Tears of the Kingdom - All Forge Construct Locations in TotK

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When we started The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Zonai Constructs that we first met on the Great Sky Island were an interesting bunch to encounter during our travels. They were extremely helpful in reteaching us how to play the game, and we discovered that it would also be beneficial to use when we found their ForgesConstructs.

We see the first of these Forge Constructs on the Great Sky Island, but they also appear in other locations through Hyrule, namely in the Depths. Tracking these locations down can be tricky in TotK, and it took us a lot of time to find them all. There are only a handful, but if you want to upgrade your Zonai Battery, they’re a must-have find to a checkmark on your Purah Map in Tears of the Kingdom.

Where to Find All Forge Constructs in Tears of the Kingdom

There are six Forge locations for you to find in Tears of the Kingdom. The first one on the Great Sky Island is the one we found early in the game, but we discovered more as we delved deep into the Depths and saw them hard at work down there. When we wanted to upgrade our Zonai Battery, we made regular trips to these Forges. We exchanged everything we had for their Crystallized Charges, the primary reason we wanted to visit them.

Thankfully, these resources resupply every so often, so we made regular trips back to each of these Forges to exchange our hefty amount of Zonaite, especially after spending hours underground.

Here’s where you can find all six Construct Forges in Tears of the Kingdom. Only one of them is on a Sky Island, and the rest are in the Depths.

And that’s it! Check out our other The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guides below to help with crafting, exploring, and tackling challenges across Hyrule.

Tears of the Kingdom Complete Guide | Every Ability & How To Unlock Them | How to Get The Paraglider | How to Get & Use The Travel Medallion | All Armor Locations & Where to Find Them | All Construct Materials & Where to Find Them | All Shrine Locations & Strategies | How to Get More Heart Containers

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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