced garlic, fresh herbs, and dijon mustard in an old jam jar to make a vinaigrette.

I sometimes make homemade thousand island or green goddess.

by Anonymousreply 96January 6, 2022 8:05 PM

Did you all see where Betty White said the key to her longevity was never eating anything green? I'm with her on that - if someone forces a salad on me, I want to drown it in French dressing.

by Anonymousreply 97January 6, 2022 8:13 PM

i take back what I said upthread about Thousand Island...it has its place on a Reuben or patty melt, but not on a salad.

And bleu cheese is far too heavy and overpowering of a flavor for my salads. I haven't had Roquefort in years, but do recall liking it.

by Anonymousreply 98January 6, 2022 8:14 PM

As a kid it was ranch or honey mustard.

As an adult it’s homemade Italian or at least Modena balsamic vinegar mixed with olive oil and spices.

by Anonymousreply 100January 6, 2022 8:18 PM

[quote] At some later point in life, my grandmother introduced us to Good Seasons, a seasoning powder you mixed with oil and vinegar in a dedicated Good Seasons cruet.

That salad dressing was so good, like a revelation for me as a little kid!

by Anonymousreply 101January 6, 2022 8:43 PM

I still use Good Seasonings Italian dressing. I vary it by using different vinegars. Balsamic vinegar in it is delicious. You can also use prepared GS for marinades.

by Anonymousreply 102January 6, 2022 8:51 PM

There was a restaurant in Los Angeles for many years called Edwards Steak House. They had a popular sweet-spicy orange french as their house dressing. Too many people were addicted to the stuff. It was awful. I was dragged there a lot by friends. They finally got blue cheese dressing after many years as a second choice, thank God. Until then it was the orange stuff or dry salad.

by Anonymousreply 103January 6, 2022 8:52 PM

When I worked at TGI Friday's back in the 90's, their house dressing was a balsamic vinaigrette with crumbled Gorgonzola. It was pretty good from what I recall, but I can't recall the exact recipe for it off the top of my head now.

by Anonymousreply 104January 6, 2022 9:12 PM

r26 all of them look good. I'm sure you'll find it.

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by Anonymousreply 105January 6, 2022 9:19 PM

r26 sorry that didn't work. try this one.

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by Anonymousreply 106January 6, 2022 9:20 PM

I made a turmeric dressing recently and it was very nice!!

Turmeric, yoghurt, garlic, fresh ginger, Tabasco, salt, sugar, almond butter.

by Anonymousreply 107January 6, 2022 9:27 PM

The salads at the Spaghetti Factory were actually very good. The key was how cold everything was.

by Anonymousreply 108January 6, 2022 9:28 PM

I also like Greek cucumber-feta yogurt dressing.

by Anonymousreply 109January 6, 2022 9:46 PM

[quote]Condimento Bianco

Mmmmm. "White condiment".

by Anonymousreply 110January 6, 2022 10:24 PM

I like Catalina, and Wishbone brand Russian Dressing.

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by Anonymousreply 111January 6, 2022 10:42 PM

The amount of Catalina and Russian dressing lovers on this thread astounds me. You might as well take maple syrup or make simple syrup of white sugar/water and pour it over your salad.

by Anonymousreply 112January 6, 2022 10:47 PM

Well, it's in keeping with the baby-taster posts that inevitably populate any thread about food. 90% of food is "nasty" to the baby-tasters.

by Anonymousreply 113January 6, 2022 10:50 PM

One can like both, di-I-smell-a-low-class-fart-asses!

by Anonymousreply 114January 6, 2022 11:12 PM

For most salads, I mix olive oil, lemon juice and a little whole grain mustard for emulsification. I have a Caesar or chicken Caesar a couple of times a week and use Marie's Caesar dressing. It's very rich and thick so I don't use a ton but it's the best jarred dressing that I've tasted.

by Anonymousreply 115January 6, 2022 11:21 PM

Newman, own Sesame Ginger - It’s low-calorie and delicious.

by Anonymousreply 116January 6, 2022 11:25 PM

I've never come across a great bottled bleu cheese or Roquefort dressing so I make my own. Choose your cheese, crumble it, add 50/50 each of sour cream & mayo, a pinch of sugar, salt, white pepper, Worcestershire, and lemon juice. Add milk to the thickness you like best. It keeps for a while. So easy and so good.

by Anonymousreply 117January 7, 2022 3:18 AM

I'm going to trying making my own. You girls convinced me!

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by Anonymousreply 118January 7, 2022 6:00 AM

Russian or Wishbone brand western dressing.

by Anonymousreply 120January 7, 2022 7:09 AM

r70 can i rub you down with Dorothy Lynch?

by Anonymousreply 121January 7, 2022 11:04 AM

blue cheese only for dipping

honey mustard when it's more honey than mustard

ranch in small portions once in awhile

thousand island is good for dipping as well, but not for a entire salad

everything else i love

by Anonymousreply 122January 7, 2022 2:48 PM

Commercial dressings: Marie's Chunky Blue Cheese, Kraft Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette, Wishbone Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette.

But nothing matches my own home made blue cheese and Russian (Thousand Island to the unwashed) dressings. I've never been able to make a vinaigrette I like better than the two I listed above.

by Anonymousreply 123January 7, 2022 2:56 PM

R4, I'll be by for dinner this evening, along with a bottle of Sensation Salad Dressing for the gracious host.😘

by Anonymousreply 124January 7, 2022 3:00 PM

I've made my own blue cheese dressing before, for a family holiday dinner. My family can be really stuck in their ways about what they want to eat (not many tried it). Anyway, the blue cheese dressing was delicious, but it is fattening. There's nothing in that dressing to cut through the fat. I started like BC dressing from Old Spaghetti Factory and Sizzler's salad bar.

by Anonymousreply 126January 7, 2022 7:39 PM

The key to good home made Blue Cheese dressing is the melt some of the blue cheese in a pot with some whipping cream.

by Anonymousreply 127January 7, 2022 7:48 PM

Yes, R127, there was some heavy cream (whipping) involved in my blue cheese dressing.

by Anonymousreply 128January 7, 2022 7:49 PM

You were obviously raised right.

by Anonymousreply 129January 7, 2022 7:52 PM

I like vinegar and water, but people say I'm a douche...

by Anonymousreply 130January 7, 2022 9:15 PM



by Anonymousreply 131January 8, 2022 4:23 AM

Catalina is very similar to French dressing, but has more ketchup than French. So if you like French dressing, you'll probably like Catalina.

by Anonymousreply 132January 8, 2022 4:25 AM

If you didn't grow up eating stuff like Catalina, "French" or Thousand Island dressing, no sense to start now. Those are the things you eat only because you grew up eating it and it's a taste memory.

by Anonymousreply 133January 8, 2022 4:25 AM

Switching of major brands from sugar to HFC made ketchup, Catalina, French, Russian, etc way too sickeningly sweet. Original versions of pickle relish, thousand island, and others didn't taste the same way as today.

by Anonymousreply 135January 8, 2022 4:33 AM

[quote]Why is Thousand Island called that?

There's a chain of 1,864 islands in the St. Lawrence River, between the U.S. and Canada, commonly called the "Thousand Islands" region. This was or still is a popular vacation destination for wealthy New Yorkers. An actress from New York was on a fishing vacation and loved the dressing she was served, brought the recipe back and gave it to the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. They started serving it on salads and dubbed it "Thousand Island Dressing," and the rest is culinary history/tragedy. This is the traditional explanation for how it got its name anyway.

by Anonymousreply 136January 8, 2022 4:37 AM

I love Olive Garden dressing and Newman's Caesar

by Anonymousreply 137January 8, 2022 4:41 AM

R136 really? I lived in Western NY for almost 10 years, visited the 1000 Islands (beautiful!) and my daughter used to live there and boat there with her husband. I never knew that! I should have connected that.

by Anonymousreply 139January 8, 2022 5:01 AM

I like Bragg’s Vinegarette(sp). They use extra virgin olive oil as opposed to canola.

by Anonymousreply 140January 8, 2022 5:07 AM



by Anonymousreply 141January 8, 2022 4:41 PM

Go into most any decent restaurant in NYC and ask for Thousand Island and you'll be admonished by the waiter, RUSSIAN!

That red sweet concoction the sell in the bottles they call Russian is not Russian dressing.

This is the classic Russian dressing recipe.

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by Anonymousreply 142January 8, 2022 4:45 PM

If any of you want to make an easy, homemade salad dressing (to satisfy your curiosity about Thousand Island), here's how:



Sweet pickle relish with some of the juice.

Hard boiled egg, chopped up.

Black pepper.

by Anonymousreply 143January 8, 2022 7:49 PM

R98 It's what is used on the Big Mac as well, isn't it? Maybe there is a slight difference, but always seems the same to me. I don't have them very often, but I love how the burger sort of incorporates a mini salad.

My partner's family served an artichoke hors d'oeuvres recently that used Thousand Islands dressing, and it was quite nice. One heart, on a slice of mini rye bread with a schmear of the dressing, and Romano cheese on the top. They were grilled or broiled. Sometimes they top them with Kefalotyri as well.

by Anonymousreply 146January 8, 2022 10:25 PM

Yes, R146, the Big Mac special sauce is basically Thousand Island dressing.

by Anonymousreply 147January 8, 2022 10:32 PM

Oh no! I'd hate to be admonished by a NYC waiter!

by Anonymousreply 148January 8, 2022 10:49 PM

R142, Thanks. Will try your authentic Russian dressing recipe.

by Anonymousreply 149January 8, 2022 10:53 PM

I've only ever seen a recipe for green goddess dressing in my old Betty Crocker cookbook from the 70s. Was it a 60s / 70s thing?

by Anonymousreply 150January 9, 2022 2:37 AM

R150, yes, Green Goddess dressing is '60s / '70s thing.

by Anonymousreply 151January 9, 2022 4:49 AM

"Is this French or Thousand Island?"

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by Anonymousreply 152January 9, 2022 4:57 AM

[quote]That red sweet concoction the sell in the bottles they call Russian is not Russian dressing.

I've always suspected as much, R142, but I like it anyway.

It's the celery seed.

by Anonymousreply 153January 9, 2022 6:28 AM

Why do salads always taste better in a restaurant?

by Anonymousreply 154January 9, 2022 9:20 AM

I like thousand islands dressing, but I usually make dressings, always with olive oil.

by Anonymousreply 155January 9, 2022 9:25 AM

Briana’s Poppy Seed dressing is the best.

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by Anonymousreply 156January 9, 2022 10:59 AM

Balsamic Vinaigrette, & Bleu Cheese. The only commercially produced bleu cheese dressing I use is Marzetti's "Ultimate Bleu Cheese". It's odd, because so much of their stuff has an odd aftertaste, but that doesn't.

by Anonymousreply 157January 9, 2022 11:16 AM

Aunt Martha's Old-Fashioned Salad Dressing

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by Anonymousreply 158January 10, 2022 1:49 AM

French dressing has rules

[quote] Now that the standard of identity is revoked, French dressing products will no longer be required to include certain oils and ingredients to be characterized as "French dressing." This opens the door for new flavors and ingredients to be included in French dressing, adding "innovation" to the product.

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by Anonymousreply 159January 14, 2022 1:47 PM

Rule # 1: must be orange in color.

Rule # 2: most be sweet.

by Anonymousreply 160January 14, 2022 5:32 PM

In regards to r158

Aunt Vagina’s Old-Fashioned Anal Salad Dressing

by Anonymousreply 161January 14, 2022 8:28 PM
