Understanding ACE-R Score | Dementia Support Forum

Hello, new to this site, my mother has just been given the ACE-R test and scored 52/100 i understand from varying google searches that <80 is dementia, but what i cannot find is are there varying scales and symptoms, i.e

01-10 = xxxx
11-20 = xxxx
21-30 = xxxx

is this severe ? or start of a slippery slope?

other sites where saying :

stage 1 - has XYZ symptoms and average expectance in this stage is 15-24months
stage 2 - has XYZ symptoms and average expectance in this stage is 10-15months

etc. all down to 5 where is end of life care,

I'm just looking for anything to help me understand where/what stage my mums at? I've been trying to get my dad to do this for a few years now I'm glad he finally did,
